Demon's Broken Promise Removed


Location: Quarantine Area Interior
Interactions: @Lish @TMITM
Mentions: N/A
Time Of Day: Morning
Weather: Clear
With the duo standing on the opposing side of the barrier by this point and practically exposed to any possible ferals that might be lurking around, even Avaddon knew that attempting to convince the second-in-command before him was going to use up too much time. While he wanted Lysandra to stay behind to help protect the engineers at the border, her comment about it not being a suggestion that she was going to go with him only had him scratch the back of his head ever so slightly. As she had called him out by the term of 'iceberg' he'd only arch a brow curiously on the idea that he was called such a thing. 'Iceberg...?' He questioned himself in thought of the term before eventually the sudden appearance at the border had given Avaddon at least some relief; it was Revan, just as Lysandra stated.

"Revan. Could you stay there for me? I am heading in further in to figure out what is going on with the ferals and how they've broken this far out. It seems your second here is insisting on coming along however, it's up to you whether or not you wish her to come along with me." As Avaddon called out to Revan from where he stood, he'd immediately begin walking down the ruined path before him.

After a few moments of walking however, he'd come to a halt as he felt a vibration in his pocket catch his attention. "Hm?" Reaching into his pocket to pull out his holophone; a screen soon appeared in front of him just for him to begin swiping up and down to figure out what the vibration was about. Finding a message that was left for him by the old man who was the owner of the 'Last Stop Café', Avaddon would gasp at the sight of how it stated that why he was late for work. "Oh no...I completely forgot I work today...Tsk." Cursing under his breath, he'd turn his head over his shoulder to make sure the second in command of Revan's was not nearby before replying as quickly as he could about how he'd be late for work today and it was because he had to take care of his mother since she wasn't feeling too well. Soon after, he'd stow away the phone back into his pocket with a heavy sigh. "This needs to be taken care of quick..." With that, he'd pick up his pace to begin reaching the center of the Quarantine Area to see if he could figure out the cause of the ferals being more violent.



Location: Neutral Zone/Abandoned Building
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: @Lila Renn
Time Of Day: Morning
Weather: Clear
After receiving the message in return to what Shinji had reported, the fact that his commanding officer stated that there had to be a way to denote the explosives; Shinji would only arch a brow after the communications had been cut already. Holding in the palm of his hand was the remote that only required him to pull the trigger to denote each of the explosives simultaneously or he could press the different buttons on the switch to denote specific ones throughout the city.

Knowing that he was only one of very few other operatives in the city at the moment, if explosions were heard all around; it wasn't as though Shinji had the required man power at the moment to fight back against the demons just yet. Sighing under his breath, he'd soon move his hair over to one side to reveal all the cybernetics under his hair that was hidden before removing a chip that was inserted into the back of his neck. Inputting the chip into the circular communication device that he was just speaking with his commanding officer through, he'd enter several codes before the hologram of yet another male stood before him. "I'm sending you the schematics of the demon city; Haven, under instructions from Commander Destrier. Make sure he gets these files and inform him that I have the remote trigger to cause the explosions. Also, inform him that I will not be able to return to headquarters for his designated orders for tomorrow...I do not trust these demons. If any of them figure out about the explosives, there is sure to be an entire investigation and they will work on removing all of them. I will scout the city daily to make sure the explosives are undisturbed until the operation begins." The man who stood before the hologram nodded his head while retrieving all the data that was being sent through as well as writing down the notes that Shinji wanted to be told towards the second in command of the Ash Wolves.

Once again, after the communications were cut off he'd exhale yet another sigh before closing his eyes and pulling his hair back over to hide the cybernetics underneath.
"Initiate cool down mode." With that one comment, both Shinji's arms drooped down beside him as he closed his eyes just to let his internal systems shut down one after another aside from keeping him alive. The longer he kept himself active the more his body was using up energy and possibly causing him to overheat in the worse possible spots.
Lysandra nodded. Good plan. She had called him an anxious iceberg without thinking to stop herself and was kind of sorry that she did, but her face didn't show it.
He was an anxious iceberg. Anxious iceberg would be more accurate than "Cold Eyes, Warm Heart."
"Lead the way," she said, moving herself behind and to the right of Avaddon the anxious iceberg.
@happydeath @TMITM
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Kasdeya scoffed smirking, "Yes he did. And those birds of his talk too much of it." Kasdeya grumbled and tapped the table with her fingers again until Glumisum's words caught her attention. "You have a point. Though they need not know my name, my face is well known. Not that it mattered." Kasdeya was known for her various pursuits, and even out of those who feared her as a leader some were more than willing to serve her. Though thinking on it she might just kidnap the iceberg, she was growing bored.
Kasdeya could only nod as Glumisum spoke, "Low standards...shame, I will show you the standard you should have for someone of your beauty. Though albeit sometimes a bright personality can shine through looks. Though that is rare.." She trailed off as she stood straightening her clothes, " Let's go, I am certain that iceberg is already there acting out of whim." She sighed and looked at Glumisum waiting for the girl to stand as well.

