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Elliot felt he could do with some better company, especially once he saw the big lug that was James join the right path crew. No point in making a big deal about it, at least for now. He was finding this whole experience to be an illuminating one. Who knew a complete world could exist in such a space, independent from the world outside of it. There could be chaos out there and peace in here, all at once.

"This forest seems thick with wonders," Elliot said, finding his eyes drawn to the trees. The further the progressed down their path, the further alien everything became. Trees were growing taller, with wide branches and leaves in all kinds of colors.

"I guess if you're making a world, might as well put some cool stuff in it," James said. "Man..."

The trees with the fancy leaves began to carry fruit that looked like big blue pears. "We should examine those," Elliot said, pointing to them. "Or at least, I will." The boy's hands glowed as he prepared to shoot the fruit down. There weren't that many options due to the group not having their equipment on them in this world.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest
Grif didn’t seem to even notice that his equipment was gone, as before anyone could stop him he had already begun eating the fruit.

@Atomic Knight @Jeremi @Donder172 @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy
"I am unsure what kind of technology you would want," Burnham said to Vert before Saru could respond. "You may want to ask Engineering about it."

@Raynar Saassin @Ver

"I think you will find that I never put my life in the hands of others," Elliot said in response to Vader. Whether that was debatable didn't matter to Elliot, for he didn't think Vader cared to discuss it anyway.

"We'll beam over who wishes to go to the Enterprise," Burnham said. Liara nodded and her communication ended. Burnham nodded to the others and said, "sit tight."

Soon, those on the bridge who had not specifically asked to be exempt from the investigation were transported to the lounge of the Enterprise, where Liara, Spock, and James Vega waited with the device. Liara greeted the group warmly before introducing everyone to the technology.

"I've connected a helmet accessory to the device, where placing it on your head will put you into a deep sleep. As far as I can gather, the device originally copied minds into it, though I am unsure if this was meant to be permanent or just a temporary function. In any case, I have made adjustments to allow your consciousness inside the device without copying it, though it can only be done for an hour or so before the strain becomes too much on your mind."

James looked a bit sick. "So you're saying... our minds will be in there, but then when it's over, they come back to our bodies?"

"... Essentially," Liara said, giving a look that indicated she didn't really have time to help James understand it better. "Is everyone ready?"

Soon, one by one, Liara transferred the consciousness of everyone in the room into the virtual world contained inside the device. Though no one knew what to expect, the experience ended up feeling not entirely unpleasant. At first, it felt like flying, with feelings of euphoria over a blank landscape of nothing. Soon, it turned into something more, like a kaleidoscope of color being directly broadcasted into one's brain. These visions were rapid and mystifying, overlapping over each other to strike at one's every sense.

Then it all just stopped. Everyone's bodies hit softly against a surface and a landscape of light came into view. When they stood, they found themselves in a clearing in the middle of an idyllic landscape. The path behind everyone seemed to be nothing but a dense, uninviting forest, while two dirt paths led ahead. Both went through the trees ahead, but one clearly went left toward a futuristic looking city one could see just beyond the forest. The other path, the one on the right, seemed to go deeper into the forest to parts unknown.


"It would seem we will have to split up," Liara said.

Elliot was in awe, staring at his hands. "Hold on, you are saying this is inside that device? That we are... inside a computer essentially?"

"That's how I understand it," James muttered.

"That... is incredible, admittedly. I did not think this was possible. I truly feel as if I am here. Not only that, but any discomfort I had been feeling is completely gone."

"It really is quite ingenious," Liara said with a smile.

"Well then..." Elliot pointed to the right path. "That seems the more interesting way to go. That is where I will be."

"Keep in mind that we do not know what we will find. There is evidence the data in here is corrupted, so you must watch your surroundings."
Elliot felt he could do with some better company, especially once he saw the big lug that was James join the right path crew. No point in making a big deal about it, at least for now. He was finding this whole experience to be an illuminating one. Who knew a complete world could exist in such a space, independent from the world outside of it. There could be chaos out there and peace in here, all at once.

"This forest seems thick with wonders," Elliot said, finding his eyes drawn to the trees. The further the progressed down their path, the further alien everything became. Trees were growing taller, with wide branches and leaves in all kinds of colors.

"I guess if you're making a world, might as well put some cool stuff in it," James said. "Man..."

The trees with the fancy leaves began to carry fruit that looked like big blue pears. "We should examine those," Elliot said, pointing to them. "Or at least, I will." The boy's hands glowed as he prepared to shoot the fruit down. There weren't that many options due to the group not having their equipment on them in this world.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest

The cyborg and robot decided to go to the forest with the reasoning that the numbers of people going to each place should be somewhat evenly distributed. Also, Blitzcrank disregarded his persistent following of Sarge temporarily, as he quickly learned that they were in a fictional environment.

Viktor was completely silent; he was immersed in this virtual world, absolutely astonished by the technology. Such a possibility did not occur to him. Now he really wanted to get back to his homeworld, not because he was particularly homesick, but because he wanted to continue his research so that one day the technology in his world could reach this point. Humanity had a lot of work to do.



When Elliot made his suggestion, Blitzcrank immediately acted, launching one of his detachable hands and grabbing one of the tree branches. He would shake it in hopes of having loose fruits fall down.
Elliot felt he could do with some better company, especially once he saw the big lug that was James join the right path crew. No point in making a big deal about it, at least for now. He was finding this whole experience to be an illuminating one. Who knew a complete world could exist in such a space, independent from the world outside of it. There could be chaos out there and peace in here, all at once.

"This forest seems thick with wonders," Elliot said, finding his eyes drawn to the trees. The further the progressed down their path, the further alien everything became. Trees were growing taller, with wide branches and leaves in all kinds of colors.

"I guess if you're making a world, might as well put some cool stuff in it," James said. "Man..."

The trees with the fancy leaves began to carry fruit that looked like big blue pears. "We should examine those," Elliot said, pointing to them. "Or at least, I will." The boy's hands glowed as he prepared to shoot the fruit down. There weren't that many options due to the group not having their equipment on them in this world.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest
Grif didn’t seem to even notice that his equipment was gone, as before anyone could stop him he had already begun eating the fruit.

