Zerberus wouldn't mind fighting 10 of them or even an army of them. He was so pumped up! He was smiling.

"Well, let's get started then shall we?"

He then flipped his blade as he cast a spell on himself.


A burst of wind came out of the blue as it starts to surround him. It howled as it made a barrier around Zerberus.

"Come at me!"

"As you wish!" Domon took off his cloak and flung it to the side, and then sprinted towards Zerberus, pulling his right fist back as he did. It looked as if his opponent had summoned some sort of barrier, so he knew he would have to hit hard if he had any chance of breaking through it. As he neared Zerberus, Domon would throw a punch aimed at the head, using the momentum of his body to add as much force as possible.​
After what couldn't have been any longer than an hour, the scientists on the floor above started to stand and put away their papers. The female scientist near the glass cleared her throat in a manner that suggested she was trying to get everyone's attention. "That will be enough," she said, reaching back to touch William by the arm. She nodded to him and he began to walk away. She watched him go before turning back to the group. "It's time for you to come with us and hear our explanation."

Cullen shrugged in Ali's direction. "So much for all that, huh?"

The glass wall in front of the scientists began to recede into the floor. Once they were exposed, one within the group made her move. Floating off the ground, Andriod 18 charged through the air at an incredible speed, her arm raised to deliver a powerful punch to one of the scientists.

However, before she could reach the scientists, 18 dropped out of the air as if she'd lost all momentum. She slammed into the ground in a heap, clutching at her head as if it was in great pain. The scientists looked utterly calm, having seemingly expected no danger at any time.

"My name is Annette Birkin," said the female scientist. "The man who left was William Birkin, my husband. Our colleague here is Albert Wesker. We work for the Umbrella Corporation, as do all of you now. You have no choice in the matter, for it is now in our hands what you can and can't do."

As the pain subsided, 18 stood to her feet. Her body tensed with anger, but it seemed she had expected her attack would have been a failure. On some level, everyone probably felt the same.

"Whether you possess a biological body, a mechanical one, or something in-between, we have inserted technology into each and every one of you that allows us to control your bodies and abilities. We can turn them off as we like, as well as paralyze you if need be. We have been testing your motor functions, and you have given us some valuable data."

"... And what exactly is it you want us to do?" Cullen asked.

It was the man named Albert Wesker who responded. "Follow us."

Annette and Wesker started in the direction William had gone off to, heading toward a wide set of heavy doors. Men and women with guns began to pour into the chamber as an incentive for the group to follow orders. It was only a short walk through the building's sterile gray halls until the group was brought to an area that appeared to be a sitting room with a large screen set into the wall. William was here, as was a mysterious male.


"What the shit is going on here?!" said the male, who wasn't wearing a lab coat or gear like the other Umbrella staff members. He grew visibly incensed at the sight of the crowd, and he took a few angry steps toward Annette before he froze in place mid-stride.

"This one's been a real nuisance," William said. "Not even half as useful as any of the others. Should have killed him off, Annette."

"This one didn't take to the transition as well as the rest of you," Annette said, ignoring William's remarks. "I figured he would have still been in medical, but just as well that he joins us for the briefing."

The man jerked and shook himself when he was able to move again. He took a few gulping breaths and looked to be wavering on his feet. "F-Fuck!" he stammered. "I have things to do, you assholes!"

The scientists ignored his outburst and walked toward the video screen. Annette tapped on the screen, which brought up a visual display that she was able to tap at until the screen turned on to show a video feed. The video showed off a room, where rows upon rows of monitors and computers surrounded a device at the center. It drew every eye, for it glowed a bright and brilliant blue.


"Welcome to Umbrella's greatest achievement," said Annette, sound pleased with herself. "This device has pushed Umbrella's technology development hundreds of years into the future. It allowed us to develop the technology inside your heads, as well as bring you here in the first place." She looked away from the screen and looked upon the group. "Your suspicions were correct. You are beings from other worlds, brought here for our use. Your unique worlds provide assets we could only dream of. In addition, no one that is any threat to us will miss you or be looking for you."

This would have caused dissent and murmurs, but the armed escort seemed primed to use their weaponry.

"As for what we wish you to do," Annette continued, "Is for you to act as weapons for us. An army. A sword. Our technology is wanted by a rival company, and we require you to fight for us. There is no choice in this matter if you value your lives. Even those of you who do not seem to display any sort of combat abilities will be going out in the field. If desired, we can provide some light combat training, but time is of the essence. We know the technology inside of you all works, and that is all we need to be sure of before we go ahead."

