Inked [1x1]

Otto's face crumpled into confusion and concern. She wished she could? To hell with not poking around; that sounded pretty damn dangerous. "Hey," he said quickly, not quite sure what to follow up with. He sat in silence for a few seconds, then sighed. "Who was that guy? You seemed like you knew each other."
It was the opening... an excuse to tell him the truth, or at least some of it. She chewed her lip bottom lip and sighed, "Do you want to come upstairs? It's not.... a short conversation."
Otto turned his gaze to his hands in his lap. "I-I mean...if you don't mind," he said quietly. As much as he was interested in what was going on - and as much as he wanted to make sure that Laila wasn't in any danger - he didn't want to intrude. Especially not since she was the one who cut him off originally.
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She managed a bit of a smile, "Of course not." She gestured for him to get out, "Come on up, I'll make some coffee..." It was far less than what he was owed, but perhaps it was a start to fixing the hurt she'd caused.
He nodded quickly. "Right," he said, stepping out of his car. He locked it and followed after Laila, stuffing his keys in his pocket. For a moment, he wondered whether or not the cats would remember him.
She led the way, opening the door. Before she started making the coffee she went into the bedroom and opened the door to allow the cats out and then she went into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea and Otto a cup of coffee. She was quiet while she worked, waiting until they were both settled on the couch with warm drinks before beginning.

The cats, in fact, do seem to remember him and meow and purr contentedly when he sits, climbing to sit and sleep on his lap.

Laila wouldn't meet his eyes, staring instead at the tea in her cup as she explained. "Erik is... a guy I knew in high school. We dated, briefly." She laughed, a little bitterly. "It was a whirlwind romance in the beginning. We were together all the time, we went on dates, he met my family, he was such a gentleman. We'd been dating for... about a month..." She paused, sipping at her still too hot tea. Her hands were shaking.

"That was when the pressure began," She looked at Otto to make sure she didn't have to clarify what he was pressuring from her. "It was gentle at first, little hints indicating that he'd been patiently waiting. Compliments, certain gifts..." Her cheeks turned a little pink at the memory.
Otto shuffles in and perches on the couch, not as lazily as he would have done before. He looked pretty tense, though in truth he was just incredibly nervous about whatever Laila was about to tell him. The presence of the cats nearby did do somewhat to calm him down a little, and he scratched behind their ears with one hand.

"Thank you," he said quietly as he took the coffee, sipping at it even though it was boiling. He preferred it like that, anyway. He looked at the cats, but he was focusing on Laila's story, determined not to miss any details. He visibly cringed when Laila mentioned how he was pressuring her, and shook his head a little. He really hoped this wasn't going where he thought it was going.
Quietly, she continued. "Another month passed and I made no comment at what he was hinting at. Finally he asked outright, when was he going to get the thing he wanted." Her voice was bitter, a side she'd never shown with Otto.

"I told him I wasn't ready and he was angry. There was a lot of yelling and cursing. I made him take me home and we didn't talk for a few days." Laila sighed, "I'm not... proud, but I was the one who broke the silence. I was young and despite the pressure, I thought we were good together. He apologized, told me how much he loved me, and I... I believed him. I wonder if I hadn't called him, if things would have turned out differently." The story was definitely heading where he thought.

"We'd barely made up and a week later he's inviting me over for dinner with his parents. Only they aren't there... they're out of town," She swallows hard, trying not to cry. "I don't think I need to tell you exactly what happened that night." The dam had spilled and the tears were flowing, freely. She couldn't even continue with her eyes open. Sniffing, though, she did persist. "I haven't.... been completely honest with you, Otto."

She set aside her mug of tea and held onto the napkin she'd brought along with it. It was damp. She put her arms forward, wrists turned up showing the ink that was there. "The important detail about that night is that he held me down, right here, by my wrists. I remember everything about that night. His hands were hot, sweaty..." She took the wet napkin and roughly wiped it across the ink. It smeared and she wiped at it again, smearing it some more and more and more until it was red, irritated, and the ink was faded. "When he'd finished," her voice was full of disgust, "he took one look at my wrists and his hands and he knew. He knew what I was. At first he was disgusted. With himself, with what he'd done, with what he'd discovered about me. Then he used it as a justification. 'You're nothing, Laila.' And he laughed, he actually laughed out loud and then spat on me. We broke up... but that didn't mean he didn't stop... using me. I was convenient, and I couldn't say anything because he would just tell everyone what I was, what I am."

Her whole body was shaking now. Afraid. Angry. Still hurting. "I could've gone and gotten the tattoos, but I would have had to admit that they were fake from the beginning. I'm not a monster because I made a choice. That night, that choice was taken from me. I'd never liked the idea of being forced to tell my life for all to see--should I have gotten ink that showed 'I was raped'? Should my most personal, intimate moments be displayed for all to see because that's what's expected? I never agreed but even after, I was determined to keep something to myself, I refused to have another choice made for me. So I blended in."
Oh god. It was going where he thought it was. He set the coffee down on the floor by his feet and gently pushed the kittens off his lap, giving Laila his full attention. He lifted a hand to his neck, feeling the telltale tightening of his throat. He didn't know why he was about to cry. He waited until she was finished to say anything, but he didn't get the chance. The lump in his throat jumped when she said that she hadn't been telling the whole truth.

He didn't know what to expect. He waited, breath held, as she rubbed at the marks on her wrist. "What're you..." he whispered, and suddenly noticed. The marks, which a few minutes ago had been pitch black, were now barely even there, a faint grey. His breath caught in his throat.

No, she couldn't be.

But she was. She was a blank.

A blank.