@Atomic Knight @Jeremi @Donder172 @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy

The cyborg and robot decided to go to the forest with the reasoning that the numbers of people going to each place should be somewhat evenly distributed. Also, Blitzcrank disregarded his persistent following of Sarge temporarily, as he quickly learned that they were in a fictional environment.

Viktor was completely silent; he was immersed in this virtual world, absolutely astonished by the technology. Such a possibility did not occur to him. Now he really wanted to get back to his homeworld, not because he was particularly homesick, but because he wanted to continue his research so that one day the technology in his world could reach this point...



When Elliot made his suggestion, Blitzcrank immediately acted, launching one of his detachable hands and grabbing one of the tree branches. He would shake it in hopes of having loose fruits fall down.
Emily Hayes
@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @Atomic Knight @Space_Candy @Forest

Emily frowned, eyeing the tree with caution, and then the fruit that Elliot managed to knock down. She realized she no longer had her amulet on her, but... Even without stone magic, she just had a feeling it wasn't a great idea to eat these. Unfortunately, before she could even stop him, Grif had already started eating the fruit.


"This fruit... I don't know if it's safe to eat. You think it could be poisonous?" She asked.

If she had her amulet with her, she might have been able to check to see, but now... All she had left to rely on was her wits and past experience... Which wasn't too bad, as long as they didn't have to deal with any crazy threats in here.​
Before Nathan could answer Quill, Nathan was transported to the virtual world.

As he arrived he was still a bit shook up by everything, he was slightly unresponsive. He looked over at Elliot heading right and blindly followed.

He looked around at the forest in awe, this place seemed so real. He looked at the fruit, it was beautiful but highly un edible looking.

Nathan stared at Elliot's hands, entranced by the glow.

@Lucky @Atomic Knight @Forest
As Titus predicted, Starscream was met with a rather limited, even unnatural response. The entity, facing Starscream with an unsettlingly nondescript blank face, looked to the Decepticon nonchalantly and stopped briefly. "Hello. Lovely day, isn't it?" He simply asked, before looking away and walking off just as quickly as he had stopped, saying nothing more than that.


"It appears that you were correct in that the programming is not so... interactive, but I am not so eager as to label it all as "abominable" or "heresy," Mister Titus," Spock said, placing a hand on the shoulder of a passerby to test out further reactions, only for the passerby in question to brush the First Officer off and keep on his way, "It may be easy to hold disdain for something that one does not fully understand, as history has shown in my world, but I do not believe this technology is without merit; it is illogical, even if simple, to hate what you do not understand. It is a marvel, and surely, it must have been created for a reason, but I cannot fathom why," he continued.

Folding his arms behind his back, Spock continued observing the city and its denizens curiously. "There is much intrigue to be found in this realm, I believe. Unknown frontiers may be loft with peril, but the rewards are rich when one takes the time to understand such unknown places, or at least attempt to. Would you all not say so?"

@Yun Lee @Donder172 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raptor Jesus @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath
As Titus predicted, Starscream was met with a rather limited, even unnatural response. The entity, facing Starscream with an unsettlingly nondescript blank face, looked to the Decepticon nonchalantly and stopped briefly. "Hello. Lovely day, isn't it?" He simply asked, before looking away and walking off just as quickly as he had stopped, saying nothing more than that.


"It appears that you were correct in that the programming is not so... interactive, but I am not so eager as to label it all as "abominable" or "heresy," Mister Titus," Spock said, placing a hand on the shoulder of a passerby to test out further reactions, only for the passerby in question to brush the First Officer off and keep on his way, "It may be easy to hold disdain for something that one does not fully understand, as history has shown in my world, but I do not believe this technology is without merit; it is illogical, even if simple, to hate what you do not understand. It is a marvel, and surely, it must have been created for a reason, but I cannot fathom why," he continued.

Folding his arms behind his back, Spock continued observing the city and its denizens curiously. "There is much intrigue to be found in this realm, I believe. Unknown frontiers may be loft with peril, but the rewards are rich when one takes the time to understand such unknown places, or at least attempt to. Would you all not say so?"

@Yun Lee @Donder172 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raptor Jesus @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath
“Well, I dunno about you, but I smell a trap!” Sarge exclaimed as he continued to walk through the fictional city alongside everyone else in their little group.

@Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Donder172 @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftGroup​

"I would not anticipate any deliberately hostile entities within this space -- certainly not the re-animated dead -- but considering the unknown origins of this box, as well as the data it might hold, it would be logical to be wary admittedly," Spock said in response to Gumi's remark, "If we are to believe that every object in here is mere data, by extension, I doubt that any item in here would provide a source of sustenance," he continued, dry and blunt as usual.

As the group began making their way down the left road, the city coming into greater view, everyone would find that the futuristic city, filled to the brim with chrome-painted buildings and bright lights, was also crawling with a great amount of people, all uncomfortably uniform and almost blank, with no presence attached to them, as though they were ghosts despite how solid they looked. Aside from a few passing glances, the people within the city barely even acknowledged the group as they drew closer, despite how their varied appearances no doubt stuck out from everyone else within the futuristic area.

Taking note of their reactions, or lack thereof, Spock perked a brow curiously. "Fascinating... Whatever the origin of this technology is, it's certainly beyond the holographic and virtual capabilities of our world," he spoke. "It may be fortuitous to test the limits of this machine's programming, determine how adept it is at emulating social responses."

In other words, Spock suggested the prospect of interacting with the blank "citizens" to see what they could find out.

@Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Yun Lee @Crow @Raptor Jesus @Donder172 @Gummi Bunnies @Siege @CrunchyCHEEZIT @LeftPath
As Titus predicted, Starscream was met with a rather limited, even unnatural response. The entity, facing Starscream with an unsettlingly nondescript blank face, looked to the Decepticon nonchalantly and stopped briefly. "Hello. Lovely day, isn't it?" He simply asked, before looking away and walking off just as quickly as he had stopped, saying nothing more than that.


"It appears that you were correct in that the programming is not so... interactive, but I am not so eager as to label it all as "abominable" or "heresy," Mister Titus," Spock said, placing a hand on the shoulder of a passerby to test out further reactions, only for the passerby in question to brush the First Officer off and keep on his way, "It may be easy to hold disdain for something that one does not fully understand, as history has shown in my world, but I do not believe this technology is without merit; it is illogical, even if simple, to hate what you do not understand. It is a marvel, and surely, it must have been created for a reason, but I cannot fathom why," he continued.

