Land Down Under (KJDarKnight & Treasure)

Mathias glanced back "Jonah, stepping out. Keep an eye on things" he said before heading out.

Arena and her wolf had seen something so he would follow her lead as to where they were going
"Yes, sir," Jonah called, not thinking much of it.

Arena crouched low and moved through the trees like a shadow, flitting through the underbrush with ease. She paused, getting her bearings and looking for what she'd seen. There! Movement only a few short feet ahead. She crept forward, trying to get a glimpse. It was tall, and too narrow to be any animal she knew of. Human?
Mathias followed her lead, almost as silent as her. He looked where she pointed, frowning. He hoped it wasn't a cannibal coming back through
The thing disappeared from sight and all was still. Suddenly, it came back, running at full speed at Mathias. It was a cannibal, his eyes wild and foam pouring from his mouth. This was no ordinary cannibal. He was sick and out of his mind, probably cast out even from the cannibal tribe. He came at Mathias, roaring and swinging a club wildly.
Mathias was quick to get his rifle up, holding his ground, he fired, aiming to kill. They were counting on him and he needed to protect his friends and family regardless of being leader or not
The bullet only just missed striking the cannibal in the forehead, instead striking hi in the ear and shredding it. Despite the deafening noise and what must have been horrible pain, the cannibal didn't miss a step. His momentum propelled him forward.

Arena didn't bother with her bow after seeing what Mathias' gun did. She ran as hard as she could at the cannibal then jumped. Both feet hit him squarely in the side, knocking him off balance and staggering awkwardly. She landed on her feet, her spear up and spinning faster than most would have even found their balance. The flint spearhead sliced through his side, easily splitting open his flesh to the bone. Even still he only grunted and staggered around to face her.
Mathias quickly took aim again "Arena get down!" Of he could get a clean headshot that would do the trick. No walking that off but he didn't want to risk hitting her
Arena gave him a look. Exactly how was she supposed to get down when this thing kept charging her?

The cannibal roared like a bull and charged at Arena. She turned and ran for a tree, jumping up and planting her feet. She was able to run three steps up the trunk and leaped up to grab a branch. She hung there just out of reach of the cannibal. There. Hopefully up would be just as good as down.
That would do. He followed the cannibal with his gun. Soon as it was clear, he fired again, easier when it wasn't charging him
This time, the bullet hit clean, shattering his head. Nothing could keep going after that. Arena waited until the body had collapsed before dropping down.

"Meme, leave it," she warned as the growling wolf stalked forward. "No biting that!"
Mathias frowned and shouldered the gun again "we should burn the body...rabies is no joke. Can't risk anything getting ok?" He looked up at Arena
Arena snorted and reached down to physically turn Meme away when he got too close. "Burning is good. I am fine. This nothing. Just a walking tree."
Mathias nodded, glancing at Meme, he didn't want the wolf getting infected "Can you go tell Jonah to come help me? We'll need to drag the body out to a clearing to burn. I don't want Meme getting infected. I'm sure you don't either"
Arena gave a sharp nod. "I'd suggest getting a good look around, too. Something had to have infected him, and who knows if it was far away or close." She started back toward the cave to talk to Jonah.
"One thing at a time" he agreed, they would have to search for anything else showing symptoms, they would have to be careful of any meat they had for awhile too. Without being able to test the animals though it could prove difficult.
Arena grunted and took off toward the cave. Meme followed a bit more slowly. He was getting too old for this nonsense! Arena found Jonah standing at the entrance, his knife in hand as he looked around for danger.

"Hey!" Jonah called when he spotted Arena. "What's going on? We heard shots."

"Infected animal," Arena said so those hiding inside could hear. "Mathias took care of it. He needs you to help burn it."

Jonah nodded. "Alright. You'll stay and keep an eye out?"

Arena nodded. "Be careful. Maybe more." She was not at all happy at getting told to wait here, but she would obey the Alpha.

Jonah headed out toward the area Arena had come from, looking for Mathias.
Mathias spotted him before Jonah did. Made sense as Mathias was in the tree's "Jonah!" He called "over here"
"Is that what she said?" He smirked shaking his head "it's rabid..or was rather... so we have to burn the body. We don't want rabid wolves or something about should they find the body...may already have other rabid animals already..." he'd take Arena to go scout more out after getting this one burning
"I thought it was spread through a bite or something," Jonah said, looking around for a thick stick. Rather than touch the body and drag it, he started digging the snow away from it and creating a space for the fire to start. The snow should keep it from spreading.