Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Script's Characters

Samantha 'Scarlet' Dae
Age: 33
Race: Human
Nationality: Valoran, Terran

The Lore of Celestia:
Saving Grace: The touch of the Mage brings the celestial energies of the heavens to bear, filling the touched individual with new life and renewed energy, as well as restoring the body's wounds, knitting together skin and muscle where accident or blade has caused injury. The spell can heal light to medium wounds, cannot mend broken bones or bring someone back from the brink of death if too much blood loss has occurred, it also relieved tiredness - though this is not a cure all, though it removes the feeling of fatigue it can mean that the person then works themselves to death with over-exertion, though the body is fooled into losing feelings of tiredness, it means that the warning that tiredness provided goes unheeded.
Moonlight: The Mage banishes the darkness with a radiant beam of moonlight, illuminating even the darkest of spaces and showing demons and their foul ilk true fear, as well as granting allies relief from their fears and filling them with strength. The spell creates a light, either on the tip of a stave, the palm of the hand or a separate orb, that illuminates the surroundings. Demons and the like have a very strong fear of this light, and will cower away from it should it come near to them. Allies under the light are filled with a powerful courage, and provided with fatigue relief similar to that of Saving Grace.
Sunlight: The Mage calls forth the fiery energies of the sun to burn at their foes, searing flesh and blackening bone. The spell generates a fiery projectile in the form of either a single bolt, a cone, or an aura of fire around a weapon. This fire acts as any other against the normal races, but against demons causes even more severe burning and can turn them to ash within seconds.
Starlight: The Mage summons the light of the stars to fall on their allies, offering a divine protection against harm. The spell places a starry aura on its subjects, that blunt any blade that seeks to strike them (to a point), meaning that what might otherwise have been a severe gash becomes but a bruise. Magical powers and demonic weapons are most effected by this, weaker spells failing completely on contact with the aura and demons burning if they touch it.
Nova: The Mage calls on one of their most powerful spells, drawing more of the sun's power into them than is possible for a lesser mage before unleashing it upon their foes in a devastating pillar of wrathful power. The spell takes several seconds to cast, as the mage begins to glow with a celestial light, rising into the air before the power erupts from them to form a large pillar of searing fire that deals massive area of effect damage.
Divine Shield: The Mage calls on the protective power of the stars to form a single, nigh on impenetrable barrier of celestial energy to protect their allies. This spell brings a wall of stars into the path of the enemy, impassable for most demons, though strength decreases as the surface of the barrier increases. This barrier can take the form of a single large wall, a single large dome, or smaller domes around particular allies or groups of allies.
Ascendency: The caster transforms themselves into an avatar of celestial power. This being has access to all the spells of the Celestial Lore with seemingly no limitation. The mage is also granted powerful holy armour in this form, as well as a longsword and shield that will not break under any natural force. The being has an innate weakness to dark magic, and the transformation does not last for a long time.

The Lore of Everia:
Summon Elemental: The mage can summon forth a fire elemental, a storm elemental, a water elemental or an earth elemental. The fire elemental is a small humanoid creature formed of fire, and can control and create fire. The storm elemental is a fluctuating sentient cloud of electricity, that can both shoot bolts of lightning and even use itself as one. The water elemental is a large being formed of the water itself, capable of shifting and contorting, immune to most physical assault due to its liquid nature, though somewhat lacking in offensive power, with only jets of water, and vulnerable to electricity and other magical assault. The earth elemental is a golem-like creature with immense strength and durability, capable of melding with the rock and earth to increase its own size.
Elemental Manipulation: Traditionally, an Everian mage can only master a single element, and maintain a low level of ability with the others. The same is true for Scarlet, and her chosen element is Earth. Using this power she can manipulate rock, soil, and the like, both to form walls, projectiles and armour and to cause tremors and quakes.
Pure Arcane: Everian magic also enables the user to manipulate mana in its purest form, described by some particular individuals as 'purple', while others refer to it rather more properly as 'arcane' energy. This allows the wielder to control these fluctuating energies, forming forcefields, pure energy blasts, and the like - though requiring less energy from the mage, as the mana does not need to be focused, arcane attacks and defences tend to be weaker than more refined abilities.

Personality: Taking a hands-on approach to her role as headmistress, it is not uncommon to find Scarlet patrolling the halls of her academy, picking up students on poor behaviour or stopping by to congratulate them on good reports. She frequently drops by lessons and practices, lending her own hand to a demonstration, or for students to test themselves against, or even to deliver a brief improvised lecture on the subject.