Folding his arms behind his back, Spock continued observing the city and its denizens curiously. "There is much intrigue to be found in this realm, I believe. Unknown frontiers may be loft with peril, but the rewards are rich when one takes the time to understand such unknown places, or at least attempt to. Would you all not say so?"

@Yun Lee @Donder172 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raptor Jesus @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath
“Well, I dunno about you, but I smell a trap!” Sarge exclaimed as he continued to walk through the fictional city alongside everyone else in their little group.

@Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Donder172 @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftGroup​

Krystal also noted the civilians were not very solid, it was strange to her. "Maybe not a trap, Sarge, but keep your guard up anyways..." Then, she finally had an idea how she could get Sarge to trust her some... maybe... "Pesky Blue Team... first they experimented on me to try and make me their ally... and now they've made holograms to fool glorious Team Red... oh how I loathe them... As for Grif, I was tempted to shoot the bastard some time ago when I made the threat to him." Krystal said, hoping to maybe, finally get Sarge on her side.

@Raptor Jesus @Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Donder172 @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath
The fruit at first tasted amazing, equalling just about any of the greatest meals Grif had ever eaten. However, after a moment, the taste turned bitter and gruesome, enough to cause one to vomit. Some of the strange fruit in the trees suddenly rotted before everyone's eyes and some phased completely out of existence.

"Mierda!" James exclaimed. "Was it a trick?"

"I have a feeling it would have done that regardless if one of us tried eating the fruit," Elliot said, looking at Grif with an unimpressed look. "But some of us lack the mental capacity to not eat the first thing we see." Elliot looked at some of the fruit that had dropped to the ground, examining it closely. "We were told there was corrupted data in here. Feels like the sort of thing that would follow such a theory." He flashed the group a tired look, though it wasn't for reason of physical exhaustion. "Hmm..."

Continuing on the path, the group eventually came to a small bridge overtop a stream. Birds chirped in the distance, though no wildlife could be seen.


Elliot paused for a moment to observe the water but was quickly off to cross the bridge first. However, he was stopped short by an invisible wall in the middle of the bridge. He grunted and tapped at the wall, causing visual disturbances where he touched. He was about ready to try blasting at the wall when a small poodle jumped out of the forest and landed on the bridge. It barked at the group from the other side of the wall.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest
Grif didn’t seem to even notice that his equipment was gone, as before anyone could stop him he had already begun eating the fruit.

@Atomic Knight @Jeremi @Donder172 @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy

Emily Hayes
@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @Atomic Knight @Space_Candy @Forest

Emily frowned, eyeing the tree with caution, and then the fruit that Elliot managed to knock down. She realized she no longer had her amulet on her, but... Even without stone magic, she just had a feeling it wasn't a great idea to eat these. Unfortunately, before she could even stop him, Grif had already started eating the fruit.


"This fruit... I don't know if it's safe to eat. You think it could be poisonous?" She asked.

If she had her amulet with her, she might have been able to check to see, but now... All she had left to rely on was her wits and past experience... Which wasn't too bad, as long as they didn't have to deal with any crazy threats in here.​

"I'm with Emily, but if you want to possibly die then..." Meiji shrugged, having followed this group to the forest.

Moving on with the rest she openef her mouth to make a comment when Stardust suddenly appeared beside her and made her presence known.

"So cute!" Stardust said, having been following the group.

@Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Raptor Jesus @York @Donder172 @Alex Azure @Jeremi @Space_Candy
As Titus predicted, Starscream was met with a rather limited, even unnatural response. The entity, facing Starscream with an unsettlingly nondescript blank face, looked to the Decepticon nonchalantly and stopped briefly. "Hello. Lovely day, isn't it?" He simply asked, before looking away and walking off just as quickly as he had stopped, saying nothing more than that.


"It appears that you were correct in that the programming is not so... interactive, but I am not so eager as to label it all as "abominable" or "heresy," Mister Titus," Spock said, placing a hand on the shoulder of a passerby to test out further reactions, only for the passerby in question to brush the First Officer off and keep on his way, "It may be easy to hold disdain for something that one does not fully understand, as history has shown in my world, but I do not believe this technology is without merit; it is illogical, even if simple, to hate what you do not understand. It is a marvel, and surely, it must have been created for a reason, but I cannot fathom why," he continued.

Folding his arms behind his back, Spock continued observing the city and its denizens curiously. "There is much intrigue to be found in this realm, I believe. Unknown frontiers may be loft with peril, but the rewards are rich when one takes the time to understand such unknown places, or at least attempt to. Would you all not say so?"

@Yun Lee @Donder172 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raptor Jesus @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath

"Yes, lovely day, lovely day..."

Starscream sarcastically waves back at the blank slate as he returns to the group.

"I wonder if there are odds of an actual person hiding among these blank slates. We will need to keep a lookout for non-synchronised activity. If the odds of a trap are present, we should all stick together, or at least, be in sizeable groups."

Starscream proceeded with the others, deeper into the city.

"I propose a plan to hasten our discoveries - all who can fly including me will look from above, everyone else can browse the ground levels..."

The Decepticon prepares to transform into his jet mode once again...

@Yun Lee @Donder172 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raptor Jesus @Ver @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath
Peter Quill/ Star-Lord

" Even I got to admit that the poodle is kind of cute. If I'm going to take a wild guess, we are either going to find an alternate way around to the other side and we need to do something first. Kind of like how you can't get to level 2 in an old Space Defenders game before you beat level 1," he said, looking over at the water and seeing if he could jump on the rocks. He didn't do so until he was certain.

@Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest
Before Nathan could answer Quill, Nathan was transported to the virtual world.

As he arrived he was still a bit shook up by everything, he was slightly unresponsive. He looked over at Elliot heading right and blindly followed.

He looked around at the forest in awe, this place seemed so real. He looked at the fruit, it was beautiful but highly un edible looking.

Nathan stared at Elliot's hands, entranced by the glow.