@Vague o3
"You'll see my standards soon enough," she chuckled. "His name is Axel." Spirits, why can't she just shut up about her preferences? If the other clan knew of this, what would they think of her?

The younger one mirrored whatever Kasdeya did; she, too, sighed before standing. "Let us go," she stated. Stepping out of the cafe's area, Glumisun turned to the skies. "If you are planning to fly towards the area, you go ahead. I'll just run from here," she informed her friend.

Interactions: @Mai_able
While the Engineers worked on the wall, he sat utop it, calming his mind and connecting to his body. He sat cross-legged, thinking of... well, he was not thinking, exactly. He was in a place between places, of thought and oblivion. Between turmoil and peace.
That was the only real way to describe it. He was aware of everything around him. He observed his breathing but did not control it; he was in a state of such utter concentration, and yet very relaxed.
And yet he still could not control his powers.
The Caretaker had said that he needed to find the Light, the Thing that made him happy above all else.
He was close now. He felt it. Close to true balance and mastery of his power. Mastery of his fate. Mastery of his role.
He had spent his life trying to master himself. To mastering his role. He was so close to reaching his goal.
But not yet.

@Vague o3 @Lish @happydeath @Mai_able
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Location: Quarantine Area Interior
Interactions: @Lish
Mentions: N/A
Time Of Day: Morning
Weather: Clear
By the time Lysandra had caught up to him, Avaddon had already been walking once again down the path before him.

Minutes passed and the duo had walked down the empty streets of the area without so much as the slightest growling sound of a feral making itself known to the two or even in the distance. "Something's's too quiet." He whispered under his breath just loud enough for the woman to hear him yet he continued forward while his gaze shifted all around him to see if he could so much as catch a glimpse of any of the creatures.

With no luck for what seemed like forever, it was only a matter of time that the two demons reached a large circular clearing that had a destroyed fountain in the center and skeletal remains of what was no doubt citizens that once lived here along with market stands that were completely destroyed all around. The clearing was no doubt a gathering area for people at one point to do marketing with one another and probably just a place where people came together to enjoy being outside from their homes. "Keep your guard up...Something's not right.." As he spoke, Avaddon stepped forward just to take a glance at the sky noticing that rather than having it's clear open air, it was a swampish foggy green color due to all the corruption that had taken over this part of the city.

"Find anyth--" Just as he spoke, Avaddon was quickly cut off as the appearance of a mid-sized feral came burrowing out of the ground just to grab Avaddon by his face in surprise before slamming his head down into the ground and dragging him across the clearing by his head. The surprise of being caught off guard so suddenly had the male unable to fully react just yet as the feral dragged him towards the farthest building on the opposing side of the clearing just to have him crashing through the building and causing it to come crumbling down around him.

'A surprise...attack?! Wha...what's going on?!...How are they able to come up with such a tactical maneuver--?!' Just as he pondered on the thought, yet again another feral had come barreling down from above through the dust and smoke of the building crumbling down. This time the different feral had crashed down onto Avaddon's back with a massive anchor of a ship causing the ground beneath where the leader attempted to stand to crack and nearly break from the sheer brutal force and strength of the creature.