Name: Katarina Cassidy
Alias: Katarina Blackheart
Age: 34
Race: Human
Class: Dark Mage


Curse Bolt: A simple and universal attack spell, a curse bolt burns and dissolves material/flesh when it impacts, like an acid, corrosive and painful.
Fire Bolt: The name says it all, doesn't it?
Lightning Bolt: Self explanatory, again.
Ice Bolt: Lah dee da...
Stone Shards: I'm feeling inventive at this point, really.
Poison Bolt: A bolt of green energy that does no damage visibly, but penetrates the target's skin, inflicting them with a fatiguing and nausea-inducing poison that will eventually cause paralysis.

Entropy: - unless otherwise stated, all Entropy spells can be resisted with sufficient willpower.
Weakness: A spell that seizes the foe, and makes their muscles jelly, afflicted with apparently heavy limbs and fatigue.
Sleep: A spell that attempts to place the foe in the grip of sleep.
Nightmare: Only effective against a sleeping foe, this fills their dreams with nightmares that can cause them physical harm (depending on what their nightmare is, clowns aren't any more dangerous than real life, for example [thought they have a mean left hook, I hear]).
Pain: This spell fills the foe with agonising pain, though it does no physical damage.

Portal: This spell can create a portal to a pre-designated location. Only pre-designated portal sites can be travelled to, and a complex ritual is required to create a portal site.
Open Lock: Does what it says on the tin.
Breathe: Allows breathing in adverse situations, such as underwater, in a vacuum, etc.
Move: Minor telekinesis.

Black Magick:
Curse: This spell lays a curse on another, with varying results.
Immolate: The foe is set alight with dark flames, which are formed from black magical energy rather than actual fire, but produce a similar effect.
Shadow Bolt: A bolt of pure dark energy.
Life Drain: A traditional life drain, with the addition that it can be used to draw on the life force of those around the mage to increase their magical power.
Summon: The mage can summon a variety of demonic entities.

Magickal Limitation: Katarina has a limited pool of magickal energy, or mana, to draw upon. When this is used up, her spells fail.
Light Magick: Due to the corrosive and cursing nature of her spells, any light wielder can dispel them before they achieve their full effect with restorative and healing abilities. In addition, Katarina’s Dark Magickal protections are less effective against Light Magick offensive abilities, unless otherwise specified (although the opposite is true as well, her offensive spells are more effective against Light Magickal protection).
Full Name:
Oriel Garcia
Age: 22
Race: Human
Significant Relations: Aliana Chevaleux and Arrow Flight.

Synopsis/History: Oriel was a noble's son from Orlesia, who joined the army at the young age of 16 and was assigned to Arrow's unit. His young age made him something of the 'baby' of the group despite being able to handle himself well enough, and he developed something of a complex when it came to proving he could be independent. Not long after the civil war in Orlesia was over, Arrow and Aliana disappeared during a routine trip. Worried for them, he set off after them, only to find himself caught in the same anomaly that had caught them, transporting him to Valore. Once there, he became entangled in the Orsa of Terminus war. Only once it neared an end did he reunite with Arrow and Aliana, and once the conflict was done he remained with Arrow to join his new order, the Knights of Le'thorian.

Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 128lbs
Overall Appearance: A baby-faced and petite young man, Oriel is viewed by his fellows as more of a boy than a man despite his age, and as such often found himself babied whilst the Silver Hand was operating together. Pretty and blonde, his girlish looks hide a perfectly deadly fighter. His build is better designed for skirmishing than taking the front line, small size allowing him to dart in and out of melee range as he wishes, delivering strikes and then retreating away. His eyes are a pale sky blue, far more serene in appearance than his general attitude.

Personality: Oriel is a pleasant youth, but his companions' tendency to be protective of him has afforded him something of a Napoleon complex - he reacts very poorly to suggestions that he is incapable because of his size, or his age. Aside from this, Oriel has a relatively good temperament, albeit slightly impatient - he is caring and heavily reliant on companionship for happiness. Solitude just doesn't work for him.

Skills and Talents:

  • Oriel is very well practised in the usage of his pistols. Though limited by technology, he can reload the six barrels of the repeaters in only six seconds if all is in order and he is uninterrupted, and seldom misses a shot.
  • A very agile and precise sword-fighter, primarily with his rapier but also with his shortswords.
  • A skilled horse rider.
  • Generally agile and speedy.
  • Ambidextrous.
  • A capable navigator, both on land and at sea.

