The Zorcerer bit his tongue.
"Um.... We can summon it... but WE can't bind it to that damned cannon.... only Daemonsmiths can do that, unless.... (He smiles a wicked smile) We can convince those Dwarves to share their "technological" mindset with us...." Zorcerer
"Mind control them..." Zorcerer(Whispers smiling)
The Zorcerer bit his tongue.
"Um.... We can summon it... but WE can't bind it to that damned cannon.... only Daemonsmiths can do that, unless.... (He smiles a wicked smile) We can convince those Dwarves to share their "technological" mindset with us...." Zorcerer
"Mind control them..." Zorcerer(Whispers smiling)

Krezin showed a big wicked grin as he thought of mind controlling the Daemonsmiths. He chuckled in sadistic amusement, "Sure... please!"
"Zlaneezh, please make these Daemonsmiths share their mindset with us..."

"Of course, Zlaneezh always likes mind controlling..." Zlaneezh
Suddenly the Daemonsmiths would fall to the ground, moaning and holding their heads in great pain.
Soon, all of them would get up with a purplish glow in their eyes.
Then they would start detailing their works of binding demons into machinery and more.

(LEGION SPECIFIC UNIT)BLADES OF KNAVE'S SPECIAL UNIT UNLOCKED: Zorcerer Engitecks, a combination of Daemonsmithery and magics. Can serve as both Spellcasters and Engineers in binding demons to machinery and demonsmithery(Khaos Armors, Khaos Swords and more, No more Khaos Dwarves required!).

"Of course, Zlaneezh always likes mind controlling..." Zlaneezh
Suddenly the Daemonsmiths would fall to the ground, moaning and holding their heads in great pain.
Soon, all of them would get up with a purplish glow in their eyes.
Then they would start detailing their works of binding demons into machinery and more.

(LEGION SPECIFIC UNIT)BLADES OF KNAVE'S SPECIAL UNIT UNLOCKED: Zorcerer Engitecks, a combination of Daemonsmithery and magics. Can serve as both Spellcasters and Engineers in binding demons to machinery and demonsmithery(Khaos Armors, Khaos Swords and more, No more Khaos Dwarves required!).

Krezin : "Aww, yes! Yes, yes, yes!!!"
Krezin : "A new unit type? Are these still daemonsmiths, or are they totally different now?"

Krezin : "There seems to be a new unity type... fine let's call them Engitecks"

Krezin : "Now let's get to work, fortify our defenses! Build all the farms and factories! Gather more troops and train them all!"
*the defense being further bolstered*
*farms and factories being built within Wintertooth*
*some messengers were sent to gather and recruit more troops*

They are daemonsmiths and Zorcerers combined.

The messangers managed to have hordes of marauders entering Wintertooth and pleding their loyalty.

The Khornate Legion is still 3 days away..

Khornate Legion: About 2 days away. Consists of an elite core of Khosens, Khaos Warriors and Khaos Knights all dedicated to Chorne. Also brings along Khaos Giants and some Dragon Ogres.

"We should build up a shrine(Khaos Warshrine of [God]) in the name of our Dark Gods.." Zhaman Zorcerer suggested Krezin
"It would attract Khaos Warriors, Khosens and sometimes even Khaos Dragons!" Zhaos Zorcerer

Oh... oops...

*Deroc asked the Laihelians what are their more important issues preventing them from doing the research, he said he might help a little bit depending on the situation*
*the Pherithians gladly thanked the Laihelians for their guns*
*However, a few, let's say three, guns were taken for reverse-engineering back in Pherithian labs*


Krezin : "Shrines? What are they? How do they look like? A tower of skull, like a temple of sorts?"
OOC: I might be slowing you guys down, I can barely check the place around. @Deroc, I may need to ask you a favor,

Something was off in the winds of the tropics. Something was very off that made the Ehelion soldiers within the lands of Karastus at an unease...

"The KING is gone!" Shouts coming from the guards. They try not to spread panic and kept it at secret. Sending messages throughout the high-ups. Two days passed, and it was strange that the King wasn't still found...

With that, Prime Minister Saidan Onyxus was granted authority to rule the Parliament and the Ehelion Monarchy as the regent during the absence of the Monarch. However, the Prime Minister was so focused on the search, it left both defenses and offenses weakened in Ehelion except for Erecillia and Griffegus.
The West Sun Armada and the Ehelion division of the Violet Armada were quelled under personal orders from the Vice-minister, without the rest of the allied nations know that the Ehelion king disappeared. Those forces left the Articians, and disappointed the Lanceline navy.

This could be dark times for Ehelion, what could have happened to the King? ...