"L..Lysandra..! Get out of here!! Le..Let the others know..! The ferals...are learning how to fight...! The..They're becoming intelligent!" As he called out to the second-in-command of Revan's, the last bit he could do was grab the anchor before the creature could continue to pound him into the ground just to freeze the entire weapon before freezing the creature in it's place as well. Coughing and attempting to catch his breath, he stood as the sounds of distant roars and snarls echoed throughout the clearing. "They were waiting for us to get further in...Dammit...and I fell for it..." Cursing under his breath, he pushed his way through the debris and shouted to the woman across the clearing from him. "Tell the leaders to block off the entire quarantine area! Lock down this section of the city! I..I'll find my own way out of here!" With that comment, the sounds of massive stomping soon came as a monstrous feral revealed itself from behind one the larger buildings; it's entire left arm had been missing and replaced with a crane and wrecking ball for an arm.
Lysandra was met with a difficult choice. She snarled and unsheathed her lava whip sword. She lashed it right at the closest demon, fighting in a fury to get to Avaddon. She yelled (very unnaturally loudly), "Munnin! Huginn! Kausta!" She didn't know if it was going to work, but she had to try. "Kausta!" Finally (and barely) getting to Avaddon, she grabbed him by the forearm and ran as fast as she could back the way they came. Though she had already collected a series of cuts all over her body, she ran like the wind out of that place, dragging Avaddon by his arm behind her. she used her other arm to fend off most of the ferals that chased her with her lava whip sword. The ferals quickly caught up with her. Over and over she was surprised at how intelligent they were acting. As she approached the border, she saw Revan on the wall and screamed, "Revan! Blockade and quarrentine the area!" As they approached the hole in the wall, the ferals were gaining on them. She snarled, sending an inferno behind her. It caught several ferals, though it missed one. It hit a very well calculated blow to her side, cutting deep. She bent over in pain, pulling out the sword and letting go of Avaddon's arm. She used her whip, knocking the feral over. Gasping, she hauled herself and Avaddon back through the hole. Breathing hard, she let go of Avaddon again and stumbled , holding her side. She had barely got out of that stupid place and she turned to defeat any stragglers that continued the chase, her eyes hollow with pain, but lined with determination.
(I know this is probably not possible, but ehhhh)
@happydeath @TMITM
Revan's eyes flew open.
His wings flared to life and he launched into the air, letting his chains from his sleeves, arching them behind him, his chains arching behind him, bringing them down as he landed in an arc of destruction.
And he killed.
He was a whirlwind of controlled chaos, slashing and spinning with precision and speed, unnatural grace flowing through his body.
Unnatural joy flooded his brain, the high of adrenaline and combat.
He enjoyed it.
Kasdeya noted the name of the girl's potential catch, she would come another day to check him out herself. She had to see if he fit her standards for Glumisum. As they walked out she looked at the girl and nodded, "Alright, I will meet you there then. Hopefully, that bag of ice hasn't done anything foolish." Kasdeya smiled, luckily she had always made sure there was space in her shirt to extend her wings and shift. Kasdeya stretched out her wings jumping herself into the air with a push before shifting, she didn't care for the clothes on her that were ruined, she could always get more.

As she flew closer to the quarantined area the metallic smell she knew to well hit her. Blood? The sell grew stronger the closer she got. Something was off, she could even tell that much. She hovered in the air looking down, ferals. They had a terrible scent once they were decapitated, one that she hated. She flew down towards the opening of the wall, Revan massacring ferals. Lysandra and...Avaddon. She flew towards Lysandra and Avaddon pulling out her weapons. When she reached the ground she didn't hesitate to rush towards them. "Lysandra! What happened?!"

@happydeath @TMITM @Vague o3 @Lish
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Upon their entrance to the quarantine, Glumisun's companion was already towards Ravinca's second-in-command. What was going on? She dashed near Lysandra and had her eyes widen. He could see Revan near the entrance in an elaborate dance of death.

"Revan!" She yelled out in concern. She yanked Chaos' Song from its box and slid her gloved palm on the strings. The instrument glowed a sickly green. Glumisun was already tapping through the strings; the melody growing faster and louder to the point of pain. "Help cover the cracks!" she commanded the engineers. "I will seal the entrance." She snarled at some when they just stood there in surprise and not helping the others.

She was in a panic. The atmosphere was showing her emotions. Clouds started to cover the skies. Spirits what did those two to attract so much ferals? She was going to kill them. So help her, she was going to kill Avaddon for not waiting for her!

mentions: @happydeath @TMITM @Lish @Mai_able
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Location: Quarantine Area Border
Interactions: @Lish @Vague o3 @TMITM @Mai_able
Mentions: N/A
Time Of Day: Mid-Morning
Weather: Clear
With the onslaught of the ferals attack slowly coming to a halt even if it was only for a moment with the assistance of Lysandra rushing her way towards him while injured as well. It took quite the bit of strength just to stand to his own feet after the pounding of the anchor upon his back that he suffered through, as the two rushed to escape in the direction they entered from; Avaddon's gaze shifted over his shoulder just to see as to how the ferals moved was unnatural compared to their usual running on all fours.
Even if they weren't completely intelligent just yet, they were learning to use debris by throwing it at their target as well as using their abilities in dangerous ways.

The closer they reached towards the gap in the barrier from where they entered, it was only a matter of time that Lysandra ended up releasing him and carefully yet slowly dragging the two of them back through the hole. "Lysandra..." With a whispered and wincing tone in his voice, the sounds of battle echoing behind him soon had Avaddon helping himself up to his feet and turning his head over his shoulder to witness Revan slaughtering the ferals that were approaching.