@Lucky @Atomic Knight @Forest
The fruit at first tasted amazing, equalling just about any of the greatest meals Grif had ever eaten. However, after a moment, the taste turned bitter and gruesome, enough to cause one to vomit. Some of the strange fruit in the trees suddenly rotted before everyone's eyes and some phased completely out of existence.

"Mierda!" James exclaimed. "Was it a trick?"

"I have a feeling it would have done that regardless if one of us tried eating the fruit," Elliot said, looking at Grif with an unimpressed look. "But some of us lack the mental capacity to not eat the first thing we see." Elliot looked at some of the fruit that had dropped to the ground, examining it closely. "We were told there was corrupted data in here. Feels like the sort of thing that would follow such a theory." He flashed the group a tired look, though it wasn't for reason of physical exhaustion. "Hmm..."

Continuing on the path, the group eventually came to a small bridge overtop a stream. Birds chirped in the distance, though no wildlife could be seen.


Elliot paused for a moment to observe the water but was quickly off to cross the bridge first. However, he was stopped short by an invisible wall in the middle of the bridge. He grunted and tapped at the wall, causing visual disturbances where he touched. He was about ready to try blasting at the wall when a small poodle jumped out of the forest and landed on the bridge. It barked at the group from the other side of the wall.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest
"I'm with Emily, but if you want to possibly die then..." Meiji shrugged, having followed this group to the forest.

Moving on with the rest she openef her mouth to make a comment when Stardust suddenly appeared beside her and made her presence known.

"So cute!" Stardust said, having been following the group.

@Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Raptor Jesus @York @Donder172 @Alex Azure @Jeremi @Space_Candy
Peter Quill/ Star-Lord

" Even I got to admit that the poodle is kind of cute. If I'm going to take a wild guess, we are either going to find an alternate way around to the other side and we need to do something first. Kind of like how you can't get to level 2 in an old Space Defenders game before you beat level 1," he said, looking over at the water and seeing if he could jump on the rocks. He didn't do so until he was certain.

@Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest
Emily Hayes
@Atomic Knight @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @Space_Candy

While what Elliot was saying seemed logical enough, Emily couldn't help but be suspicious of her surroundings now. The next area they came to seemed even more suspicious from the deceptively tranquil surroundings, to the seemingly invisible barrier around the bridge. What was more was the poodle barking on the bridge from the other side of the barrier. Carefully, Emily caught Elliot's hand, holding up her index finger with her other hand.


"Wait. Remember those trees?" She said, eyeing the barrier closely.

Her mind went back to what had happened with those pears... Before she looked at the dog, cocking her head to the side. With a quiet motion, she knelt down and patted her knees, trying to beckon the dog to come closer. While the dog itself was cute, there was another motive to trying to get it to approach her; she wanted to see if this barrier prevented entry from both directions... Or if this was instead some sort of one way barrier.​

The cyborg and robot decided to go to the forest with the reasoning that the numbers of people going to each place should be somewhat evenly distributed. Also, Blitzcrank disregarded his persistent following of Sarge temporarily, as he quickly learned that they were in a fictional environment.

Viktor was completely silent; he was immersed in this virtual world, absolutely astonished by the technology. Such a possibility did not occur to him. Now he really wanted to get back to his homeworld, not because he was particularly homesick, but because he wanted to continue his research so that one day the technology in his world could reach this point. Humanity had a lot of work to do.



When Elliot made his suggestion, Blitzcrank immediately acted, launching one of his detachable hands and grabbing one of the tree branches. He would shake it in hopes of having loose fruits fall down.


Vader watched in silence as the group tried to get their hands on that mysterious fruit. He preferred that they had continued on but it was clear that they had become mystified with the fruit and the Dark Lord of the Sith was not going to have none of that. He could smell a trap when he saw one.​

The fruit at first tasted amazing, equalling just about any of the greatest meals Grif had ever eaten. However, after a moment, the taste turned bitter and gruesome, enough to cause one to vomit. Some of the strange fruit in the trees suddenly rotted before everyone's eyes and some phased completely out of existence.

"Mierda!" James exclaimed. "Was it a trick?"

"I have a feeling it would have done that regardless if one of us tried eating the fruit," Elliot said, looking at Grif with an unimpressed look. "But some of us lack the mental capacity to not eat the first thing we see." Elliot looked at some of the fruit that had dropped to the ground, examining it closely. "We were told there was corrupted data in here. Feels like the sort of thing that would follow such a theory." He flashed the group a tired look, though it wasn't for reason of physical exhaustion. "Hmm..."

Continuing on the path, the group eventually came to a small bridge overtop a stream. Birds chirped in the distance, though no wildlife could be seen.


Elliot paused for a moment to observe the water but was quickly off to cross the bridge first. However, he was stopped short by an invisible wall in the middle of the bridge. He grunted and tapped at the wall, causing visual disturbances where he touched. He was about ready to try blasting at the wall when a small poodle jumped out of the forest and landed on the bridge. It barked at the group from the other side of the wall.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest

Unsurprisingly it seemed that the fruit hid some bitter truth. Continuing along they'd find themselves at a river and then an animal of some sort came into view. "It appears we have found the guardian of this place."

@Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest

As Titus predicted, Starscream was met with a rather limited, even unnatural response. The entity, facing Starscream with an unsettlingly nondescript blank face, looked to the Decepticon nonchalantly and stopped briefly. "Hello. Lovely day, isn't it?" He simply asked, before looking away and walking off just as quickly as he had stopped, saying nothing more than that.

"It appears that you were correct in that the programming is not so... interactive, but I am not so eager as to label it all as "abominable" or "heresy," Mister Titus," Spock said, placing a hand on the shoulder of a passerby to test out further reactions, only for the passerby in question to brush the First Officer off and keep on his way, "It may be easy to hold disdain for something that one does not fully understand, as history has shown in my world, but I do not believe this technology is without merit; it is illogical, even if simple, to hate what you do not understand. It is a marvel, and surely, it must have been created for a reason, but I cannot fathom why," he continued.
Folding his arms behind his back, Spock continued observing the city and its denizens curiously. "There is much intrigue to be found in this realm, I believe. Unknown frontiers may be loft with peril, but the rewards are rich when one takes the time to understand such unknown places, or at least attempt to. Would you all not say so?"
@Yun Lee @Donder172 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raptor Jesus @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath

Liara nodded in agreement with Spock. "Perhaps if one looks at it from a military perspective there isn't much use for something like this...unless you have it as a prison of some sorts..."


