[Old] 1st Age: Genesis - Obsolete


The Alfathers realm was full of light. Their was no discernible darkness in view, just blue skies and clouds. No sun or moon, either, no weather and only a slight fresh breeze. Just light.

In it's core their was an island; floating stone and earth with tall, stocky trees with all sorts of delicious fruits for the demigods feasting. It was paradise.

The island hosted a spring and a river of clean water, and near it a settlement. Various gazebos for the demigods to rest in; though no walls, for the 'Allfathers Palm' hosted no threats or disease.

But it would not be forever alone, this island. The Alfather had plans for these skies. He would place his children here, and to them he would present his mighty Gift: a Reality to mold.

This reality existed through a special pool in the center of the largest gazebo. It's water reflected not the space around it, but a black void full of small specks of various lights. It showed the Mortal Realm, a vast, empty place that continued in all directions forever.

Through the pool, into Mortal existence all was dark. Clouds of color and stars contrast the blackness of the abyss. It was lovely, really.

The world was formed there, in a harsh and painful glow of the young, bright, yellow sun. But the sun could not be seen from it's surface, shrouded in dark clouds of ash and raw gases yet to separate. Their storms raged, lightning peeled and fire and water erupted from the ground, into the deafening howls of winds. The birth-cry of a world.

The world was overlooked by a moon, which appeared to the naked eye to be a malformed chunk of molten stone, and a massive field of swirling space clouds, lit aflame.

Back in the Alfather's realm, from out of the bright, eternally noon-sky several balls of fire fell. One contained you.
Rasti had not volunteered to be sent to this mortal realm. Rasti didn't volunteer to do much past sitting lazily in the paradise now so far above. He could see his brothers and sisters spread out on the boiling surface of this planet. The air was dense and dark, the heat oppressive, and the world lit by bursts of fire and lightning. A kind of world meant for dark people.

The boiling surface of the planet and the oppressive heat and darkness were something so far removed from Rasti's life thus far that he left them be, letting the heat breeze blow through his dark hair, feeling the earth shake and spasm around him. He had no inkling when the next spurt of fire would appear, no clue when he would be doused with water. Or would, if he had true form. Instead, he stepped through this realm as a ghost, present, but not permanent, a physical representation of his role up above.

No, the flames and the night he could cope with. But he could see only black, and hear only screaming.

It was loud. Far too loud.

Reaching up, Rasti calmed the air, and the sky, soothing the great howls and screams as it writhed itself into existence. The air he parted, sending a thousand gentle breezes to clear the ash from the sky. Each breeze sang as it flew, joining into one great wind that whirled together, their separate breathing twisting and twining together into one great song, the first great song heralding the true birth of this world. Rasti sent this wind around the entire planet, beginning a long journey that it would continue for as long as Rasti dwelt here, spreading music wherever it flowed.

Rasti's wind gathered the ash and collected it into one patch of toxic air at the bottom of the new planet, letting the darkness keep some hold on this place, just a touch to make the light shine all that much brighter. Far above, the bright, young sun threw itself against the planet, the molten moon hiding its face in the light of day. Rasti closed his golden eyes, turning to bronze in the light, and let it fall on his face, warming the skin that was not truly there.

Turning to the north, he made a home for his wind, a bright place where it would begin, a tall place he pulled up from the earth, a secret place with ledges and clearings and tunnels and archways for sitting and watching, the place where he would drink and sing and dance and watch the world turn. He walked, and where he touched the great stones he had raised from the earth, they glowed, humming, the fire and water receding from his tall place in the north. He brought greenery and lights like stars to pierce the darkness. Water poured over his rocks and cut itself a path through his domain, and where it moved quick in a brook, he turned it to a deep red wine. Where it tumbled from rock to rock, he made it clear and bright and clean, the sweetest of waters that would enchant at a sip. His wind whipped through its new playground, whistling the sweetest of harmonies as it cut through walls and up sheer steps.