"So we're fucking expendable?!" said the male, plainly stating the obvious. "I am no one's puppet, you hear me?"

Annette peered at him impassively. "...Your lives are in your hands."

Wesker tapped at the screen, changing the feed to display a map. "The highlighted areas of this map are where you are permitted to go. Walking outside these areas will shut down your body. Do not cross us. We have a waiting area next to the armory where your weapons will be returned to you. In addition, any of you without weapons will be able to take what they want from the armory. Aside from this waiting area is a training facility where you can actually learn to hold a firearm. Is that clear?"

Hakuei didn't know who these 'scientists' were, or what the 'Umbrella Corporation' was, but the princess felt a mix of horror and anger burn through her being at their actions. Who were they to take other beings from different worlds and force them to do things for their own whims? Most of the things they mentioned were far beyond her knowledge, words such as devices being inserted inside their bodies a disturbing but puzzling revelation. She narrowed her eyes coldly, her hands tightening into fists.

How can the people back in my world not notice? The disappearance of Kou royalty would cause a stir, much less the disappearance of a general like Hakuei. Kouen would scour the world just to find her, and she didn't even want to know what Hakuryuu would do.

But the idea of such people like this having the ability to still get any person they want, pluck them out of other worlds... She didn't want it for her brothers.

For now, she had no choice but to go along with these vile people's whims.

The princess was at least relieved that Paimon would be returned to her, as well as her sword.​


The dhampir sheathed the blade that had been returned to him, the sword that he considered to be his family heirloom - his mother's sword. Away the potions went tucked into his clothing where they could be used later, and bottles of Holy Water that burned the flesh of demons. He only stopped equipping his weapon to look at Road, who had approached him.

"'Aly...'?" he rose one eyebrow. No one had called him that before, it was a strange way to address him, but who was he to stop this stranger from another world? "Yes. I will have to do some investigating or follow the others who have a similar mindset. I have no intention of staying here."



He stared at her.

"Very well. Let us work together when the time comes."

Going to the armory proved to be an interesting trip when the princess saw all sorts of weaponry being used by the other captives. She drew up beside the silent man who she had learned was some sort of creature, a vampire, was it?

Held in her hands were her own weapons. Her white feather fan, or flabellum, Paimon was securely in her hand once more. Hakuei looked more at ease having her companion with her again. Her sword was strapped to her side.

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Flashing a smile towards Road and Alucard, she nodded towards their acquisitions. "Interesting collection, Alucard." The princess noted, eyes skimming over the strange bottles that he tucked into his clothes. Then finally to the sword that he had with him. Her eyes sparkled with interest, the sword looked like it had some special sort of significance to its owner. It was an eyecatching sword.

"You are a swordsman, as well?"
Zerberus wouldn't mind fighting 10 of them or even an army of them. He was so pumped up! He was smiling.

"Well, let's get started then shall we?"

He then flipped his blade as he cast a spell on himself.


A burst of wind came out of the blue as it starts to surround him. It howled as it made a barrier around Zerberus.

"Come at me!"
"As you wish!" Domon took off his cloak and flung it to the side, and then sprinted towards Zerberus, pulling his right fist back as he did. It looked as if his opponent had summoned some sort of barrier, so he knew he would have to hit hard if he had any chance of breaking through it. As he neared Zerberus, Domon would throw a punch aimed at the head, using the momentum of his body to add as much force as possible.​

Curious, Azura would jump in from Zeberus' side shortly after Domon would initiate his attack. Moving back to watch for a moment before doing so, when she did jump in she jumped quite the distance, as small as it may have been. Bringing her Naginata down, she would aim to make a downward swing in an attempt to dissipate the barrier made of winds, or to at least test them out. Shortly afterward she would spin until she made her way to his other side around him, practically dancing around him while trying to cut into one of the sandbags horizontally as she did so.​

Hakuei didn't know who these 'scientists' were, or what the 'Umbrella Corporation' was, but the princess felt a mix of horror and anger burn through her being at their actions. Who were they to take other beings from different worlds and force them to do things for their own whims? Most of the things they mentioned were far beyond her knowledge, words such as devices being inserted inside their bodies a disturbing but puzzling revelation. She narrowed her eyes coldly, her hands tightening into fists.