  • Quick Draw: Oriel's pistols are enchanted so that the very act of reaching for them causes them to practically leap into his hands, even from a long distance (up to around ten meters)
  • Elemental Bullets: Oriel's pistols can enchant his bullets with a number of effects: fire/lightning/ice/poison/force.
  • Whirlwind Defence: When wielding his short-swords, Oriel can create a 'shield' of sorts by moving them in a complex series of arcs around himself, seemingly deflecting attacks - including projectiles such as arrows and bullets - with the blades, though in actuality it is a magical shield generated by the motion.
  • En Guarde!: Oriel's rapier, when used to block an attack, simultaneously reflects it back. This applies to melee attacks (the momentum of the strike is reversed to push the offending weapon back) as well as physical and magical projectiles.
  • Twin repeater pistols (six barrels, six shots before reload).
  • Twin short-swords.
  • Rapier.
Full Name:
Alexander Chevaleux
Alias: Arrow Flight
Age: 27
Race: Human
Significant Relations: Aliana Chevaleux, his half-sister; Oriel Garcia, a close friend from his days in the army; Whisper, a friend-turned-threat; the Elysian Vanguard and Knights of Le'thorian.

History/Synopsis: Arrow, born Alexander, was the bastard son of Alistair the Ignoble, king of Orlesia with one of his serving staff - one of many such children the randy king produced. For most of his early life he was just another young child in the palace, raised by whichever member of the serving staff was free at the time (though maintaining a close relationship with his mother Sarah). That changed on the day he snuck off and into the royal quarters of the palace, coming across his father and legitimate half brothers in the corridor. In a confrontation that seemed set to become ugly, young Alex inadvertently charmed the king with a somewhat crass quotation from a serving maid on his mannerisms in the bedroom. As a 'reward', King Alistair had him recruited into the King's army alongside the other nobles' children. It was there that he met his half-sister and the other members of his band, and they developed a close friendship through their training over many years. When civil war struck the country, they went to the battlefield together. Not all returned, but they were a fighting force to be reckoned with - spearheading guerilla operations from within a captured city, leading ambushes and pitched battles alike. In the years following the war, they were granted no small degree of honour - but when Aliana and he were on a trip from the capital to another city, they were caught within an anomaly that took them from Orlesia and deposited them on Valore. Not long after, both were caught up in the Orsa of Terminus war. During the travels in Aelora that the conflict led him to, Arrow encountered an ancient spirit by the name of Le'thorian, who imparted upon him her blessing in exchange for him becoming her champion. Once the conflict was done, he formed a new order - the Knights of Le'thorian - dedicated to protecting the realm in a more military fashion than the Vanguard. At present his time is split between his duties in Aelora and Terra, and he has left a second in charge in the former while he resides in the latter.

Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 132lbs
Overall Appearance: Arrow is a handsome youth, with smooth and elegant features, spoilt only by a scar across his right cheek from where the back of an axe caught him, buckling his helmet and slicing his face. His face, and indeed build, is slightly on the effeminate side, and he is often described as 'pretty' rather than ruggedly handsome - though this does not bother him. His hair is of moderate length, falling to near the nape of his neck in a faded mouse brown, and his eyes are a delightful bright sky blue. His garb most often consists of the light armour that was his uniform during his time in the army, consisting largely of chainmail, with steel plating above it with elegant but not overly extravagant inlays. He also often wears a white cloak, which may be taken by some to symbolise his preference of peace over fighting, but in actual fact he just thinks matches the rest of his outfit.

Personality: A friendly and kind hearted individual, Arrow is eternally stoic and incredibly difficult to provoke to anger. Having had more than his due of moping and angsting about being despised by his family whilst serving in the army, the youth has gotten himself over it, and now lives a happy life devoted to forming friendships, and enjoying himself. A determined and honourable individual, Arrow will fight for a cause or for his friends till the last, with very little in the way of self preservation.

Skills and Talents:

  • As his name might suggest, Arrow is a master marksman with every type of bow, and can score a bullseye with nigh on every shot he takes. He cannot split an arrow down the middle however, because that is a physical impossibility.
  • Arrow is also a skilled swordsman, and skilled in wielding polearms such as the halberd and poleaxe.
  • A skilled horse rider.
  • Gifted with remarkable reflexes and excellent vision.
  • Excellent endurance, capable of maintaining his form even in long fights, fully armoured.
  • A surprisingly good baker.

Weapon Enhancement: Arrow can enhance his weapons - be they arrows, melee weapons or shield - with magical properties.