Somewhere in Terra...
"..." All the King of Ehelion can remember before he arrived at this place, was that he looked at a mirror, and then all blank. He smells gunpowder, and ruins was all round. Impaled bodies, smoking carcasses, burning cities like inferno. Yet it was cold, when winds breeze like winter however radiant the heat was. The place was at war, but he or we could never know what part of the world or even this may be ...

OOC: That's it guys, I'll be absent for a long while, I'll let you guys go off doing shit at Ehelion, but you'll not be able to conquer the mainland islands considering most of Ehelion's forces will be withdrawn to Erecillia, and the Vice-minister's forces including the Gryphonus Viceroy's will be directed to Griffegus and rule there.
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"These shrines would usually have an offerings to the gods, they can be in many shapes... They would emit a dark aura once constructed and attract perhaps even demons to your cause..."

"These shrines would usually have an offerings to the gods, they can be in many shapes... They would emit a dark aura once constructed and attract perhaps even demons to your cause..."
"Hmm, interesting. Very well, we'll build a ton of handsome skull towers and bring in more blood to our cause!"

"Oh, wait, do we have any infiltrators? We need to advance our army... and spread Khaos all over the world!!!"


Somewhere in Terra...
"..." All the King of Ehelion can remember before he arrived at this place, was that he looked at a mirror, and then all blank. He smells gunpowder, and ruins was all round. Impaled bodies, smoking carcasses, burning cities like inferno. Yet it was cold, when winds breeze like winter however radiant the heat was. The place was at war, but he or we could never know what part of the world or even this may be ...

Interesting :D
Deroc was from Terra, but then he slipped into Vestroya... and then Edge himself slipped into Terra :p

Do you have a rough idea of what's happening in Terra?


Something was off in the winds of the tropics. Something was very off that made the Ehelion soldiers within the lands of Karastus at an unease...

"What happened? I feel a heavy presence leaving..."
A dark voice spoke. It came from a man, who was wearing a pointy hat and a robe bearing the colors of red and black. His face was barely visible to most. A face shrouded in darkness, but a pair of bright yellow eyes. He then looked around out of curiosity.

"The KING is gone!" Shouts coming from the guards.

"What? Bist thou speaking real?"
"Ya, I'm truth speaking!"

"No wonder why... anyways, seal the secret and don't let the folk knows of his swinding. Understand?"
"Ya, Lord Olutaz!"

Olutaz, the man with the beard and the pointy hat, then left immersed into the shadows.

With that, Prime Minister Saidan Onyxus was granted authority to rule the Parliament and the Ehelion Monarchy as the regent during the absence of the Monarch.

However, the Prime Minister was so focused on the search, it left both defenses and offenses weakened in Ehelion except for Erecillia and Griffegus.
The West Sun Armada and the Ehelion division of the Violet Armada were quelled under personal orders from the Vice-minister, without the rest of the allied nations know that the Ehelion king disappeared. Those forces left the Articians, and disappointed the Lanceline navy.

Olutaz, turning out to be a high-ranking elite, was seen in the Parliament as well.

"Nay! We object to Saidan holding such great powers!"
The Gallesburgers immediately objected to Saidan taking the absolute power of the King and rule the Ehelion Monarchy with it. A large number of other Egilians, especially the Rhaen'yirian Egilians, opposed Saidan's regency as well.

A chaotic debate ensued, it was intense to the point that even a few fists and kicks were exchanged... will it be escalating into a war?
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"We do have daemonettes, or succubuses as inflitrators..." The Zorcerer said.

The Skull Towers attracted several bands of Khaos Warriors to your cause.

"We do have daemonettes, or succubuses as inflitrators..." The Zorcerer said.

The Skull Towers attracted several bands of Khaos Warriors to your cause.

Krezin chuckled a little. His eyes were full of perversion and wickedness. "Go ahead, and send some of them to the lands of the Laihelian Monarchy! I won't forget the Black Star, they should be punished for messing with me and my homie Volya! Spread Khaos there!"

(@LORDKHAOS, hmm I'll let you control the succubi and let you spread KHAOS!!! in Laihelia)
(@bear_369, be careful @LORDKHAOS is gonna sending some dirty whores into your lands!)


You get to control those succubuses... Since you are a Khaos Zorcerer Lord of Zlaneezh ... :) Send the dirty whores in..
Hmm, just thinking of giving you some activity/event in return... Are you sure you don't want to incite and spread the Khaos in Laihelia?
@LORDKHAOS and @bear_369 :

*12 of the most gorgeous Succubi were brought to Krezin for fun and love*
*the rest are being sent to the vast lands of the Laihelia Monarchy for Infiltration and Mischief*

*Laihelia Monarchy*
*the Succubi arrived scattered, most of them landing on the southern shores of White Star unnoticed at first*
*while some others went into the Father Crown and the Black Star lands*

The Khornate Legion has arrived on the doorsteps of Wintertooth. About 2 miles from the city, they make camp.
The Khornate Legion has...