How can the people back in my world not notice? The disappearance of Kou royalty would cause a stir, much less the disappearance of a general like Hakuei. Kouen would scour the world just to find her, and she didn't even want to know what Hakuryuu would do.

But the idea of such people like this having the ability to still get any person they want, pluck them out of other worlds... She didn't want it for her brothers.

For now, she had no choice but to go along with these vile people's whims.

The princess was at least relieved that Paimon would be returned to her, as well as her sword.

Going to the armory proved to be an interesting trip when the princess saw all sorts of weaponry being used by the other captives. She drew up beside the silent man who she had learned was some sort of creature, a vampire, was it?

Held in her hands were her own weapons. Her white feather fan, or flabellum, Paimon was securely in her hand once more. Hakuei looked more at ease having her companion with her again. Her sword was strapped to her side.

View attachment 10487

Flashing a smile towards Road and Alucard, she nodded towards their acquisitions. "Interesting collection, Alucard." The princess noted, eyes skimming over the strange bottles that he tucked into his clothes. Then finally to the sword that he had with him. Her eyes sparkled with interest, the sword looked like it had some special sort of significance to its owner. It was an eyecatching sword.

"You are a swordsman, as well?"

"Indeed. I prefer the sword above other weapons." The pale man pulled the sword out from the sheath, to show her the design before returning it to its rightful position. He had been taught how to use a variety of weapons, even a spear, but he liked the lightweight feeling of a sword and combined with his powers it made short work of monsters and demons that roamed the castle and outside in the night. He had it buried beside him when he fell into a deep slumber, it was always by him after his mother died.

It used to be hers, after all. And now it was his.

"It is a family heirloom from my mother's side. So 'tis precious to me."


"What are you holding? Surely you cannot defend yourself with a feather fan, my lady."

"A man named Nick Fury," Annette said, looking down at her small electronic device. "Can't say much about the man. We're not native to this world if you were wondering."

"... Bloodstone," Cullen said. He wasn't too fond of repeating his name over and over again. "And weren't you listening? Buncha dandy nutters want to use us in their fight. Kind of weird they got a wee little kid like yourself here... Though, you're really taking this in stride, aren't you?" Cullen shrugged casually. Kids like this didn't deserve what was happening, even if she was used to this. It wasn't right to force kids to grow up so fast.


"Guess I am as well. Seems I'm just a natural at getting myself into these sorts of situations. If you need any help, kid, just... look my way, I guess."

Jason would nod at Annette and sigh.

"Well since there's not much to go off of on the guy, they likely have some high security. Now I see two ways of doing this. The first is we get someone to infiltrate SHIELD as one of their workers or whatever they are. We'll of course need a convincing ID and the proper attire. Once he gets in he can disable the security measures from the inside and then that's when we go in and take 'em out or whatever we need to do. The second is risky, but I think we might pull it off. Basically, we try and hack their servers from here. Search for any possible open backends or even a damn loose file of theirs. Then I and some other competent people can disable their measures from here and we could launch an attack on them from the safety of our base, or just send us in. Though that's just my input since I have experience with this sort of thing."

"That's all we ask,"
I smiled. It was best to try and provide as much comfort as possible, "but know that I'm not a happy-go-lucky teacher. When you shot, you shot to injure or kill though it's better just to hurt someone so the other guys and gals have to drag their friend out of the battle. Anyways, if everyone is ready let's head towards the training facility. We might also want to spar against each other and our fellow..." I paused trying to think of a term to fit us, "operatives to test strengths and weaknesses."

"...I see," Kujou nodded. Yeah, she hadn't really hurt anyone before, But it was looking like that wasn't going to be an option for her. If these guys were all magic, she doubted she could actually spar with them, and her strengths weren't really things that contributed to wartime. But she wouldn't be a burden on everyone. Swearing at least that much to herself, she followed the others to the training facility, clutching her gun and card for comfort.​

"Indeed. I prefer the sword above other weapons." The pale man pulled the sword out from the sheath, to show her the design before returning it to its rightful position. He had been taught how to use a variety of weapons, even a spear, but he liked the lightweight feeling of a sword and combined with his powers it made short work of monsters and demons that roamed the castle and outside in the night. He had it buried beside him when he fell into a deep slumber, it was always by him after his mother died.

It used to be hers, after all. And now it was his.