Rasti took his seat at the top of a ledge, where the new sun could reach him, his eyes resembling melting metallic gold and bronze in its warmth, and he observed his domain. Bringing a bottle of wine to his hand, he closed his eyes once more and heard the singing of his wind, feeling it curl in his hair and whisper a soft melody, and knew that the beings who lived here would give anything for the touch and caress of this tune that would one day be ancient. He saw his tall place of starlight and play, and he knew this was only a beginning. He would bring beings into this world to live here, to carve artwork into the stones and make sweetest wines and learn new songs from the wind as it travelled the world. Here, they would dance, and be merry.

Bringing up his hand, Rasti felt the breeze leap playfully to his hand, whipping through his fingers and humming to him. Turning his hand delicately, Rasti shaped the breeze into a form, a small being with arms and legs just like his, a being that could leap to the air and fly with the breeze, that could feel it dancing around it. This being was born of the wind, and its form was as changeable as the wind itself, though it was now solid and as real as the world around it. It would learn as time went on to mould itself at will into any shape it desired. Rasti breathed life into his Singer, and released it to play amongst the place he had created, knowing it would grow and learn songs and fly with the wind through every age this planet saw. Once it grew, more into a person than a breeze, he would give it siblings of its own. This Singer would be his herald in the world that was.

He sipped his wine, and turned his eyes to his brothers and sisters far below, waiting to see what they would make of this new place they had been given.
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Vanos gazed into the young star unblinking. He felt its warmth encapsulate him. shifting his view to the planet bellow, Vanos was displeased. Although he saw potential he also saw desolation. He missed the beauty of his fathers realm, he missed the springs and Gazebos, but most of all he missed the Peaceful sounds; The sloshing steams, the whispers of the wind, And the pleasant calming silence when everything was still.

Turning to the East, Vanos began to whistle softly, as he did so the faint sounds carried on his brothers breeze. It was a symphony of life and peace, it was a symphony of death and danger, it was the symphony of Order and chaos, Which is to say it was the sounds of a paradise where the strong survived but the week had shelter. It was the forest. This is where he would have his domain.

Walking along he reached out his and ran it along the desolate ground ,where he touched grass sprung up, flowers bloomed, and the ground became fertile. He began to dance, and where his, surprisingly graceful, feet touched trees leaped out of the soil. Stooping down, he caught up a flower and inhaled deeply, then picked the petals off one by one, and all at once he cast them into the air and blew on them. They took shape into small yellow and green humming birds they fluttered around him for a moment then vanished into the forest. Vanos laid in the soft grass and began to twine the grass into the shapes of Wolf pups, deer, and other wildlife and one after the other he gave them life. He took special interest in the wolf pups and played with them for a moment, tussling with them and letting them chew at his hands. He had a special love for the wolves. He chose the strongest of them and made them even stronger and much Larger. To these he gave the ability to speak and he gave them them his blessing to hunt and wander where they wished. These five where his heralds, And he called them his Wanderers.

His creation was almost complete. Jovially Vanos Let out a mighty and roaring laugh, which caused springs of pure water to flow though his forest and seeds to catch on the breeze to extend his domain. Vanos walked to the middle of his domain and gracefully built himself a huge tree that flowed life into the forest and was his seat of power.

Watching his siblings fall, Vanos was excited to see what this world would shape into.
Fidreur strolled down the world purposefully. The bright, blue sky shined down upon him. Travelling south, to his right, a sea of mud and ooze which may some day be a sea in it's own right. To his left, black, bare mountains, with no life at all. Fidreur considered what he might put on these mountains; idea after idea he shot down. Not good enough, or he could just do better, or something similar. Finally something caught his attention. Blueish-white smoke rose from behind the mountains, toxic air that was quickly hurried away by Rasti's winds. But then only more appeared.

Fidreur investigated; he found blackened pits and tunnels in the stone gushing out heat and bad air. Crawling through these pits, he finally reached the end; globs of molten ores and rock were burning away passionately. Green fire lifted off from the surface of the dangerous goo. It was a tiny bit of the old world, stubbornly holding on to it's dying ways. Fidreur was moved.