"But even so...the possibilities of something like this is endless. You could create any kind of frame work and implement it. Imagine building a simulation of a thousand year old dead society and walk among them in here in real time..."

@Yun Lee @Donder172 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raptor Jesus @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath


Vader watched in silence as the group tried to get their hands on that mysterious fruit. He preferred that they had continued on but it was clear that they had become mystified with the fruit and the Dark Lord of the Sith was not going to have none of that. He could smell a trap when he saw one.​

Unsurprisingly it seemed that the fruit hid some bitter truth. Continuing along they'd find themselves at a river and then an animal of some sort came into view. "It appears we have found the guardian of this place."

@Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest

Liara nodded in agreement with Spock. "Perhaps if one looks at it from a military perspective there isn't much use for something like this...unless you have it as a prison of some sorts..."


"But even so...the possibilities of something like this is endless. You could create any kind of frame work and implement it. Imagine building a simulation of a thousand year old dead society and walk among them in here in real time..."

@Yun Lee @Donder172 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raptor Jesus @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath
As Titus predicted, Starscream was met with a rather limited, even unnatural response. The entity, facing Starscream with an unsettlingly nondescript blank face, looked to the Decepticon nonchalantly and stopped briefly. "Hello. Lovely day, isn't it?" He simply asked, before looking away and walking off just as quickly as he had stopped, saying nothing more than that.


"It appears that you were correct in that the programming is not so... interactive, but I am not so eager as to label it all as "abominable" or "heresy," Mister Titus," Spock said, placing a hand on the shoulder of a passerby to test out further reactions, only for the passerby in question to brush the First Officer off and keep on his way, "It may be easy to hold disdain for something that one does not fully understand, as history has shown in my world, but I do not believe this technology is without merit; it is illogical, even if simple, to hate what you do not understand. It is a marvel, and surely, it must have been created for a reason, but I cannot fathom why," he continued.

Folding his arms behind his back, Spock continued observing the city and its denizens curiously. "There is much intrigue to be found in this realm, I believe. Unknown frontiers may be loft with peril, but the rewards are rich when one takes the time to understand such unknown places, or at least attempt to. Would you all not say so?"

@Yun Lee @Donder172 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raptor Jesus @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath

Titus didn't seem to necessarily reject Spock and Liara's excitement for the unknown, but he didn't seem to agree with it either. "Fooling with things beyond our scope and understanding is what plunged the Mankind of my reality into. . .what we are today. A rotten state, bloated and spread thin on a galactic battlefield," he grimly stated, sounding more disdainful of his own people than he was of Spock or Liara.


"I wouldn't expect either of you to understand. But. . .it's sometimes wise to live in ignorance when the alternative is madness."

Titus didn't want to think about it, but it was inevitable. He didn't have nearly as much to say about Chaos as he would about other heresies in his world - aliens, mutants and the such. To even think of the Ruinous Powers is to let them into your mind, and in the universe of Titus, the dark gods constantly scratch at the corners of one's mind, begging to be let in, promising an endless wealth of knowledge and happiness. The weak-willed and desperate are the first ones to fall.

And when the strong begin to fall, that is when the galaxy burns.

. . .I am no heretic! I SENT THE DAEMON TO OBLIVION!. . .

. . .But did you have unholy assistance? We must know. . .

The captain shook his head. He pondered how quickly some in the group would fall to Chaos if they were to foray into Titus' realm, and came to the conclusion that most of them would. Weak-willed, power-hungry, desperate for any scrap of strength. Acting in control, when in actuality, they're puppets being consumed and toyed with by thirsting gods.

If only they knew how bad things really are outside.

@Yun Lee @Donder172 @Jeremi @Raptor Jesus @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Siege @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath
The fruit at first tasted amazing, equalling just about any of the greatest meals Grif had ever eaten. However, after a moment, the taste turned bitter and gruesome, enough to cause one to vomit. Some of the strange fruit in the trees suddenly rotted before everyone's eyes and some phased completely out of existence.

"Mierda!" James exclaimed. "Was it a trick?"

"I have a feeling it would have done that regardless if one of us tried eating the fruit," Elliot said, looking at Grif with an unimpressed look. "But some of us lack the mental capacity to not eat the first thing we see." Elliot looked at some of the fruit that had dropped to the ground, examining it closely. "We were told there was corrupted data in here. Feels like the sort of thing that would follow such a theory." He flashed the group a tired look, though it wasn't for reason of physical exhaustion. "Hmm..."

Continuing on the path, the group eventually came to a small bridge overtop a stream. Birds chirped in the distance, though no wildlife could be seen.


Elliot paused for a moment to observe the water but was quickly off to cross the bridge first. However, he was stopped short by an invisible wall in the middle of the bridge. He grunted and tapped at the wall, causing visual disturbances where he touched. He was about ready to try blasting at the wall when a small poodle jumped out of the forest and landed on the bridge. It barked at the group from the other side of the wall.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest
“Oh my fuck...” Grif muttered as he began to eat the fruit. “This shit is amazing!” He exclaimed as he quickly began to consume more, attempting to stuff the most in his mouth as possible.

Though, after letting the taste sit for a moment, Grif’s face quickly turned from one of pure bliss to one of even more disgust.

“Oh God....” He muttered as he stumbled over to a nearby tree and leaned up against it, unable to do so himself due to the horrible taste. Grif then proceeded to watch in horror as the rest of the fruits around them began to rot around them.

“Ugh... that’s like in my top five worst things I’ve ever eaten. Maybe even three.” Grif said, having recovered a bit since that awful experience and continued his trek with the group once more.

Once they reached the bridge, Grif seemed to scoff a bit once Elliot bumped into an invisible wall, though before he could complain, said scoff would transition into a look of confusion when a poodle appeared to block their path as well.

“So any of you wanna pet it?” He asked, having learned his lesson about touching things in here after the whole fruit fiasco.