  • Force - the weapon delivers punches/pulses of force, increasing the concussive power of every blow.
  • Elemental - the weapon is imbued with fire/water/ice/air/lightning/rock/poison/light/dark.
  • Ethereal - the weapon strikes at a creature's essence and can harm ghostly/ethereal targets, but deals no physical damage.
  • Disruption - the weapon disrupts magical energies upon a strike, interrupting spellcasting and de-stabilising existing magical effects.
  • Reflection - the weapon repels most forms of attack away as though they had been reflected, including both magical and physical strikes.
Equipment Summoning: Arrow stores his weaponry and armour in spiritual storage, and can retrieve it at any time, as well as dismiss it.


  • Every variety of bow you can name.
  • Arming Sword
  • Mace
  • Shield - heavily enchanted to resist things such as bullets and more powerful attacks.
  • Heavily enchanted light plate armour, more than capable of resisting bullets and powerful strikes.
Kastner Rosenberg
Age: 36

Appearance: Kastner's appearance is a mystery to all but his closest friends, as he hardly ever removes his royal purple robes, that cover his whole figure as well as his face, only his dark brown eyes visible. His robes are a combination of silk and cotton, and are patterned with mystical symbols.

Personality: Kastner is a jolly man, with a somewhat flippant attitude. He doesn't take danger seriously, which is perhaps why his experiments are so successful - he doesn't hold back.

Bio: Kastner originates from Germany, where he was a respected and well regarded mage of the Everian academy. After a time, he became more adventurous with his experiments, involving demons and dark magic, and so was banished from the council. He continued with his experiments, despite warnings, and was labelled a wanted man, though many mages still respected his work. When the Damodred offered him a home to practice his experiments with impunity, he snapped up the offer.

Abilities: Kastner's magic revolves around scrolls and artifacts primarily, but in addition to this incantations, gestures and chalk drawings can enable a mage to use raw magic rather than these enchanted items. Using the right spell, near anything is possible, though the more complex spells require incantations rather than just gestures, and even more complex spells require the chalk circles and pentagrams.
Name: Anria Veldaris
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Race: Keradoran with distant Aramaean ancestry.
Nationality: Aeloran (Tai'emroth)

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 161 lbs
Appearance: Anria is a handsome woman, not quite beautiful, but not unattractive. The first thing you are likely to notice when you look upon her is the striking armor she wears. It is onyx black, and plated, with bright yellow lightning bolts decorating its surface and edges. Her helmet is similar in shape to those worn by roman gladiators, with a face mask that covers her eyes and upper nose. On the rare occasion that Anria is not in her armor, you will be able to see that her hair is ebony brown and wavy, falling to her shoulders in well kept tresses (though they are seldom particularly fashioned or styled due to the fact she is normally wearing her helmet). Her eyes are dark brown as well, and as mentioned above, her features are handsome but not beautiful. Anria's figure is athletic, and her muscles are plain to see due to the large amount of training and combat she takes part in. She is quite tall, and as such is somewhat imposing to behold fully decked in her armor with her weapons.

Personality: Anria is a blunt and straight forward person, who doesn't beat about the bush when it comes to giving her opinion. She is a believer in the policy that everyone is entitled to her opinion. She also has a rather short temper, which can lead to numerous unnecessary fights, as once she gets angry she is quick to rise to violence.


Besides her armor, Anria's equipment consists of weaponry. Her main weapons are a polearm and a bow.

Her polearm, named Lightning, is as black as her armor, other than the blade which is polished steel. The black pole of the weapon is decorated with lightning patterns similar to those on her armor, with golden inlays near the blade. It is enchanted with, as the name might suggest, elemental lightning powers, that shock the enemy on strike and can often kill a foe before the wound itself.

Her bow is named Thunder, and is decorated in a similar fashion, to fit the theme, colored black with lightning patterns. Its enchantment also fits its name, the shots deliver huge amounts of force reminiscent of a thunder clap (though thunder doesn't actually have force... we will overlook that).
Name: Elaina Ballifrey
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Nationality: Valoran, Terran

Synopsis/History: Elaina was born in Westeria City, and studied battlemagic at Academia Everia. She was an excellent student, and graduated with high honours (despite a scandalous involvement with one of the teaching staff), going on to join the UTN Military, where she served for several years. In her late twenties, she retired from service and returned to Everia, where she married the former teacher who she had fallen for as a student - Kastner. Since then she has spent her time teaching combat magic at Everia.