Fidreur reached down and grabbed at the magma. Holding the searingly hot stuff in his hands, he molded it to his imagination; The new creature was small enough to live underground in these tunnels. It had a malleable spine and two, long limbs with stretched out digits to climb with. No eyes, ears or nostrils. Only a mouth and huge teeth that mimicked Fidreur's, only this creatures could only eat and breath the toxic metals of the pits. It sense through vibrations of the earth, of which their were many. Fidreur stood back and admired his handy-work. The Creature wandered about clumsily until it lost its balance and fell into the remaining magma. Screaming, it would attempt to yank itself free; but with only two legs and no arms, it was a lost cause, except of course for dragging itself out in sheer desperation. The newly molded creature's spine stretch as it dragged itself forward, forming a tail. At this point Fidreur hated it. It could not survive it's own home. He had failed.

But, not wanting to waste the magma, Fidreur took the remaining lava to the surface to work with. Obsessively he began molding thing after thing, ranging from bizarre to abomination. Fidreur was fueled by the obsessive urge to not fail. But nothing he made was good enough.

He reached to his pile, he hand returning dust. He had used up the entire magma vein. He gazed out to his field of creatures, 114 green, toothy monsters gazed back, of all shapes and sizes and shades. None were good enough. Fidreur stood up and bellowed out in rage. He had ruined it. He had failed his Allfather. Fidreur stomped the ground repeatedly. Then he notice something.

Each and every creature was bellowing too. Their cries were not out of anger: they were hungry, or tired, or in pain of some type. Fidreur couldn't stand the thought of having to deal with so many things that fell so infinitely short of his expectations. He stormed off in anger and disgust.

His creations gave chase.
Watching everything with great interest Raxis takes to the sky using his wings to observe everything from a greater view. While in the air he creates floating islands high above the ground and creates winged creatures to eventually fly within the sky as he does now.

(im new so this might be bad idk XD)
Rasti watched his brothers build their domains-a haven in the sky for Raxis, where his great wings would make him king. Small winged creatures sailed far above, spinning around their master. Rasti drank his wine and watched them for a moment. His wind would carry him up that high if ever he desired to go.

Down on the earth, Vanos had created a vast forest. His whistling mingling with his wind brought a small smile to Rasti's face as he sipped. Creatures flitted between the leaves and branches of Vanos' forest as he made his home there, his dancing and laughter bring Rasti a touch of joy that set his eyes to a bright yellow and green, reflecting the sun on the leaves. Great wolves prowled those woods and Rasti watched them. He nodded to himself. They suited Vanos.

Quite the opposite to Vanos' joy in creation was Fidreur. Still sipping, Rasti's eyes reflected the cracking light and roiling magma that his brother was crafting creatures out of. Hellish fiends and creatures of bizarre proportions ranged before Fidreur, but he worked in a frenzy, unstoppable, crazed.

His Singer whistled closer to him and landed on the rock beside him, casting one leg off the edge and following Rasti's gaze out to Fidreur's creatures. This Singer was still the first, and it had matured in the time Rasti had been watching his brothers and sisters. It now knew his part of the world. It knew Rasti. It would learn more and more from its master as time went on and this world grew. Curious, it looked between Rasti and the world below.

Too lazy to interpret facial expressions while he was watching Fidreur's rage, Rasti gestured vaguely with a hand and granted his Singer the ability to speak as well as sing. In retrospect, that may have been a mistake.
"Speak," Rasti told it, watching Fidreur force two handfuls of lava into a horrific muddle before him. How intriguing.
The Singer sang for a moment, figuring out how this new gift worked, before it grinned up at Rasti. "Gladly." It pointed what started as a finger but turned into a long limb down at Fidreur. "What on earth is he doing?"
Rasti took a sip and conjured up a glass of wine for his new companion. "You mean what is he doing on earth? I'm not entirely certain. But he doesn't appear to be meeting with much success."
The Singer cocked its head to the side. "Is he trying to make me brothers and sisters?"
Rasti shook his head. "They'd be more like distant cousins."