@Atomic Knight @York @Jeremi @Takumi @Donder172 @Alex Azure @Lucky @Space_Candy @Forest

Krystal also noted the civilians were not very solid, it was strange to her. "Maybe not a trap, Sarge, but keep your guard up anyways..." Then, she finally had an idea how she could get Sarge to trust her some... maybe... "Pesky Blue Team... first they experimented on me to try and make me their ally... and now they've made holograms to fool glorious Team Red... oh how I loathe them... As for Grif, I was tempted to shoot the bastard some time ago when I made the threat to him." Krystal said, hoping to maybe, finally get Sarge on her side.

@Raptor Jesus @Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Jeremi @Raynar Saassin @Donder172 @Gummi Bunnies @LeftPath
“Finally! It’s about time that someone around here began making some damn sense!” Sarge exclaimed with a hearty laugh before giving Krystal a rather rough pat on the back.

“But don’t worry, mutant blue fox! We’ll find those pesky Blues and when we do, we’ll make them pay for experimenting on you! We’ll even kill Grif too!”

@Siege @Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Donder172 @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Raynar Saassin @City​

"I would not anticipate any deliberately hostile entities within this space -- certainly not the re-animated dead -- but considering the unknown origins of this box, as well as the data it might hold, it would be logical to be wary admittedly," Spock said in response to Gumi's remark, "If we are to believe that every object in here is mere data, by extension, I doubt that any item in here would provide a source of sustenance," he continued, dry and blunt as usual.

As the group began making their way down the left road, the city coming into greater view, everyone would find that the futuristic city, filled to the brim with chrome-painted buildings and bright lights, was also crawling with a great number of people, all uncomfortably uniform and almost blank, with no presence attached to them, as though they were ghosts despite how solid they looked. Aside from a few passing glances, the people within the city barely even acknowledged the group as they drew closer, despite how their varied appearances no doubt stuck out from everyone else within the futuristic area.

Taking note of their reactions, or lack thereof, Spock perked a brow curiously. "Fascinating... Whatever the origin of this technology is, it's certainly beyond the holographic and virtual capabilities of our world," he spoke. "It may be fortuitous to test the limits of this machine's programming, determine how adept it is at emulating social responses."

In other words, Spock suggested the prospect of interacting with the blank "citizens" to see what they could find out.
"It's certainly fascinating, I agree with that." Meceliss said to Spock "Perhaps that might work, though it is possible they won't respond at all or respond hostile. So I do suggest to interact with caution."

Titus glanced around, looking down at the civilians as they passed by. He immediately picked up on their unnatural uniformity and presence, . He furrowing his brow, and looking up at Starscream. The most mechanical-looking being here, and it's more emotive and 'human' than these virtual clones.


"Don't bother, Starscream. They aren't real. I am no scientist, but I don't believe these entities were 'programmed' to think very hard," Titus commented, looking back at Spock and nodding. "The scions of Mars would purge this facade immediately. Abominable intelligence. It must be the highest form of tech-heresy possible."

Of course, Titus said that, not accounting for the androids and synthetics in the group. Titus didn't seem as vehement as the individuals he described, though the virtual people most certainly disturbed him to some extent.
"Tech-heresy?" Meceliss said with confusion

As Titus predicted, Starscream was met with a rather limited, even unnatural response. The entity, facing Starscream with an unsettlingly nondescript blank face, looked to the Decepticon nonchalantly and stopped briefly. "Hello. Lovely day, isn't it?" He simply asked, before looking away and walking off just as quickly as he had stopped, saying nothing more than that.


"It appears that you were correct in that the programming is not so... interactive, but I am not so eager as to label it all as "abominable" or "heresy," Mister Titus," Spock said, placing a hand on the shoulder of a passerby to test out further reactions, only for the passerby in question to brush the First Officer off and keep on his way, "It may be easy to hold disdain for something that one does not fully understand, as history has shown in my world, but I do not believe this technology is without merit; it is illogical, even if simple, to hate what you do not understand. It is a marvel, and surely, it must have been created for a reason, but I cannot fathom why," he continued.

Folding his arms behind his back, Spock continued observing the city and its denizens curiously. "There is much intrigue to be found in this realm, I believe. Unknown frontiers may be loft with peril, but the rewards are rich when one takes the time to understand such unknown places, or at least attempt to. Would you all not say so?"
"I agree, labeling this as 'abominable' or 'heresy' is just... crazy." Meceliss said in response to spock.

Titus didn't seem to necessarily reject Spock and Liara's excitement for the unknown, but he didn't seem to agree with it either. "Fooling with things beyond our scope and understanding is what plunged the Mankind of my reality into. . .what we are today. A rotten state, bloated and spread thin on a galactic battlefield," he grimly stated, sounding more disdainful of his own people than he was of Spock or Liara.


"I wouldn't expect either of you to understand. But. . .it's sometimes wise to live in ignorance when the alternative is madness."

Titus didn't want to think about it, but it was inevitable. He didn't have nearly as much to say about Chaos as he would about other heresies in his world - aliens, mutants and the such. To even think of the Ruinous Powers is to let them into your mind, and in the universe of Titus, the dark gods constantly scratch at the corners of one's mind, begging to be let in, promising an endless wealth of knowledge and happiness. The weak-willed and desperate are the first ones to fall.

And when the strong begin to fall, that is when the galaxy burns.

. . .I am no heretic! I SENT THE DAEMON TO OBLIVION!. . .

. . .But did you have unholy assistance? We must know. . .

The captain shook his head. He pondered how quickly some in the group would fall to Chaos if they were to foray into Titus' realm, and came to the conclusion that most of them would. Weak-willed, power-hungry, desperate for any scrap of strength. Acting in control, when in actuality, they're puppets being consumed and toyed with by thirsting gods.

If only they knew how bad things really are outside.
Meceliss pondered for a moment on that. "Hm... then I wouldn't blame you for that."

Elliot felt he could do with some better company, especially once he saw the big lug that was James join the right path crew. No point in making a big deal about it, at least for now. He was finding this whole experience to be an illuminating one. Who knew a complete world could exist in such a space, independent from the world outside of it. There could be chaos out there and peace in here, all at once.

"This forest seems thick with wonders," Elliot said, finding his eyes drawn to the trees. The further the progressed down their path, the further alien everything became. Trees were growing taller, with wide branches and leaves in all kinds of colors.