"It is a family heirloom from my mother's side. So 'tis precious to me."


"What are you holding? Surely you cannot defend yourself with a feather fan, my lady."


"It is a beautiful sword, Alucard." Hakuei studied the design before the dhampir sheathed it once again before she blinked at his following words. A surprised laugh escaped the princess, genuine amusement lacing her following words. She arched a brow at him, a grin on her lips.

"Oh? This is no mere fan, it's my metal vessel. I mentioned before that I can manipulate the wind." Waving her fan gently, she showed the metal vessel to Alucard. "Meet Paimon. She is my djinn that lives inside this fan and she has formed a pact to lend her power to me." It was a shame that she couldn't materialize Paimon as a magi could, but she felt a resulting happy little thrum in her hand coming from her fan.​


The dhampir sheathed the blade that had been returned to him, the sword that he considered to be his family heirloom - his mother's sword. Away the potions went tucked into his clothing where they could be used later, and bottles of Holy Water that burned the flesh of demons. He only stopped equipping his weapon to look at Road, who had approached him.

"'Aly...'?" he rose one eyebrow. No one had called him that before, it was a strange way to address him, but who was he to stop this stranger from another world? "Yes. I will have to do some investigating or follow the others who have a similar mindset. I have no intention of staying here."



He stared at her.

"Very well. Let us work together when the time comes."


It was nearly a complete paradigm shift in character. The small, darker-skinned girl suddenly took the Vampire's left arm into her grasp with both of her own arms and grinned - beamed, really - up at him with near childish happiness. She really played the role of a young, spoiled, bubbly teenager well.

"Then it's settled, bloodsucker! Road and Aly!" she cut off, almost suddenly and her cheek could be seen slightly con-caving as she bite the inside, a habit that Tyki had told her to try and break, to no avail. "Alley! Road and Alley. A dynamic duo of dark magic!"

On this note, while keeping the arm she'd latched onto firmly into her grasp, one of her hands rose, all of her fingers pointed upwards and connected at the tip for a moment. In the next instant, her fingers spread and bloom, and in the open space of her palm appeared a blue candle. The wick was lite, and it must've been for a while, as a trail of liquid wax had descended down the side of it. More curiously, the bottom was fashioned to a sharp point that was unmistakably covered in dried blood. She grasped her hand again, and the candle vanished into nothing before she looked up at him.

While she'd been creating the candle, it had seemed the parasol that she'd had on her shoulders had fallen, but however, never hit the ground. It now hovered right below the hips of the girl and she had taken a seat upon it, suspending her in the air beside the vampire, Alley.

Hakuei didn't know who these 'scientists' were, or what the 'Umbrella Corporation' was, but the princess felt a mix of horror and anger burn through her being at their actions. Who were they to take other beings from different worlds and force them to do things for their own whims? Most of the things they mentioned were far beyond her knowledge, words such as devices being inserted inside their bodies a disturbing but puzzling revelation. She narrowed her eyes coldly, her hands tightening into fists.

How can the people back in my world not notice? The disappearance of Kou royalty would cause a stir, much less the disappearance of a general like Hakuei. Kouen would scour the world just to find her, and she didn't even want to know what Hakuryuu would do.

But the idea of such people like this having the ability to still get any person they want, pluck them out of other worlds... She didn't want it for her brothers.

For now, she had no choice but to go along with these vile people's whims.

The princess was at least relieved that Paimon would be returned to her, as well as her sword.

Going to the armory proved to be an interesting trip when the princess saw all sorts of weaponry being used by the other captives. She drew up beside the silent man who she had learned was some sort of creature, a vampire, was it?

Held in her hands were her own weapons. Her white feather fan, or flabellum, Paimon was securely in her hand once more. Hakuei looked more at ease having her companion with her again. Her sword was strapped to her side.

View attachment 10487

Flashing a smile towards Road and Alucard, she nodded towards their acquisitions. "Interesting collection, Alucard." The princess noted, eyes skimming over the strange bottles that he tucked into his clothes. Then finally to the sword that he had with him. Her eyes sparkled with interest, the sword looked like it had some special sort of significance to its owner. It was an eyecatching sword.

"You are a swordsman, as well?"

Road acknowledged the girl with her amber, autumn-like eyes as she flashed a smile at her and Alley. The seemingly honest look of joy on Road's face melted a bit into that arrogant, nearly possessive grin. It was then that she dropped her gaze to what she called her 'vessel' or 'Paimon' and something devious took her expression. There were more candidates for the Akuma virus in this place than she could throw her parasol at, and that made Road, very excited.