They both watched in silence as Fidreur roared and his creatures bellowed back. They ran across the newly formed earth together. Rasti couldn't tell whether Fidreur was leading them or running from them. Ah well, he was a god for a reason. To get eaten by his own creations was plain embarrassing. He handed his Singer a glass of wine. "Go take this Vanos. Invite him up to watch."
The Singer gave Rasti a dubious look. "You want me to go down there?"
Rasti finally stopped watching the distant ground and gave the Singer a look back. "Did I stutter?" he asked.
The Singer glanced over the edge, looking pointedly at the many creations of Fidreur.
Rolling his eyes, Rasti forced the glass onto him. "I only just made you-I'm not going to let my brother kill you two minutes later. Besides, you don't even need to touch the ground."
The Singer still looked uncertain. "Why are you inviting him up here, anyway? There's nothing to watch yet."
Rasti's eyes flashed dark but his irritation was quickly clouded by a new thought. A smile grew on his face. "You make an excellent point for a talking breeze."
The Singer looked mildly offended.

Rasti put his drink to the side and picked up some dirt from the ledge beside him. He crafted it into a shape similar to his own, a simple creature of clay. His Singer watched on in silence. He drew up some lava from the boiling surface of the planet and some water from the earth and forced them inside his creature. He made a line of these small models, giving them eyes and mouths and ears to hear. He crafted them with an exquisite grace and delicacy that only a god of art could muster.
He held the best of his figures up to his eyes. "Any suggestions?"
The Singer shrugged. "More hair?"
Shrugging, Rasti gave half of the models hair on their faces and chests. The Singer nodded approvingly. Rasti grinned fiercely. "Now the fun begins. Go to each of my brothers and sisters. Tell them these creatures aren't of us. They are made of this earth and bound to it. They are delicate and can perish easily. They must eat and drink or they will die. They must stay warm, or they will die. They can contract diseases and are easily broken. Tell them I suggest a game. We share these creatures. They live or die by our command. They may add to them whatever they wish, flaws or features that might help them to survive. They choose whether to provide them with shelter or make the world around them more deadly. These creatures are not of one of us, but all of us. Let the games begin."
Rattling the creatures in his hand, Rasti breathed onto them life from his own lungs and cast them into the wind.
Suddenly, a ripple stole over the world. For the demigods and their creatures, fresh from the womb of creation, it was barely perceptible, a brief sensation of falling, that made the stomach dip and the heart speed up for a mere moment. And then, where there was once only a feeling of unrestrained lightness and freedom, there was suddenly some resistance, some tension, the feeling of something passing that could not be reclaimed once it was gone. A great orb of fire hit the surface of the infant world with a boom, and the flames crackled and then disappeared in an instant. From the ashes rose a woman, her hair cascading into a soft, gentle waterfall the color of intensely dark cocoa. Her dress was pale, and shifted, wraithlike, around her body, the edges and beginnings and endings of it hard to define. Upon her brow rested an emerald jewel suspended from a silver band, and beneath the crystals of her eyes, one sapphire and one amethyst, gazed piercingly at her new surroundings.

"If you're going to play games," she said, her voice quiet yet clear and sharp, like an icicle, "You're going to need some rules."