The word bounced around in his mind, echoing on and on. He put his elbows on his knees and held his head in his hands. "Fuck, Laila," he whispered, shaking his head a little. At first sight of the faded ink, he was scared but then he remembered the mark on his back. He could see it's bright gold colour in it's mind. He leant back on the couch, rubbing at his eyes to try and push the tears back in. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, voice cracking just the tiniest bit. He blinked away the tears and looked back to the faded marks on her wrist. He wished he was a braver man; he could storm out the door, find Eric, and pummel his face in. Get him sent to jail. But he wasn't.
She waited.

Wait for the disgust.

For the anger.

She waited for something and instead, he looked as miserable as she was feeling right now, reliving those memories. She let loose a bark of laughter, lacking any real humor. "What are you sorry for? I'm the one who lied, who lives a lie. I knew better, I knew I should have stayed away, left you alone. I just... you were so sweet, and I like you, a lot." She rubbed her now sore wrists, sniffling. "And I just knew it was going to end in hurt for one or both of us but I kept going and now, here we are. I'm sorry I ran that night, I just... the rain had smeared and it was all over your hands and I couldn't bear the thought of you find out."

Another short burst of laughter, "A lot of good that did, because here we are, me confessing my sins to you."

She was still waiting.
Otto winced at the odd laugh, thinking that he was being mocked. He soon enough realised he wasn't, and had to hold back a sigh. He shook his head, though it felt heavy. "I only noticed after I'd been designing for ages. I thought it was from my pen," he said. He dropped his hands to his lap, and turned his head to look at Laila.

He saw the look in her eyes - that expectant one, like when he couldn't figure out a design for someone - and he inwardly winced. "If you think I hate you...I don't," he said, voice quiet. He cleared his throat and shook his head again. "How can I?" He mumbled, mostly to himself, as he looked up at the ceiling. He hesitated. This was Laila's moment, not his. He could tell the story some other time. Maybe never. He extended an arm to Laila for a hug, if she wanted one.
Her smile was sad, "I knew you hadn't realized what it was, but I did." She showed her wrists again, making she he saw, making sure he understood what she was. "But if you'd seen my wrists then, you would have known... It just made me realize that I'd come too close to losing everything. God, I give Erik more than half of the money I make from those children's books. Every month we meet at that library and I pass him a big envelope of money and he tries to get me to stay and talk." She shook her head.

The offered hug was... nice. She fell into his arms, quite literally, feeling physically exhausted all of a sudden and then... she was shaking, heart wrenching sobs. She had held onto both of those secrets for so long. To have the choice to tell someone and the fact that he didn't look at her like she was the scum of the earth, she was relieved.

When she'd finished crying all over his shirt she removed herself from his arms, sheepishly. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have," she gestured to the tear soaked cloth and then wiping at her eyes. "Why are you so calm about this? Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, I'm just... confused."
Otto shook his head, scowling. He really wished he could go punch the guy. "He's a bastard," he muttered. "I'm glad you've never spoken to him. A sicko like that..." he didn't finish his sentence. 'I'm glad I stepped in,' he thought. As much as he wished they could go to the police about it, about everything, Erik would just spill the beans. Then the police would take her away, and none of it would matter.

He held her close to his chest, resting his chin on her scalp. "It's okay," he whispered, lightly rubbing her back. "You're gonna be okay." Without really thinking, he planted a kiss on the top of her head.

He moved his arms when she pulled away. He looked down at his chest and chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't worry about it," he said, smiling at her just a little. His shoulders slumped when she asked about his attitude. He sighed, lifting a hand to his neck. "I...I know that not all blanks are bad," he said, making direct eye contact with Laila, eyes just brimming.
That little kiss... that small gesture. It gave her hope and her heart swelled with the feeling. Maybe she hadn't completely ruined things with Otto, after all. It wasn't a commitment or a promise or anything of the sort, but it was simple and sweet and he didn't pull away.

She let out a long breath and then surprised she looked back at Otto. "How's that... everyone thinks..." The tears in his eyes, she reached forward and took his hand in her own.
Otto flinched at the touch, but didn't pull his hand away. He wiped at his eyes with the heel of his hand. "My sister." His voice cracked, and he started. "M-my baby sister. Mum...mum was gonna call her A-A-Anja." He was a stutterer. He wiped his nose with his wrist, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. "She...she died before they could mark her. I found her. In her crib." His face contorted, full of rage. "And, and they said that we should have forgotten her, and-and-and everyone did, b-but I didn't, and I-I'm not ever going to!" He stopped abruptly, realising that he was shouting. He buried his face into the elbow of his shirt, wiping his eyes.
This time it was her turn to offer arms of comfort and a soothing rub on his back. It was strange to her that this sweet man with all this anger bottled up had become an inker.

"Its okay not to forget." She murmured. She would end up with the one person who would understand.
Otto sighed between his sobs, setting his head down on Laila's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her, holding on tight. He took a deep breath, having cried himself dry. "That's why my sisters don't like me that much," he said quietly. "I wouldn't ever stop talking about Anja. Klara would get angry, because it would upset my mum. Mari would get angry because Klara would."
She made a soothing noise and mimicked his gesture from earlier, kissing the top if his head.

She wasn't sure where they went from here now that both their secrets had been revealed.
He gently pulled away, wiping at his eyes. He let out a little laugh, and nodded towards the sleeve of her shirt. "Now it's my turn to say sorry," he said with a sheepish smile, still stuttering a little.
She offered a smile, "I guess we're even now?" Clearing hee throat she stood to collect their mugs of now child drinks.

"I am sorry, for the disappearing act." She told him as she moved into the kitchen.