That said, Road could feel the djinn.

"Are you able to manifest it?"

The look on Road's face screamed that she didn't think the girl could, which would be disappointing, but oh well.​

"Just curious... and by that, I mean I might have something that can work as a back-up... I made something for my PWM cube that's sorta like a rechargeable battery, which is that sphere-shaped power core I put into it. That power core actually recharges itself using the oxygen around, and since it's a given that oxygen is a needed thing and has to be around, this little thing doesn't run out of power... thanks to yours truly, ehehe!"

Blake briefly explained that the power core that he made to power up and charge the PWM might be able to act as a way to keep Miku powered up as well. It was only a guess on Blake's part since he wasn't sure if it would even be compatible for her, but it was worth bringing it up regardless. Taking in Alice's question, the assassin only grinned in response.


"Oh yeah, I totally have the past training. I just gotta turn this sweetheart on, and slip these glasses on~"

Blake practically squealed in glee, putting on some modified glasses that came along with the cube. All it took was a single tap on the cube, and a blade framed out of hardlight energy appeared in front of him to take into his hands.

"My only piece of tech that actually works besides the recharging power core... I call it the PWM, which stands for Projected Weapon Material. I have yet to put more weapon data into it, but it pretty much acts as all sorts of weapons without the hassle of carrying around the physical ones. Pretty cool, huh? Until I upgrade it though, it sorta loses power fast, which is why I made that power core to charge it back up. The glasses only help me with seeing what weapons I can change to and how much power I have left until it force shuts down... so..."

Blinking a bit, he noticed that he had been talking a bit too much, stopping himself in embarrassment.

"Oh... whoops, I forgot that we were trying to help Miku out... sorry about that. Maybe that's what sis always told me about being a huge nerd. I-If you need me, I'll be practicing sword stuff over there... yeah!"

What an odd boy...Alice was glad he wasn't from her world, or else he would probably be a high ranking assassin in the UAA. She wouldn't wish that fate on her worst enemy, much less an eager young man.

Miku seemed rather mesmerized, by both Blake's tech and the various weaponry at her disposal. Some small, some big and intimidating. All of them looked rather... dangerous.


"Something like you have Blake would be totally cool to use. But I don't wanna take away your weapon... or your means of powering it." She shook her head slightly at the thought, offering him a somewhat consoling grin. "We'll wait and see what happens? Maybe these scientist people will lighten up a little..." Or perhaps she was being too optimistic? "Good luck, Blake. Don't hurt yourself."


Turning her attention back over to Alice and her choice of weaponry, Miku thought for a moment what the most logical and safest decision would be. "... I'm not built for physical combat, or... Anything like that, really. It might be best if I stay at a distance? So uh, guns and stuff?"

"Guns, hm?" Alice nodded. "Not my area of expertise, but I know how to use one when needed. My friend, though, she knew how to use them... very well, actually." She smiled sadly, remembering Margaret. "You would've liked her. She was a singer too."

Sob story time over. Alice looked over at the guns available. "If you're worried about close range, pistols may not be the best. How much do you want to be in the midst of things? Do you want to be in the thick of battle, or a safe distance away?"


"It is a beautiful sword, Alucard." Hakuei studied the design before the dhampir sheathed it once again before she blinked at his following words. A surprised laugh escaped the princess, genuine amusement lacing her following words. She arched a brow at him, a grin on her lips.

"Oh? This is no mere fan, it's my metal vessel. I mentioned before that I can manipulate the wind." Waving her fan gently, she showed the metal vessel to Alucard. "Meet Paimon. She is my djinn that lives inside this fan and she has formed a pact to lend her power to me." It was a shame that she couldn't materialize Paimon as a magi could, but she felt a resulting happy little thrum in her hand coming from her fan.​


It was nearly a complete paradigm shift in character. The small, darker-skinned girl suddenly took the Vampire's left arm into her grasp with both of her own arms and grinned - beamed, really - up at him with near childish happiness. She really played the role of a young, spoiled, bubbly teenager well.

"Then it's settled, bloodsucker! Road and Aly!" she cut off, almost suddenly and her cheek could be seen slightly con-caving as she bite the inside, a habit that Tyki had told her to try and break, to no avail. "Alley! Road and Alley. A dynamic duo of dark magic!"