Luira, goddess of time and choices and split pathways, rose to meet her brother Rasti in his domain amongst his overgrown maze. "I have created for you a plane, a straight line that will now govern your creations and their existence. There is no moving back, only forward. Each of your creations shall be temporary, then their spirits shall pass from this realm and into another, that of my sister Keira's or my brother Nonpa's. If you or your creations attempt to resist this line that I have put in place, which I shall name time, you will be cursed. Nobody passes and comes back without a price."
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Vanos sat leaning against a tree and stroking a Faun in his lap. Gazing up at Rasti's Domain, Vanos chuckled. He had always had a fondness for Rasti and his antics, and Rasti's singers where beautiful. Vanos saw the rivers of wine running though the mountain, how they twisted like a writhing serpent. They where perfect for Rasti's fun loving nature. Swiftly an idea formulated in Vanos's mind, he would make Rasti a special brew as a gift of good will and kinship. He thought of what it should be made of; The nectar of flowers? The grain of the forest? The honey of bees? Vanos decisively chose to make it from the sweet honey of his bees and the grains of his forest. Setting to work, Vanos gathered the smooth honey from the hives and the yest from fermented flour. Vanos worked tirelessly on his honeyed wine. It had to be perfect for Rasti! He tested the ingredients, mixed them together, And took a deep drought from his creation. It was delicious! Its warm tendrils ran though his body, the sweet and smooth taste of honey lingered in his mouth, and the tickling sensation of wine ran though his throat. This honeyed wine he would call Meed. Storing the meed in a beautiful flask, Vanos set off towards Rasti's domain, whistling.

Walking past the rivers of wine up to Rasti's gates, Vanos called Out Smiling "Hello Brother! I have brought you a gift, A new wine of my own creation!"
Nonpa chose to stay back during his descent, deciding instead to observe his godkins' creations, before crafting a suitable hell, to see if such a thing would be feasible in the world. After seeing the creation of Fidreur's myriad of abominations, and Rasti's creation of Humanity, free for all gods to influence, Nonpa was convinced. This land will be full of evil, and that made Nonpa smile. His work will be of great need in this land.

First things first, for Nonpa, is to craft the End for the world. A way to truly wipe away the damned of this world, so that the innocent may take the world for their own, and make something good of it. At least, for awhile. Sin always comes back, for it is cyclical, and the wheel always becomes dirty, before a much needed, strong cleaning is needed.

Thus, Nonpa concentrated the blackness of space into a black door, the entrance to Hell itself. Now simply a pitch dark rectangle, it will be further refined, once Nonpa has found a proper foundation to place it.

Thus, Nonpa glided from orbit to the land below, and went to banter with his godkin brethren. A quick conversation with family, before continuing his work someplace far away.

He decided to speak with Rasti, to muse of the humanity he created.
Watching the newest beings of the earth stumble where they had landed on the sweet earth near Vanos' domain, Rasti wondered how these creatures would fare once his brothers and sisters started in on them. They were expendable. Rasti did not care for them, but instead delighted in the endless entertainment they attempted to grow on this earth. He wondered idly if they would try and walk through lava. He assumed that would kill them, but he didn't quite know. They were easy enough to make more of, though he had given them the ability to multiply on their own so he didn't have to keep making them by hand.

He felt something shiver over his skin as Luira alighted. Something began then, an inexorable tug towards...something other than what they were. The pull started the world turning and settled over the creatures below. Luira floated up beside him. Ever a mystery, Luira intrigued Rasti. He knew her love for feelings, and his addiction to those highs and lows she could create meant he had a deep appreciation for her work. But her words now delighted him. She had created this new force, this 'time'. In many ways, she had already won this game, if there was a way to win it at all. Those creatures below, feeling their way through their new world, would be victims of this time even if they escaped the trials of life. Their lives, so delicate and expendable, now had endings. He wondered if Raxis could see those endings now, if they were fixed points in his foresight.

He knew some of his brothers and sisters would grow attached to these creatures, that they would try to fight Luira's time. Rasti was happy to watch them perish. Perhaps he would bring some to his domain if they showed some skill in art. He would send Singers down to teach them. His singers were as eternal as the wind. He didn't doubt that they too would one day fall prey to time, but they were his own being sent to do his bidding and as long as they were his and they were in his domain, they would be as safe from time as the force they were made from. The creatures down below, however...perhaps their mortality would create a kind of desperation in their pursuits that would lead to something new. Rasti grinned. "An excellent rule, Luira. I look forward to the day that one of these creatures tries to cheat you. Would you care for some wine? I expect the others will pop in sooner or later."
Indeed, as he was speaking, his first Singer returned, and the great voice of Vanos called from the gates. Calling his Singer to him, Rasti bade him tell his kin to make merry. Already, the few Singers Rasti had made were laughing behind him, partaking of the wine and water, eating the fruits that Rasti had grown them, though they didn't need to. They sang, as always, and Rasti vaguely became aware that he ought to make them instruments. Perhaps he could talk with Vanos about it. His wood seemed like a good thing to make instruments from.