Doomblade, Khaos Lord of Chorne
Qurvirex, Khaos Khampion of Chorne
Werfulk, Khaos Khampion of Chorne
Ologrox, Aspiring Champion of Chorne

-500 Marauders
-700 Khaos Warriors
-500 Khaos Warriors(Dual Wield)[Chorne]
-100 Khaos Warriors(Halbreds)[Chorne]
-50 Khosens[Chorne]
-10 Khosens(Great Weapons)[Chorne]
-2 Khaos Giants
-5 Dragon Ogres
-50 Khaos Zorcerers[Chorne]
-10 Zhaman Zorcerers[Chorne]
One of the greatest mages in the homeland of Laihelia Monarchy sense something similar but closer than it used to be. They reported this to the higher ranks, thus sending the elites to be active for the royal family's protection, which is the leaders of course. Unlike any of the soldiers, these elites were stronger and powerful in both weaponry and wizardry.


The succubi likewise felt heavy presences far far away from the elites...
These demonesses used their adept magics to cloak themselves away from the elites' prying eyes...

One of the succubi arrived into a town of moderate size. She saw a band of soldiers marching. She held her eyes on the captain.
The captain suddenly hesitated as he felt a lovely smell nearby. He looked around but no one was there. However, slowly he got to become more clumsy, tired and disoriented...

"Where are you... I need you..."
**awaiting response from @bear_369**

@bear_369, @LORDKHAOS

Gailia knew this was coming, powers give wickedness, greed torn their spirit apart, and vision of hope were lost.
While in spiritual form, she whispered Krezin's ear.
"Just as I expected..", she said "Your honor of keeping the world peace is lost, your greediness swallowed your spirit in whole, and the power of evil consumed your own life."
"I cannot judge your path of ways. For now, there's a greater consequences that will happen in your future. Farewell", she told as she's gone.

"Wait! How did you manage..."

"Hah! You are just a little weak bitch! I have Zlaneezh and Tzeench on my side! I enjoy power! I enjoy love! Mind your own Black Star idiots before nagging to me! I will never forget what your retarded dogs did to my friend Volya!"

"Consequences? Nah, Khaos is forever and ever! Khaos is with me! I have Zlaneezh and Tzeench on my side, who cares about your nagging? Great, goodbye to you too!"

After Gailla left, Krezin then turned to a nearby Zorcerer. He asked, "How the heck can this bitch just happen to come here and nag some stupid stuffs before me? I mean, Khaos should have kept her from breaching our lands? Anyways, we have to bolster our defense further... what if Chorne himself showed up before me the same way as she did..."


A moment afterwards...
"Our enemies draw near, Lord Krezin."
"Grrr," Krezin snarled, "These upstarts are tiresome gnats, nothing more. My might cannot be denied! I am the Lord of Wintertooth! Those who challenge my rule will soon regret their folly."

"Bring it on!"


The Khornate Legion has arrived on the doorsteps of Wintertooth. About 2 miles from the city, they make camp.
The Khornate Legion has...

Doomblade, Khaos Lord of Chorne
Qurvirex, Khaos Khampion of Chorne
Werfulk, Khaos Khampion of Chorne
Ologrox, Aspiring Champion of Chorne

-500 Marauders
-700 Khaos Warriors
-500 Khaos Warriors(Dual Wield)[Chorne]
-100 Khaos Warriors(Halbreds)[Chorne]
-50 Khosens[Chorne]
-10 Khosens(Great Weapons)[Chorne]
-2 Khaos Giants
-5 Dragon Ogres
-50 Khaos Zorcerers[Chorne]
-10 Zhaman Zorcerers[Chorne]

A great bastion of thick tall walls, complete with hellcannons, towers and garrisons awaits the approaching Chornate Legion. They would be greeted by showers of hellfire upon showing up before the bastion. Waves of blue thunder and shockwave also greeted the visitors with sincerity. In addition, some of the Chornates would find their minds rotting and their bodies revolting against their soul...

The two giants will have a nasty surprise awaiting them. Blazing boulders and arrows of hellfire are quickly heading for their eyes and groins!

Krezin : "Zlaneezh...... make them suffer...... torture them... make their minds rot! Make them have overly big boners for an excessively long time, make their private parts blow up in blood!"