"I guess if you're making a world, might as well put some cool stuff in it," James said. "Man..."

The trees with the fancy leaves began to carry fruit that looked like big blue pears. "We should examine those," Elliot said, pointing to them. "Or at least, I will." The boy's hands glowed as he prepared to shoot the fruit down. There weren't that many options due to the group not having their equipment on them in this world.
"Just be careful." Mizelia said, just realizing she didn't feel the familiar weight of her lightsaber on her belt. She looked at her belt only to see that it was missing.

The fruit at first tasted amazing, equalling just about any of the greatest meals Grif had ever eaten. However, after a moment, the taste turned bitter and gruesome, enough to cause one to vomit. Some of the strange fruit in the trees suddenly rotted before everyone's eyes and some phased completely out of existence.

"Mierda!" James exclaimed. "Was it a trick?"

"I have a feeling it would have done that regardless if one of us tried eating the fruit," Elliot said, looking at Grif with an unimpressed look. "But some of us lack the mental capacity to not eat the first thing we see." Elliot looked at some of the fruit that had dropped to the ground, examining it closely. "We were told there was corrupted data in here. Feels like the sort of thing that would follow such a theory." He flashed the group a tired look, though it wasn't for reason of physical exhaustion. "Hmm..."

Continuing on the path, the group eventually came to a small bridge overtop a stream. Birds chirped in the distance, though no wildlife could be seen.


Elliot paused for a moment to observe the water but was quickly off to cross the bridge first. However, he was stopped short by an invisible wall in the middle of the bridge. He grunted and tapped at the wall, causing visual disturbances where he touched. He was about ready to try blasting at the wall when a small poodle jumped out of the forest and landed on the bridge. It barked at the group from the other side of the wall.
Mizelia pondered as she noticed the disturbance from the invisible wall "Hmm... interesting..." she muttered. Having not taken much attention to Grif as he ate one of the fruits, but rather took a moment to take in the beauty of the forest. Even though it was not real, it was interesting.
The fruit at first tasted amazing, equalling just about any of the greatest meals Grif had ever eaten. However, after a moment, the taste turned bitter and gruesome, enough to cause one to vomit. Some of the strange fruit in the trees suddenly rotted before everyone's eyes and some phased completely out of existence.

"Mierda!" James exclaimed. "Was it a trick?"

"I have a feeling it would have done that regardless if one of us tried eating the fruit," Elliot said, looking at Grif with an unimpressed look. "But some of us lack the mental capacity to not eat the first thing we see." Elliot looked at some of the fruit that had dropped to the ground, examining it closely. "We were told there was corrupted data in here. Feels like the sort of thing that would follow such a theory." He flashed the group a tired look, though it wasn't for reason of physical exhaustion. "Hmm..."

Continuing on the path, the group eventually came to a small bridge overtop a stream. Birds chirped in the distance, though no wildlife could be seen.


Elliot paused for a moment to observe the water but was quickly off to cross the bridge first. However, he was stopped short by an invisible wall in the middle of the bridge. He grunted and tapped at the wall, causing visual disturbances where he touched. He was about ready to try blasting at the wall when a small poodle jumped out of the forest and landed on the bridge. It barked at the group from the other side of the wall.

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest
Emily Hayes
@Atomic Knight @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @Space_Candy

While what Elliot was saying seemed logical enough, Emily couldn't help but be suspicious of her surroundings now. The next area they came to seemed even more suspicious from the deceptively tranquil surroundings, to the seemingly invisible barrier around the bridge. What was more was the poodle barking on the bridge from the other side of the barrier. Carefully, Emily caught Elliot's hand, holding up her index finger with her other hand.


"Wait. Remember those trees?" She said, eyeing the barrier closely.

Her mind went back to what had happened with those pears... Before she looked at the dog, cocking her head to the side. With a quiet motion, she knelt down and patted her knees, trying to beckon the dog to come closer. While the dog itself was cute, there was another motive to trying to get it to approach her; she wanted to see if this barrier prevented entry from both directions... Or if this was instead some sort of one way barrier.​
“Oh my fuck...” Grif muttered as he began to eat the fruit. “This shit is amazing!” He exclaimed as he quickly began to consume more, attempting to stuff the most in his mouth as possible.

Though, after letting the taste sit for a moment, Grif’s face quickly turned from one of pure bliss to one of even more disgust.

“Oh God....” He muttered as he stumbled over to a nearby tree and leaned up against it, unable to do so himself due to the horrible taste. Grif then proceeded to watch in horror as the rest of the fruits around them began to rot around them.

“Ugh... that’s like in my top five worst things I’ve ever eaten. Maybe even three.” Grif said, having recovered a bit since that awful experience and continued his trek with the group once more.

Once they reached the bridge, Grif seemed to scoff a bit once Elliot bumped into an invisible wall, though before he could complain, said scoff would transition into a look of confusion when a poodle appeared to block their path as well.

“So any of you wanna pet it?” He asked, having learned his lesson about touching things in here after the whole fruit fiasco.

@Atomic Knight @York @Jeremi @Takumi @Donder172 @Alex Azure @Lucky @Space_Candy @Forest

Kirby jumped into the air and puffed his body up. Doing this, he tried to hover, floating up towards the top of the wall. He wanted to see if there was an upper limit of this invisible wall.

@Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Forest
“We’re inside the belly of the beast... keep your eyes peeled for anything! I bet the Blues are hiding right... HERE!
Sarge exclaimed as he jumped behind a bush and aimed his rifle in anticipation of an enemy, though nothing of note was there.

“Or HERE!” Sarge exclaimed before repeating the same process, though still nothing.

“How about.... HERE!!

Sill nothing.

“Hmmm... these Blues are craftier than I thought... we should definitely keep our eyes peeled like oranges!” Sarge exclaimed before sturdying himself upright.

“I’ll go down the left path! Everyone knows that the left path is always the most dangerous one!”
Sarge exclaimed, cocking his rifle as he headed down said path.

"Good to see you're ready as always, Sergeant." Green Heart exclaimed in response to Sarge coming over to the Left Group. If he were to notice, he wasn't exactly talking to the same playful Vert anymore as she was quite serious in this form.