  • Battlemagic (force, illusion, counter-spells)
Aliana Chevaleux
Alias: Aria Balladé
Age: 28
Race: Human
Significant Relations: Arrow Flight, Oriel Garcia, The Elysian Vanguard, the Crimson Watch

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 128 lbs
Overall Appearance: Proud and fiery in both manner and appearance, Aliana looks every inch a leader and holds a commanding presence. Her red hair is fiery and difficult to tame, falling to her shoulders in wavy locks, and her eyes are a vibrant forest green that most often clearly display her emotions. Aliana dresses practically - in times of conflict she usually wears leather armour almost constantly over basic, tough clothing; more recently, however, she has taken to the modern clothing she has access to via Wing City, jeans and tops and the like. Aliana abhors over-decorative clothing, and would never wear a dress if she could help it. Aliana's build is a slim one, but with evident upper body muscle necessary to wield weaponry. Her fingers are calloused from spending most of her life playing stringed instruments.

Personality: There is little that is restrained about Aliana; she is vocal, passionate and emotional in matters that concern her, and while she is a rational person most of the time these aspects can cause her to overflow into less than sensible words or decisions. Since her days in the Vanguard she has become more willing to engage in underhanded tactics to achieve what must be done, particularly in war. She remains honourable up to a point, but is more open to compromising the 'right' thing to do the 'necessary' thing.

Synopsis: Aliana was, like her half-brother Alexander, a bastard child of King Aldrin of Orlesia. In his younger years the king was widely known for his womanising ways. In her adolescence, alongside Alexander, she joined the King's Guard in an attempt to win her father's favour. Though unsuccessful - Aldrin continued to care little for his bastards - in the wars she fought, she forged bonds of friendship and grew into a fine young woman.

She joined her brother in slipping through an anomaly to find herself in Valore's future, far from home in a land called Terra. There, she learned her homeland of Aelora had been taken by a great void blight thousands of years ago. It was rather shocking to learn they'd been transported into the future that far, and that such an event had occurred, but given the strangeness of adjusting to life in Terra up to that point, they were able to take it on the chin.

The two fought in the Elysian Vanguard, both in Terra and later in the blighted Aelora, and helped the Vanguard achieve victory over the Sealed One.

Since then, Aliana has spent some years travelling Terra, before deciding to return to Aelora upon hearing of her homeland being reclaimed. When she returned, however, she found the situation there was not to her liking. The Church's doctrine had shifted towards xenophobia, seemingly going against all the lessons that should have been learned from the blight. The monarchy was insular and blind to the plight of the poor, and opportunistic mercenaries were vying for authority.

As a result, she has aligned herself with the Crimson Watch - the group of freedom fighting bandits that seek to overthrow Orlesia's rulers and establish fairer rule. Her royal blood has whispers going through the ranks, and there are even some in the cities who claim that a princess from thousands of years ago has returned to the land. She has little interest in the title, however, instead acting as the Watch's spymaster.

Skills and Talents:

  • A talented singer and music player, as to be expected from a bard.
  • Poetic and talented with weaving words, as also to be expected from a bard.
  • An expert archer and dual-dagger fighter, and capable with a longsword.
  • Nimble and capable of stealth should it be required.
  • A skilled horse rider.
  • Ambidextrous.
  • Good with money, organisation and 'thinking ahead'.

  • Bardic Magic: Aliana has access to abilities associated with her bardic talent, including most of those listed in dungeons and dragons spellbooks for a character of around 14th level, but that is only as a vague guideline. Those spells provide inspiration for her abilities.

Name: Sylvire Nasazura
Age: 1893
Place of Birth: City of Amarathia, Sapphire Quarter
Gender: Female
Race: Altari
Line: Nasazura, the ‘Royal Swan’

Synopsis: Sylvire was a noblewoman and greatly powerful sorceress in Amarathia, city of the Altari Elves in Aelora, when Auriel came to her and named her one of the Elysian Vanguard. Where prior to that moment, her life had been embroiled in the political manoeuvring of the Altari nobles, she had never held love for that game. She took her calling very seriously, and immediately acted to distance herself from such affairs. Her status alone granted her House a level of immunity to the dangers of abstinence from politics, allowing her to dedicate herself to her study and her vigil. When the rise of the Orsa of Terminus came, she fought valiantly alongside her allies, but despite their best efforts, they fell one by one. Sylvire was left the last alive - even her husband and son lay dead - alone within the sanctuary of Amarathia's library - magically separated from the rest of the material realm.

