New User Hello! New user here!


Hi everyone, I'm Red! It is a name that holds great meaning to me, so I use it for a lot of things (except when it's taken :(). I love to read, write, play games, and roleplay. I hope we can all get along. I was never good with forums, but I'll try my best to be active here and engage in some great conversations.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here! Be sure to check the Account Approval guide so you can get RPing as quickly and easily as possible. :D

What sorts of RPs are you interested in?
Thanks for the reply! I'll be sure to do that.

The RPs I'm interested in are mainly fantasy. I feel like they're more fun and I get absorbed in them more easily than other genres.
Welcome! Were so glad to have you! If you haven't already go read the Rules It might also help if you read the Approval guide. Reading the Approval guide will help get your account approved. Getting your account approved means you can access the roleplay forums, game forums, can pm, message on profiles, and many other things. Were so glad to have you!! Also, fantasy is for sure the best genere. What makes fantasy so appealing to you?
Good question!

There's just so much to it. The memorable characters, the breathtaking mental images of the land, the thrill of exploration, and bringing out the true potential of your character. You can never get enough of it. It's why I'm so into roleplaying in the first place, you build something that can't be replicated in real life.
That was beautiful and poetic. I have never heard someone explain it as well and creative as you.
Thank you, that's very kind of you to say! I feel so deeply about it and never found a place where I've been able to express it properly. I hope I can have a great time here. I have gotten very positive vibes so far, and I can't wait to start!
Hi and welcome, Red! Hope you enjoy your time here! I see you're a fantasy-themed roleplayer as well? I'm looking forward to doing some roleplays based around that sometime if you ever want to!