As his brother and sister joined him, there was music and laughter behind. Rasti grinned at Vanos, a great beast of a being, far larger than him. Rasti's eyes turned a bright, almost clear yellow, and he took the gift that Vanos had made him. "Welcome, Vanos! A gift greater than your very presence, how kind!" His eyes twinkled as he spoke. A new kind of wine made from the fruits of this earth. This wine, Rasti would give to the creatures below. Once drunk, they would be well and truly in his domain for a short while, making joy with no restraints. For now though, he poured out three glasses and closed his eyes to breathe in the scent. New fragrances he had no names for, no doubt crafted below in Vanos' forest.

"Sit, Vanos! You're just in time to see what Nonpa chooses to make of this place." He handed the glasses to his kin and took his first sip. Delicious. He told Vanos as much. "And you must tell me what wondrous things went into the making of this wine. What have you named it?"
As they spoke, Nonpa descended. He formed a great black door, no doubt leading to his hellish domain, and Rasti grinned. What a foe Nonpa would make for these people. Before too long, Nonpa arrived at his gates. Sitting on his ledge with his wine in hand, Rasti called down, "Join us, brother!"
Rasti wasn't particularly close or far from his brothers and sisters, but they all partook of his company, and usually his wine, so they maintained a friendly companionship, some more than others. Vanos and Rasti had always enjoyed each other's work.

His first Singer flew over to his elbow and glanced at the new wine. Rasti allowed the creature to taste it. "You made good time," he told it casually.
The Singer swilled the wine and nodded his approval, going for more, but Rasti held it out of its reach.
"I've given you speech, so you can ask for something if you want it."
The Singer gestured at the wine and asked dryly, "May I have some of that delicious wine?"
Pulling his attention away from his siblings for a moment, Rasti eyed the Singer, the first and oldest of his kind, and his personal messenger, eyes and ears in the world, and companion.
"No, but you can have a name. I shall call you Rin. And you can have a job. Go name your siblings."
Rin puffed up importantly, his chest large and his arms swinging. He gave a grin, snapped back to his usual form whipped away to fetch a drink from the river and name the other Singers.

Rasti gestured towards the black gate Nonpa had created and took a sip of Vanos' wine. "How long do you reckon before one of them make their way down there?"
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Vanos was very pleased with Rastis' pleasure and enjoyment of his new meed. Chatting with Rasti, Vanos told Rasti all about the meed; how it was made, what was in it, and what inspired him to make it. Vanos was very intrigued with Rastis' Creation of man and what Nonpa would do to them.

Answering Rasti, Although not quit sure if the question was directed to him, "Not long i suppose. They seem like a curios bunch. Though i do wonder what they will make of themselves. will they die off quickly or become strengthened and hardy?" Pausing for a moment to think Vanos continued "They seem helpless. Perhaps with your approval, I could have my wanderers teach them to hunt and forage? That way they may survive on their own without constant help." With that Vanos leaned back and waited for a response.
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As the fireballs descended, one seemed...strange. It was moving erratically, jerking from side to side, as if it were panicking about how or where it was going to land. It twisted and spun as it descended, and soon patches of what looked like heated fog or steam began to appear. They were spread out in random areas, far away in some cases, and close to each other in others. Soon enough, the fireball entered one of the patches that appeared, and vanished just as quickly as it fell. It reappeared, shooting out of a different patch and into yet another. It repeated the process again, and again, over and over until the fireball finally shot back towards the ground of the new world. It hit a boulder, and the flames dispersed, revealing the deity that was within, and sending her faceplanting into the ground.