Where many would have been broken by the deaths of their friends, family and the fall of their nation into darkness, Sylvire resolved to remain strong. Without the artefacts, the Orsa could not truly free the Sealed One from his prison. And so she set innumerable wards about the Library, truly locking the demiplane upon which it resided against infiltration from the outside. Once she had finished, she studied. She learned all the magical secrets that the library contained in its vast archives. Left alone for centuries, there was little else for her to do but prepare herself for any potential future conflict. By the time she was finished, she was perhaps the most knowledgeable sorceress Aelora had ever known. The time came however, that the Sealed One's influence began to spread across Valore despite his prison. When Terra began to be affected, Sylvire realised she could not wait and defend forever. She emerged from her Library from a portal created in Terra near Westeria, and set about recruiting allies to take the fight to the Orsa.

The war with the Orsa was grim. Despite initial successes, artefacts were lost to the Sealed One's forces and casualties were felt keenly. Betrayals threatened to collapse the new Vanguard in on itself. But they kept fighting. Even when they were driven back into Sylvire's library and Westeria was taken, they did not surrender. They struck out into Aelora to seek knowledge with which to end the Sealed One permanently. And after a lengthy journey that not all survived, they found it.

The conflict ended in Amarathia, where the Elysian Vanguard had fallen nearly a thousand years prior. A magical ritual to call the Sealed One from his prison and slay him. If they failed, he would be released on the world. But if they did not attempt, it was only a matter of time before he was freed regardless. The battle was long and fierce. Their allies fought around them to keep the forces of the Orsa from coming to the Sealed One's aid, a battle that stretched between realms on both the side of Westeria and Amarathia. When all ended, the Sealed One was dead.

So was Sylvire. But she died knowing that all the fighting, all the death, all the sacrifices - they had not been in vain. She had won.

Formerly Owned Equipment:

Grimoire of Light: A tome of great power, the Grimoire of Light was Sylvire’s spellbook, and within its pages are the vast repertoire of spells she had mastered. Anyone with traditional arcane magical ability could use the Grimoire of Light to cast Sylvire’s spells with sufficient study. The Grimoire is currently under the ownership and protection of the Elysian Vanguard.

Soul: The stave which Sylvire wielded is aptly named as Soul, for its magical channelling abilities stem from the souls of her powerful ancestors, who devoted a large portion of their magical strength and very beings to the staff in their final moments, a tradition of the line. The staff is passed down through the generations to the most powerful magic user, and he or she has instant access to the power and advice of the spirits within. Sylvire's own soul was placed within Soul upon her death. She passed it onto the young girl she was the guardian of, Aiedai. Soul has since been drained of its power when Aiedai allowed the souls within to pass into the well beneath Windcrest temple to join the other heroes there.

Personality: The woman known as Sylvire was a forward, outspoken individual, who was passionate about the defence of the world against the evil of the Sealed One. Despite losing everyone close to her, she remained steadfast until the end, refusing to break. Beneath her hardened and devoted exterior was a compassionate and caring woman who deeply loved those who she called friends and allies, and whose heart broke anew every time one of them fell. In her final months, she gave everything of herself to her cause, and in the end, her life was amongst her sacrifices.
Silviana Melaidhrin
Age: 37
Race: Human
Significant Relations: Everian/Celestian Staff/Students.

Height: 6'
Weight: 134 lbs

Personality: An energetic and cheerful woman, Silviana can infuse any situation (within reason) with good spirits with her impossible to deter positive aura. Quite capable of being entirely serious and calm, and frequently stern due to her position, Silviana is a well rounded individual with a good professional face. Her general demeanour is that of composed benevolence and good humour, though woe betide ye who force her over the edge. Very protective of her students.

Skills and Talents:

  • Combat. As the head of a school focused around the training and teaching of battle magic, it is only to be expected that Silviana is an expert at magical combat.
  • Trained in the usage of: Sword and shield, polearm, quarter staff and battleaxe. And her own body.
  • Endurance. Silviana is tough, strong, and determined. High pain tolerance and slow to fatigue.
  • Tactics. Silviana isn't just a teacher -- heads of Everia have to be fully ready to take the academy to war, and lead as their general.
  • Everian Magic
    • Illusion: Silviana can manipulate illusion and perception, creating illusions that can replicate all senses bar touch.
    • Elemental Manipulation (Masterful): More expansive than most Everian mages can manage, Silviana has mastered two elements as opposed to one -- Fire and Air. Her skill in fire is greater than that of most single-specialisation mages, and her skill in air at a par with such.
    • Pure Arcane: Everian magic also enables the user to manipulate mana in its purest form, described by some particular individuals as 'purple', while others refer to it rather more properly as 'arcane' energy. This allows the wielder to control these fluctuating energies, forming forcefields, pure energy blasts, and the like - though requiring less energy from the mage, as the mana does not need to be focused, arcane attacks and defences tend to be weaker than more refined abilities.
  • Shadow: Not to be confused with black magic, shadow magic is instead a rare form of 'elemental' manipulation that revolves around shadows. Examples include but are not limited to ...
    • Steed of Shadows: The mage can move with the speed of shadow, skimming the ground like a breeze and moving at high speeds, akin to those of a galloping horse.
    • Crown of Shadow: An area of affect spell, this creates a burst of shadow that envelops the field of battle, obscuring vision and burning at the flesh of living beings within its reach. Friendly fire unavoidable.
    • Shades: The target is surrounded by spirits and their mind is filled with howling voices, inspiring an unnatural fear in them.
    • Doppelganger: The mage can take on the appearance of any other humanoid creature within eyesight, including clothing, weapons and armour. These weapons and armour cannot replicate any special abilities, only physical form. This is a physical change, rather than an illusion, and lasts for ten minutes unless recast.
    • Creeping Shadow: A magic missile attack, three tendrils of shadow that burst from point of origin and circle around the target at random before simultaneously scything in on them, having a forceful impact with burning magical energies, as well as a maintained burning that eats away at armour, clothing or flesh for several seconds after the impact.
  • Alteration: A more precise and subtle magic, Alteration is focused around manipulation of enhancement, enchantment and ergonomic magic for a specific purpose, rather than a generalised lore.
    • Law of Logic: The mage can magically enhance an ally's (not their own) powers of comprehension, analysis, deduction and tactics, or in the case of a mage enhance their spellcasting ability to the point of finesse. Used on an inexperienced mage, it can raise them to the ability of a journeyman when maintained, but generally is only practical for a single spell at a time, as it has a degenerative effect overall on learning to maintain the magical ability without assistance. Requires maintenance for successive spells, single cast enhances a single spell.
    • Trial and Error: The mage can enhance the spellcasting of allies in a manner that means that if a spell they cast is interrupted or otherwise fails, the energy from it is restored to them rather than lost. Requires maintenance.
    • Enchant Item: The mage can imbue an item with quite literally any spell that they can think of. This allows them to design the trigger (i.e., impact for a weapon, compression, an incantation). Stronger spells require stronger/more pure materials. The strongest spells are generally imbued to gold, platinum or titanium.
    • Law of Gold: The mage shrouds an item with threads of magic, obscuring and suppressing all magical abilities within it. Lasts for five minutes, or can be maintained.
    • Dispel: The mage unravels a spell as it forms, or a magical projectile as it flies, causing it to fizzle.
    • Backfire: The mage curses an enemy with a spell that attacks their mind whenever they cast a spell, threatening to disrupt every cast and misdirect the spell, whilst inflicting severe pain across their nervous system.
    • Mirror Coat: The mage enchants themselves or an ally with a spell which replicates any curse or otherwise directly applied magical attack upon the attacker.
  • Wand of Renewal: A focus item for Silviana's spells, enchanted with the 'Trial and Error' spell, meaning that all spells cast through it restore energy to her if interrupted or otherwise cancelled prior to completion.

    Of the following, only one is carried at a time.
  • Battleaxe of Fire: A battleaxe enchanted with fire, releasing licks of flame upon impact.
  • Sword of Shadow: A sword enchanted with shadow, leaving lingering shadow magic upon a strike that eat at a wound for several seconds after its infliction, widening and worsening it.
  • Storm Spear: A spear enchanted with lightning, discharging electricity upon impact.
  • Staff of Endurance: A quarterstaff enchanted with strength, making it resistant to breaking. It can survive a car crusher.
Full Name:
Emma Armelle
Gender: Female
Age: 48
Height: 5' 8"
Race: Human

Synopsis/History: Emma was born into Tai'emroth, a mountain city in Aelora, during the aftermath of the Fall - the rise of the void creatures that toppled most of civilisation on the continent. There, her talent for magic was discovered, and as was the case for all those with such talent, she was quickly whisked into teaching to learn to use it to fight. Emma's father died in the fighting when she was still young, and her mother was a shadow of her former self. But where many turned to despair as death seemed the only outcome for those taking refuge in the mountain city, no matter how far delayed, she refused to accept it. She delved deep into magical lore to find methods and techniques to use against the void, forbidden arts long-since consigned to cautionary tales. That was how she discovered blood magic, the art of utilising the life force contained in blood to empower spells beyond normal limits.