To be perfectly honest this is all new for me as well," Liara admitted but gave a confident smile in response. "If we're all on guard and keep an eye on our surroundings, then we should be fine."

"Indeed. I remember my first time exploring the forests of Leanbox when I had my first days as a Goddess. It's certainly going to help me quite a bit when keeping an eye out for danger, as monsters roaming around Gamindustri is a common occurrence that Goddesses take care of. Hopefully we should be clear so long as no one does anything reckless."


❝ Guess I'm going left too. ❞ Flower didn't seem to mind either option, and just decided to go left. She didn't exactly properly patch up the scratch she had on her arm, but after somewhat figuring out what the obsolete omni-tool did. For now she figured she could ignore it.

View attachment 2725
"Ah~ I don't believe we've had the pleasure of introductions. However I believe you'd agree with me when I say that perhaps now is not the best time to introduce, and rely mostly on our abilities to survive in this simulation."

"So, this is virtual reality?"

Starscream looked at his lanky hands and moves his fingers about.

"Curious how it can warp both cybernetic and organic minds."

He then sees two paths ahead.


"The less similiar the sights there are to Earth, the better," Starscream says as he refers to the forested right path. Instead, he opts for something closer to Cybertron's aesthetic - the futuristic city of the left path. He follows near Vert & Titus.

"Let us make sure one or two of us is holding an Omni-Tool in either sector- wait, we do have them in this virtual simulation, do we?"

"Unfortunately the Omni-Tool I obtained from Liara does not transfer over to my transformed state, however it should return to me once I downgrade. None the less, it's good to see we have some ranged potential, Starscream. Keep our backs covered, would you?" Green Heart responded to Starscream with a smile as he joined the group. If he were to also notice, she was more serious and mature in this form rather than as Vert.


"I would not anticipate any deliberately hostile entities within this space -- certainly not the re-animated dead -- but considering the unknown origins of this box, as well as the data it might hold, it would be logical to be wary admittedly," Spock said in response to Gumi's remark, "If we are to believe that every object in here is mere data, by extension, I doubt that any item in here would provide a source of sustenance," he continued, dry and blunt as usual.

As the group began making their way down the left road, the city coming into greater view, everyone would find that the futuristic city, filled to the brim with chrome-painted buildings and bright lights, was also crawling with a great amount of people, all uncomfortably uniform and almost blank, with no presence attached to them, as though they were ghosts despite how solid they looked. Aside from a few passing glances, the people within the city barely even acknowledged the group as they drew closer, despite how their varied appearances no doubt stuck out from everyone else within the futuristic area.

Taking note of their reactions, or lack thereof, Spock perked a brow curiously. "Fascinating... Whatever the origin of this technology is, it's certainly beyond the holographic and virtual capabilities of our world," he spoke. "It may be fortuitous to test the limits of this machine's programming, determine how adept it is at emulating social responses."

In other words, Spock suggested the prospect of interacting with the blank "citizens" to see what they could find out.

View attachment 2724
"Hmm... Interesting. Most of these citizens just walk about their day as if nothing unusual has happened. This is quite the bizarre simulation if they were to respond as if we were normal people, which evidently we are not."

“Finally! It’s about time that someone around here began making some damn sense!” Sarge exclaimed with a hearty laugh before giving Krystal a rather rough pat on the back.

“But don’t worry, mutant blue fox! We’ll find those pesky Blues and when we do, we’ll make them pay for experimenting on you! We’ll even kill Grif too!”

View attachment 2724
"We might need to work on your obsession with killing anything that wears the colour blue, Sergeant. Not everything that is blue coloured are hostile, you know." Green Heart stated with a sigh as she listened to him ramble on again about killing every blue in existence. "I'd hate to see what your response would be when meeting Noire or even Blanc..."

@Raptor Jesus @Crow @Ver @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Siege @Donder172 @Jeremi @Left Path
The rocks were indeed able to be jumped on, but they were likely to be slipped on. It didn't seem to be much help regardless, as Kirby was not able to hover over the invisible wall and Elliot's lightning bolts hit the wall when he tested it on the areas around the bridge. When Emily grabbed his hand, he shot her a glare. "Are you suggesting...?"

The dog was spooked at first by Elliot, but seemed drawn to Emily when she called it over. The dog managed to pass through the barrier just fine, though once it was near Elliot and Emily, Elliot looked down as if it was a threat. "Anything is possible here," he said to her. "Amazing, but dangerous."

@Yun Lee @Jeremi @Donder172 @Raptor Jesus @Alex Azure @York @Space_Candy @Takumi @Lucky @Forest
“Oh my fuck...” Grif muttered as he began to eat the fruit. “This shit is amazing!” He exclaimed as he quickly began to consume more, attempting to stuff the most in his mouth as possible.

Though, after letting the taste sit for a moment, Grif’s face quickly turned from one of pure bliss to one of even more disgust.

“Oh God....” He muttered as he stumbled over to a nearby tree and leaned up against it, unable to do so himself due to the horrible taste. Grif then proceeded to watch in horror as the rest of the fruits around them began to rot around them.

“Ugh... that’s like in my top five worst things I’ve ever eaten. Maybe even three.” Grif said, having recovered a bit since that awful experience and continued his trek with the group once more.

Once they reached the bridge, Grif seemed to scoff a bit once Elliot bumped into an invisible wall, though before he could complain, said scoff would transition into a look of confusion when a poodle appeared to block their path as well.

“So any of you wanna pet it?” He asked, having learned his lesson about touching things in here after the whole fruit fiasco.

@Atomic Knight @York @Jeremi @Takumi @Donder172 @Alex Azure @Lucky @Space_Candy @Forest

“Finally! It’s about time that someone around here began making some damn sense!” Sarge exclaimed with a hearty laugh before giving Krystal a rather rough pat on the back.

“But don’t worry, mutant blue fox! We’ll find those pesky Blues and when we do, we’ll make them pay for experimenting on you! We’ll even kill Grif too!”

Krystal did a mental fist pump. It had worked. "For now, let's focus on whatever those Blues have set up for us."

@Raptor Jesus @Ver @CrunchyCHEEZIT@Crow @Donder172 @Jeremi@Gummi Bunnies @Raynar Saassin @City
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