Her body seemed limp, unmoving and somewhat lifeless. Then something of a whooshing sound was made right before what seemed to be a decorative dagger embedded its blade in the ground close to her. It had made a small cut to one of her finger, and a drop of blood left her, before she grabbed the dagger by the hilt and began bringing herself back up from the ground. Right before she pushed herself back up all the way, the deity let out a sneeze onto the drop of blood that had fallen. She stretched, and took a moment to blow what looked like some of the flames from the fireball out of her nose. She noticed the little cut on her finger, and licked it. The cut was no more.

With the cut gone, the deity tossed the dagger up in the air, and had the fogs surround it to return it to its rightful place. She looked around at the land before her and found nothing of interest. Unfortunately, it would be a while before there was anything TO be interesting. It was a new world, after all. Still, she had decided to look around. A nice little walk was good every now and then, and she needed to take in the sights before the others began reshaping the place to their own wills. It would be a shame to let the original be forgotten.

So, the deity walked on, watching and observing whatever she could before it disappeared. She was in no rich. Each deity had their own role to play, and each would influence the new world with their presence. Her own influence was an inevitability. It would come soon enough.


While she walked on. The spot where her blood had dripped moved. A small glob moved about on its own. It slid and rolled, and found its way to small pebble. The glob enveloped this pebble, and grew. It found more, and did the same. It grew. It found larger pebbles, and did the same. It grew. And from this on to a certain point, it would continue to grow...
Seeing Fidreur being chased by his own creations Raxis flew beside him asking with a curious gaze, 'Are you playing some kind of a game with those creatures?'
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As Rasti called to Nonpa to join them, so Nonpa did, gliding on the earth on a black mist where his legs would be, and phasing through any obstacles that was between him and his destination. When Nonpa eventually reached their presence, Rasti inquired Nonpa about who would be the first to enter his Hell. Nonpa gave a quick moments thought, before answering.

"Well, your Rin seemed quite Prideful when the Singer was given its Name and Duty. If Rin's sense of self importance fails to fade, then he may be the first of this land to permanently tour the many horrid wonders and tortures of my horrific halls."Nonpa made sure Rin the Singer heard his comment in him, before He began to study the newly created Humanity, who shuddered and cowarded away from his presence.

"They be right to fear me." He said in amusement. "However, their current innocence, I find good and heartening. I will not touch them now, their innocence is too golden for me to tarnish now. However, inevitably, their innocence will be dirtied, and then, they may soon feel the fell fire burn within them." He then turned to look Rasti and Vamos straight in their eyes. "Until then, they are safe from my wrath."
Listening carefully to Nonpa, Vanos leaned in intently and waited until he was through speaking. As Nonpa finished Vanos reclined back in his chair and folded his arms. Taking on a more serious air, Vanos spoke "It is true. They are innocent, But what is innocence but a state of mind? It can always be cleansed by a tales of Valor and True Sacrifice. What they need is heroes! The strongest among them to slay fell beast and creatures! To lead them, and restore their courage in desolate times! That is why I must create horrible monsters for them to Hunt. So that through their hardship, They may become stronger. I will inspire their hearts with these tales.......These Myths so that they may have hope. So that they wont have to always fear death but welcome it! As it means their lives will go down in Myth. To console the hearts of future generations."

Vanos, having finished his speech, he sat back down from his half standing position, which he had assumed half way through. Thirstily he took a long drought of his meed, Then with a smirk continued "That is why Nonpa They will always have a hope and not all will have to suffer your infernal touch and wrath. though through all of this Nonpa, We are still brothers and I will not stand in your way, merely give this new race a sporting chance."
Fidreur ran. All over the world, he traipsed away from his roaring, pleading crowd. The creatures cried out for attention, but they fell on deaf ears. The curse of time was introduced; Fidreur continued without care. Raxis would attempt conversation, but Fidreur was too focus on his task. He was in one of THOSE moods. Finally he felt something that made him pause. It was silence. He turned around; and to his amazement; his crowd of creatures were gone. The horde that followed was now a trail of dead abominations. Save for one.