On this note, while keeping the arm she'd latched onto firmly into her grasp, one of her hands rose, all of her fingers pointed upwards and connected at the tip for a moment. In the next instant, her fingers spread and bloom, and in the open space of her palm appeared a blue candle. The wick was lite, and it must've been for a while, as a trail of liquid wax had descended down the side of it. More curiously, the bottom was fashioned to a sharp point that was unmistakably covered in dried blood. She grasped her hand again, and the candle vanished into nothing before she looked up at him.

While she'd been creating the candle, it had seemed the parasol that she'd had on her shoulders had fallen, but however, never hit the ground. It now hovered right below the hips of the girl and she had taken a seat upon it, suspending her in the air beside the vampire, Alley.

Road acknowledged the girl with her amber, autumn-like eyes as she flashed a smile at her and Alley. The seemingly honest look of joy on Road's face melted a bit into that arrogant, nearly possessive grin. It was then that she dropped her gaze to what she called her 'vessel' or 'Paimon' and something devious took her expression. There were more candidates for the Akuma virus in this place than she could throw her parasol at, and that made Road, very excited.

That said, Road could feel the djinn.

"Are you able to manifest it?"

The look on Road's face screamed that she didn't think the girl could, which would be disappointing, but oh well.​


The dhampir seemed awkward where he was standing as the Noah girl latched onto his arm, turning the pale man into a still statue with no movement at all, staring straight ahead at Hakuei. He blatantly ignored the new nickname he had been given, but he was at least glad that he had made some allies. He remembered her earlier spew about Satan and dark magic, and although there was no such horned King of the Demons in his world, he knew that if he was, Satan would have wielded great power. If Road had access to some of this, she could prove to be useful in getting home. She was showing her displays of magic right, making things appear and bend to her will. A nice show, but not enough to impress the dhampir. He had a feeling she wasn't going to show what she was capable of until much later.

For the first time in his life, Alucard was not entirely sure what he should do. This Umbrella group clearly originated from a world far forward in time, where they used resources to their maximum potential.


"An Arabian supernatural creature named after a demon in the Goetia..." This was an interesting world she came from. He was unsure why she would be wearing clothes found in the East, but it would not be farfetched if there was trading involved, from what he remembered looking at a map a long time ago. Alucard never found the need to travel much, he stayed mostly in Transylvania and nearby countries, though it was best to go across the sea if he was going to self-exile himself once he returned.

He hummed, "I see. So you have made a contract with a djinn? Like a familiar?" Forming bonds with djinn were not unheard of, he had read about it. They were usually repaying debts to those who freed them from their normally confined 'cells'.

Alucard examined the fan from afar, but any clearance on what it was did not come to him. "What is a Metal Vessel?"
Zerberus wasn't actually hoping that they team up against him.....oh well. Since of the powerful winds of Aero, the fist of Domon barely even got close to him before the wind launched him back. Zerberus then noticed Azura's Naginata as it pierces through his barrier and he quickly blocked it with his Key-blade. You see...Aero can only blocks up close combat and does damage to anyone near the barrier, but since of Azura's weapon, she doesn't need to be up close to attack. So this could be a problem. He then shoved Azura back with his sword. He jumps in the air and tries to bring the sword down on her.​
Zerberus wasn't actually hoping that they team up against him.....oh well. Since of the powerful winds of Aero, the fist of Domon barely even got close to him before the wind launched him back. Zerberus then noticed Azura's Naginata as it pierces through his barrier and he quickly blocked it with his Key-blade. You see...Aero can only blocks up close combat and does damage to anyone near the barrier, but since of Azura's weapon, she doesn't need to be up close to attack. So this could be a problem. He then shoved Azura back with his sword. He jumps in the air and tries to bring the sword down on her.​

Domon was caught off-guard by the wind, and was thrown onto his back. He got back up on his feet as quickly as he could. This might prove to be more of a challenge than I thought! He ran towards Zerberus again, but this time he tried to approach him from behind to attack from his opponent's blind spot, hoping that it would help him get through the barrier and land a hit. He would attempt to kick his opponent from behind with his left leg, swinging it around to try to hit him in the side.​

What an odd boy...Alice was glad he wasn't from her world, or else he would probably be a high ranking assassin in the UAA. She wouldn't wish that fate on her worst enemy, much less an eager young man.

