New User Hey there, looking for adventures and good times

Hey all, I'm Shaman and I'm really looking forward to writing some crazy shenanigans and stories with others. I have good experience with roleplaying through text and a clear memory of how it all actually started for me...
It was back on YouTube, when you could still customize your profile to such an extent that it could serve as a character page. I was a kid watching some Star Wars video with probably a Breaking Benjamin song and after I headed to the creator's profile, I read through the comments... There I saw other people's profiles writing with one another, as if they were bounty hunters?? I thought that's crazy fun, and promptly joined in. I remember it vividly, even my very first character... Darth Vader.

Now roleplaying has even brought me into the wondrous world of TTRPGS, and now when I'm not getting my weekly supply of that rpg stuff with the group I DM for, I usually start writing instead. I tried going back to another site I was at for the last couple of years, but some issues such as the time zones (Me being from Europe, and mostly everyone else from USA) just made me think about finding alternatives, so here I am.
I have read through all the rules, big fan of all of 'em, and will head to post on some other threads after this introduction!

My typical style of roleplay is adventurous with maybe a dash of dark fantasy or eldritch horror. The Dark Souls games and the manga Berserk are a huge inspiration in my writing. I really like collaborative storytelling, where the writers can add onto each others ideas, subvert expectations (pre-planned or hinted at) and generally make each other's characters shine. I have most experience with my ronin character, Hashiba, who is a wayfaring swordsman with a companion fox pup, Kaede, but I have ideas brewing for another character to try out here. :)
Hello and welcome! Looking forward to seeing you around the site and doing some fun stuff together! Adventure and dark-themed stuff are a lot of fun to do. Dark Souls is a fun game series, if brutal. XD I'm totally looking forward to writing with you with those genres in mind!