Behind the large wave of ferals that approached however was the monstrous sized one that he had seen earlier. As it stomped it's way ever closer towards the hole, he cursed under his breath just to carefully help himself back up no matter how much pain it sent through him.
Moments passed as two familiar voices came up; both of which were feminine, it was none other than Glumisun and Kasdeya. The Bloody Moon leader had been questioning on what was going on while Serpent's Kiss leader and Revan fought side by side to slaughter the incoming threat.

Things were getting out of hand as the engineers panicked while attempting to close the barrier with the best of their ability and with shaken hands. Cursing under his breath, Avaddon slowly stood with his horns starting to extend out further and soon a pair of large feathered wings began to appear on his back as it tore through the back of the long sleeved hoodie that he wore; upon his back, black symbols formed all around that crawled along his shoulders before reaching his arms causing them to blacken to claw-like hands. Soon, he'd walk completely normal as though he were no longer in pain as he approached both Glumisun and Revan from behind after they had dealt with plenty of the ferals. Placing a palm upon both their shoulders just to let them know that he stood behind them.

"Both of you...could you please head behind the barrier..?" Questioning the two of them in a distorted tone in his voice, the closer the large monstrous feral approached the more the ground shook from it's sheer footsteps. Exhaling a heavy sigh, Avaddon soon kneeled himself down to the ground before placing his entire palm onto the cracked cement. "I didn't want to cause any further damage to this city...but it seems there isn't much of a choice left.." Seconds passed as the ground began to tremble and shake more violently as time passed; the cracks that were already on the ground began to widen and even start to progress towards the surrounding buildings before finally the ground itself started to cave in on itself forming a massive crater to form causing the large feral along with several other smaller ones to fall to the blackened and seemingly bottomless pit.

Wincing in severe amounts of pain as Avaddon's demonic form rapidly shifted back to it's normal humanoid form in an instant, he'd grip his right arm due to that being the hand that was touching the ground. He could practically feel the vibration of what he caused shooting back up his arm in an instant as though someone had been practically attempting to rip his arm off.
Location: Quarantine Area Border
Interactions: @Lish @happydeath @TMITM M @Mai_able

It was an automatic response for Glumisun to listen to the oldest leader. She jumped back from where she was supporting Revan before watching in morbid delight as Avaddon split the ground open and let the larger ones fall into the depths. Grinning, her eyes shifted to others approaching. Instead of the precise notes she previously did, the female strummed three chords and watched as those approaching her and Avaddon was knocked back. She walked towards the entrance and muttered curses. The panic subsided and she could finally see the damage. "Temporarily sealing this will be dangerous but it is for the best," she murmured moodily. "I'll see through the permanent repairs after."

Once again, Glumisun prepared the spell for temporary protection. The melody was from short, quick notes that does not even sound like a song. It sounded more like random beeps. The entrance on which the ferals could crawl out off was sealed off. Those trapped behind the barrier hissed and growled; some even cursing Glumisun. The demoness just stared at them before snarling, mirroring their expression of spite and hate. Those more sane backed away.

With that finished, she turned to where Avaddon was sitting and threw Chaos' Song at the ground next to him like a battle ax. This was to make sure the engineers around them do not touch their leader yet. Within a span of three seconds, she was grabbing Avaddon's shirt. "Dayta! [That!] Dayta ti ma-alam! [That's what you get!]" She slapped the older demon in anger before burying her face on his chest. “Spirits, you could have been killed.” She did not care that her own bloody hands were soaking through her gloves and staining the male’s shirt.
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Glumisun's voice sliced through his concentration, echoing throughout the deepest parts of his mind.
He lost his concentration.
Just like that, his delicate balance being thrown off for a moment. Just a moment.
But that was all it took.
The sharp edge of his chains twisted the wrong way, scraping along the inside of his forearm, along the sensitive scar tissue.
He had to keep going.
Once it was done, once it was over, he slowed down, his spinning chains slowing and coming to a slow halt.
He dropped to his knees.
The cut wasn't deep, but it was long, trailing in a perfect line from his elbow to his wrist and along his palm.
Breathe. Remember to breathe.
Lysandra was breathing deep breaths, holding her side. She hobbled over to Revan,, puffing, "Wow, um, are you okay?"
Revan waved her off.
"Ill be fine."
He was standing in the middle of a circle of bodies, hacked limbs and body parts everywhere, disassembled with perfect and unnerving precision.
He hated it.
Every fight, something would kick in, a breserker side of him that he could rarely control. He fought with instinct only, action and reaction, not rationalizing anything.
And he enjoyed it.
He hated himself for that.
His chains we're a good, graceful weapon, but, when he lost concentration...
The scars on his forearms we're there for a reason.
Kasdeya watched as Glumisum rushed to fix the barrier, Revan's concentration slipped, Lysandra, hobbled over near him. When she turned her head hearing Avaddon's voice she scowled. Feral's the stench of their death was everywhere, and they had dared to ruin his perfect features. If there had been anymore left outside Glumisum's & Avaddon's barrier after Revan's massacre she would have slaughtered them. Looking over she saw Glumisum near curing Avaddon for her actions, she took it upon herself to walk over to Lysandra and Revan. "What happened? You need medical attention, let us leave now before things get worse." She looked to Lysandra for an answer and moved closer so the girl might lean on her support. Glancing at the ferals hissing and growling behind the barrier her jaw tensed.
Revan sighed and got up to his feet, his arm screaming in pain. They had done what they had set out to do...
But it had come at a cost. Now they were weak.
But maybe it wasn't so bad. Glumisun's idea had worked. It had brought them closer together. Not as Leaders, political allies, but as people.
There was nothing so bonding as fighting together, protecting each other's backs.
Revan walked over to where the three other leaders were, out of the Eye of his hurricane of death.
He sighed.
"Maybe we should go... without being seen."
He saw their looks of confusion.
He sighed.
"Morale is low enough as it is. Seeing the five most powerful demons, maybe beings, in the world come out beaten and bruised may not be a good idea."
He tilted his head.
"Freohr Auga and I can fly the injured out."