"Guns, hm?" Alice nodded. "Not my area of expertise, but I know how to use one when needed. My friend, though, she knew how to use them... very well, actually." She smiled sadly, remembering Margaret. "You would've liked her. She was a singer too."

Sob story time over. Alice looked over at the guns available. "If you're worried about close range, pistols may not be the best. How much do you want to be in the midst of things? Do you want to be in the thick of battle, or a safe distance away?"

"..." Her usage of past-tense gave off the impression that the friend she spoke of met an... untimely undoing. Quickly trying to shake off any anxieties of the fact the same could happen to her, she continued.


"I'm sure I would've." Back to the matter at hand. "I'd like to be a safe distance away." She sheepishly rubbed her neck. "Honestly, I'd like to use whatever takes me as far away from the action as possible... Preferably without hurting anyone." The last part was quiet, as she knew the likelihood of that happening was pretty low at this point.​
Zerberus wasn't actually hoping that they team up against him.....oh well. Since of the powerful winds of Aero, the fist of Domon barely even got close to him before the wind launched him back. Zerberus then noticed Azura's Naginata as it pierces through his barrier and he quickly blocked it with his Key-blade. You see...Aero can only blocks up close combat and does damage to anyone near the barrier, but since of Azura's weapon, she doesn't need to be up close to attack. So this could be a problem. He then shoved Azura back with his sword. He jumps in the air and tries to bring the sword down on her.​
Domon was caught off-guard by the wind, and was thrown onto his back. He got back up on his feet as quickly as he could. This might prove to be more of a challenge than I thought! He ran towards Zerberus again, but this time he tried to approach him from behind to attack from his opponent's blind spot, hoping that it would help him get through the barrier and land a hit. He would attempt to kick his opponent from behind with his left leg, swinging it around to try to hit him in the side.​

Azura would move to block with her Naginata and push against Zeberus' weapon, trying to push him back into Domon's kick.

"Interesting," she said quietly.

"Can you handle two sparring partners at once, Zeberus?" she asked, just to make sure. If not then she would willingly back out and just practice with the sandbags instead.​

"..." Her usage of past-tense gave off the impression that the friend she spoke of met an... untimely undoing. Quickly trying to shake off any anxieties of the fact the same could happen to her, she continued.


"I'm sure I would've." Back to the matter at hand. "I'd like to be a safe distance away." She sheepishly rubbed her neck. "Honestly, I'd like to use whatever takes me as far away from the action as possible... Preferably without hurting anyone." The last part was quiet, as she knew the likelihood of that happening was pretty low at this point.​

"Sounds like you may be best suited as a sniper," Alice said. She didn't want to add the fact that not hurting anyone was highly unlikely-even if it was the truth, she did want to preserve some degree of innocence in the singer-a dose of innocence was important in such an unforgiving reality. "You know what those are, right?"
Domon was caught off-guard by the wind, and was thrown onto his back. He got back up on his feet as quickly as he could. This might prove to be more of a challenge than I thought! He ran towards Zerberus again, but this time he tried to approach him from behind to attack from his opponent's blind spot, hoping that it would help him get through the barrier and land a hit. He would attempt to kick his opponent from behind with his left leg, swinging it around to try to hit him in the side.​

Azura would move to block with her Naginata and push against Zeberus' weapon, trying to push him back into Domon's kick.

"Interesting," she said quietly.

"Can you handle two sparring partners at once, Zeberus?" she asked, just to make sure. If not then she would willingly back out and just practice with the sandbags instead.​

"Two-on-one ain't very fair, huh?" Metal met Domon's foot as Shirou swatted it aside with his pistol.


"Yo. Hope you guys don't mind me hopping in on the fun. Don't worry, I'm not gonna shoot ya or anything."

"Sounds like you may be best suited as a sniper," Alice said. She didn't want to add the fact that not hurting anyone was highly unlikely-even if it was the truth, she did want to preserve some degree of innocence in the singer-a dose of innocence was important in such an unforgiving reality. "You know what those are, right?"


Miku nodded, blue eyes beginning to scan the racks of weapons at their disposal. After a few seconds, she spotted what she deemed recognizable: a few modern, standard-issue sniper rifles. She pointed, looking at Alice for confirmation. "Yeah. Those, right? The ones with the scope and all?"