This creature had short, strong legs, Long arms and palms that rested on the ground, sharing the weight of the legs for long term journeys, such as the one it just went on. It had long nostrils for guzzling oxygen and wide yellow eyes with thin slots.

Fidreur realized something. This creature inherited more from him then his green complexion and teeth. This creature fought for existence. It worked hard, were the others failed to continue it had a supernatural endurance. Just like its father.

Fidreur was moved nearly to tears. But something was wrong. It seemed tired. Not because of its impossible marathon, but inside its soul, as though it was itself fading. It was dying of Time.

Fidreur screamed of anger. He roared the deepest disgust the world had ever heard. “Luira, How dare you?! How DARE you take from me this mortal?! This creature fought to exist, and you steal from it it’s right to earn its existence-“ Fidreur nearly spat “-by injecting it with a fight you KNOW it could never win?!”

Fidreur looked at the creature. Before Luira could respond, Fidreur had an idea. “Mortal, I cannot undo what is done here. I cannot keep you from death. But I can keep your memory here…” Fidreur took the creation, and took a sliver of its being, and a glob of magma, and formed a second, identical creature, based off the first. It differed only slightly; Slender and taller, a feminine version. He said to his male creature, holding the female; “I call this ‘Woman’. You shall protect and love her. Understood? Together, you will make more of you, for every one of you who dies, two more will take its place! This will be your own children, they you will love and guard and never let harm come too, like my father has done to me. Like from now on, I will do to you.” Fidreur nodded to himself “You will be known as Orc. May your enemies tremble, for you would sooner die then betray your belief or your family with surrender!”
After finishing his discussion Vanos excused himself and returned to his Domain.
Luira took the mug delicately from her brother, and brought it to her lips. The bittersweet taste of mead flowed over her tongue and down her esophagus. It burned in her throat. She shrugged and set the mug down gently. She could see what this sweet, addictive drink would do to some of the mortals. It was a thin line, a choice between revelry and merry-making, and the confines of addiction and the use of it to evade emotions. As for herself, she enjoyed the warmth of it's fermented flavor, but preferred a nice red wine if she was given the choice. She sat with her brothers and watched the world evolving beneath her. As Fridreur cursed her name, she merely smiled. He would figure it out. Besides, she knew her rule was right. It was the only way this 'game' could progress effectively. Although she had put in place a rule, she hated the idea of toying with mortals like this, using them as pawns on a greater chess board they could not comprehend. Because of this she decided not to create her own mortal species. But that didn't mean she couldn't contribute something as well.

"If it is alright with you, my brethren, I would like to give your creations something, something that will both help them survive as well as be their downfall. Emotions, love, hatred, envy, sadness, joy, they shall shape the lives of your creations, allow them to be either that much more devoted to you and your cause, or to turn fully against you. Your actions, the way you treat them, will decide. Shall you except this contribution, this challenge?"
Fidreur over heard his sisters proposition. The idea intrigued him, Orcs with emotions like his. Everyone always said he had too many, in fact. He wondered what made them think this... Oh, well. But he liked the idea of emotions in mortals. So he went to where his siblings gathered, at the door of Rasti's court, passing by Vanos's forest on the way, His orcs (the male named 'Yegoth' and the female 'Mazoga') followed closely behind, but needed not chase, for Fidreur walked slow for them.

Fidreur reached his siblings, with pride on his face for his creations. He almost boasted over them, he was so eager to show them to his siblings. Surprisingly, Fidreur is speaking to Luira cordially, as though he was never upset. Fidreur was just odd. "Hello, brothers and sister. Luira, you wish to give the mortals emotions like mine." He stated stiltedly. "I will accept this. Give my son and daughter emotions, to complement their strong feelings of duty.” Fidreur’s face turned stern. “Do not harm them again.”