Location: Quarantine Area Border
Interactions: @Lish @Vague o3 @TMITM @Mai_able
Mentions: N/A
Time Of Day: Mid-Morning
Weather: Clear
Finally with peace returning, even if it was only temporary, Avaddon sighed in relief as his gaze was focused onto that of the ferals on the opposite side of the strengthened barrier. Many of the engineers were shaking in fear and what they saw as well as others in awe of being able to see all four leaders fighting side by side against a single enemy.

It wasn't long before the sudden approach of none other than Glumisun did Avaddon raise his attention up towards her only to have his crystal eyes widen at the rush of her anger before she had slapped him across his face only to bury her face right into his chest soon after. If he wasn't already in enough pain due to the vibration strike he had done to create the large crater that caused the large and smaller ferals to fall into, he was no doubt in pain now even more so from her slap.

Listening to the woman's response on how he could've gotten killed over what he had done, Avaddon kept silent for a few moments. "I'm sorry.." Apologizing a low whispered tone before placing his functioning left hand onto her shoulder to help push her slightly back and away from his chest just so that he could speak to her face to face. "As a leader, we must do all we can to protect the people of this city...even if it costs us our lives...These people. They trust us to protect them. They came here not to fight more wars, they came to live peaceful lives.." As continued on his statement, his gaze soon was directed from Glumisun over towards the engineers who were helping one another up since there were some that were too frightened to even stand as this was the first time many of them had ever seen a feral up close.
Although he did not speak of it out loud, he felt as though maybe if he was able to rid the city of the ferals completely than it would possibly make up for the death of his own family and that it would be a way for him to pay back for him being unable to protect them when he was a child.

Mere moments passed as another wave of pain surged through his right arm yet again causing it to tremble and stiffen till veins were clearly seen over his skin. He'd wince from the unbearable pain as the sound soon caught the attention of the engineers as some came rushing over towards their leader. "Miss Gl..Glumisun...Please...we must get Mister Avaddon to the nearest infirmary!" Other engineers that noticed as to how both Ravinca leader and second in command were also quite injured had rushed to their sides as well informing Kasdeya on the same thing. "Miss Kasdeya! Mister Revan and Miss Lysandra are injured. Please, can you help us bring them to the infirmary? There is one in the Neutral Zone, we can provide them emergency medical help there!"
As people rushed over to them, Revan spoke, his voice sharp.
"I do not need attention. There are others more injured than I."
The person started arguing.
"Mister Revan, please, I-"
Revan cut him off, willing an edge of darkness to infuse his tone.
"Leave it. It's nothing time won't mend."
Lysandra summoned fire in her arm and watched as it flicked golden. She held it to her side, where the would was, and closed her eyes, and it gradually stopped flowing blood. The fire blinked out a second later. "The ferals attacked us. It was like... it was coordinated or something. It was crazy. I've never seen them act like that. I'll be okay though, thanks," she said to Kasdeya, who had come over offering to help. As another wave of pain passed through her again, Lysandra added, "Get to Avaddon first, I can make my own way to the infirmary." She followed everyone else on their way to the infirmary.
@TMITM @happydeath @Mai_able @Vague o3