"Come on, Albert. You know exactly what I'm talking about." Ada said. She grabbed her pistol and put it into its holster. "Why am I here?"

Albert nodded and a smile appeared on his face. "Ah... I see. You are confused. In whatever world you come from, perhaps you know a version of myself. Interesting... though, not surprising." The man turned slightly and tapped at his chin. "Right... You could always tell me about our arrangement, Miss...?"

Jason would nod at Annette and sigh.

"Well since there's not much to go off of on the guy, they likely have some high security. Now I see two ways of doing this. The first is we get someone to infiltrate SHIELD as one of their workers or whatever they are. We'll of course need a convincing ID and the proper attire. Once he gets in he can disable the security measures from the inside and then that's when we go in and take 'em out or whatever we need to do. The second is risky, but I think we might pull it off. Basically, we try and hack their servers from here. Search for any possible open backends or even a damn loose file of theirs. Then I and some other competent people can disable their measures from here and we could launch an attack on them from the safety of our base, or just send us in. Though that's just my input since I have experience with this sort of thing."

"... We appreciate the dedication," Annette said, sounding a bit surprised, "But you're here to follow plans, not make them. Besides, we're not in a position to carry out any of what you suggest. We are in the midst of a battle that is going on at this time. We can't afford more resources ourselves, so that is where you all come in. You will be sent out and you will fight."

"You're rather indecent, now aren't you? Just like humanity itself, at least you're somewhat honest," Cagliostro grins. "I compliment your good taste in women, though. That is, unless, you're very easily pleased."

Cagliostro looks around for a bit, noticing that some have chosen to keep a close eye on Adam.

"I won't halt your tracks, but it looks like many, many others here will."

Ouroboros opened its jaws in an attempt to intimidate Adam.

"Oh~" Once again, Cagliostro's voice morphed from a rough, intimidating tone to a cutesy, bubbly one. "Ah~ you're new here, aren't you~ I guess I'll introduce myself~ I'm the cutest, genius, beautiful alchemist, Cagliostro~ it's nice to meet you~ and this is my friend, Ouroboros~"

The red serpentine being accompanying Cagliostro roars in response.

"These really bad people are forcing us to do things. But everything's OK because we're all in this together~

What's your name?"

"Hey, I say what's on my mind and some people don't like that," Adam said, finding Cagliostro more intriguing by the second. He found himself blushing. What a curious development! "Uh yeah, anyway, you seem reeeeal interested in this snake friend of yours... You get up to anything interesting with him? Er-- you know, I'll listen to whatever you have to say! Sooooo~ tell me what's on your mind?"

His mind seemed too preoccupied to be intimidated.​
"I can't say I was expecting a teamup like that~" Cagliostro says as she looks at Road warming up to Alucard. A while ago, the two were definitely not getting along. Right now, the ice was starting to break.

Cagliostro was intrigued by the familiar that lay within Ren's fan. It was a very odd force. "A djinn huh... nice to meet you, Paimon~

Speaking of familiars and partners, I believe you've all met Ouroboros~"

The red-hued serpentine beast that accompanied Cagliostro simply growls. It was the being known as Ouroboros.​

The princess turned to Road, her warm expression turning into a considering gaze as she saw the glint in the other's eyes. The young girl wasn't nearly as good at hiding that calculative look as she thought she was. Being a royal raised in such an environment as the imperial courts of Kou meant that Hakuei wasn't inexperienced in people's attempts at measuring her up. The Emperor and Empress's advisors were much more intimidating, in all honesty, especially that Banker that her mother liked to keep around.

Though Road reminded her more of a certain dark-haired Magi. That chaotic look in her eyes nearly matched the arrogance and boastfulness one always saw in Judal's crimson eyes.

That said, though, the princess was an expert at keeping up the genial smile that always lingered on her lips. She didn't rise to the clear bait, arching a regal brow at the girl.

"I respect Paimon too much to manifest her power at times when there is no need for it, Road. Perhaps sooner or later there will be a need."

She turned to Alucard and considered his words. "Paimon is the djinn of the ninth dungeon that my empire's Magi, Judal, raised. I am what you call a dungeon conqueror since I underwent the trials of that dungeon and succeeded, making Paimon choose me as her king vessel."

"A metal vessel is an item which a djinn - a being of great magical power - chooses to inhabit. It is an item owned by their king vessel. Should I choose to 'manifest' Paimon, my fan turns into another thing entirely,"