It was forbidden for a reason. Opening oneself up to blood magic gave an overwhelming sense of power to the point where it was addictive. There was always the need for more blood, more power. Often, it led to deals with demons - they were enticed by the power themselves, the life force contained within blood. Historically, many blood mages were tempted by their offers. But Emma was not deterred. She read everything she could find on the risks and mentally prepared herself for months before she attempted it. She felt the rush, but she refused to be taken by it. Slowly but surely she weaned herself onto its usage until she could wield it as assuredly as any other spell.

There were plenty who distrusted her for it. But in the hard times that they were under, few could dismiss its effectiveness as a weapon against the void. She was tolerated, if not approved of, to begin with. Her success inspired other mages to attempt the same, and not all attempts ended as well. Guilt-stricken over this, Emma strove to seek out any blood mages seeking to follow in her footsteps before they could cause harm - either agreeing to teach them on the rare occasion she judged them strong enough, or warning them of the consequences they would face from her if they continued. Those consequences weren't pretty.

Emma encountered the Elysian Vanguard on a scouting mission, and led them to Tai'emroth to seek aid. She travelled with them as their ally for the duration of their stay in Aelora, and fought with them till the Sealed One was defeated. Since then, she has been travelling Aelora, aiding where she can in rebuilding efforts. Her strange lack of ageing is attributed to her blood magic.


  • 'Normal' Magic:
    • Elemental Magic - the generation of small to moderately sized fire, lightning and frost manifestations in various forms, as well as the manipulation of small to moderately sized bodies of water, fire, air and earth.
    • Arcane Force - the generation of magic missiles and barriers of moderate strength, as well as other applications of force.
  • Blood Magic:
    • Blood is Power - the usage of blood from a living or freshly dead being to fuel magical spells and amplify their power beyond the normal limits of a mage.
    • Blood Domination - compulsion, suggestion and manipulation; the art of controlling the minds of others. Requires eye contact with the target and must be fuelled by blood, not mana.
    • Blood Manipulation - puppetry and brutal internal dismemberment; the art of controlling the bodies of others, inside and out. Requires a sizeable open wound in the target and must be fuelled by blood, not mana.
    • Blood Feast - the usage of blood magic to heal oneself with the life energy of another being. Requires physical contact with an open wound, or for the target to be recently (within the last five minutes) deceased. Can also be employed to knit closed wounds or injuries sustained by the caster at the cost of their own life force.
    • Blood Rituals - the usage of blood magic to perform great feats of power, usually requiring a human sacrifice and a great deal of preparation. Entirely theoretical, Emma has never actually done this before. Honest.
  • A capable fighter with her staff.
  • Knowledgeable regarding herbs and other natural remedies.
  • Witty remarks in inappropriate situations.
  • Bladed staff, somewhere between a spear and a glaive.
  • Ritual knife.
Description: Contrary to popular belief regarding blood mages, Emma's skin is not flaked and scaled, nor her eyes glowing crimson, nor do horns protrude from her head and a forked tongue from her mouth. No, Emma in fact is rather deceptively normal. Funny that, really, how the magic someone employs doesn't actually define all manner of things about them that people think they do. She likes to make a point of how parallels could be drawn here to how rarely she dances around a cauldron naked under the moon, and how it's been at least a week since she even thought about sacrificing a virgin to dark gods. Her hair is black and long, falling to her shoulders, whilst her eyes are a deep hazel. Her skin tone is fair but not pale, blemished here and there by old scars or callouses. Her forearms are rife with scars from where she has cut herself to utilise her blood for magic. Her figure is lean and her build moderately muscular, a result of her regular travel and the various exertions involved in the wild. Whilst not a traditionally beautiful pretty princess, Emma is not unattractive, possessing a more mature and strong handsomeness to her features.

Personality: There is little that Emma cannot turn into humour. Be it a foolish comment or action made by herself or another, a slip-up in combat, an ambush, a deadly dungeon trap or the demise of a companion, Emma makes a habit of letting 'the line' know that she acknowledges its existence, but quite happily enjoys dancing a merry path all over both sides of it. Despite her tendency to make light of everything, Emma does have both a caring and a stoic side to her - they just don't make themselves obvious very often. "There's humour," she says, "And then there's sincerity and courage that just happens to be put across in a rather amusing manner. It's a talent."

Emma is not a bad person, as such - she possesses fairly strong morals, they merely allow more breathing room for methodology. She believes that nothing - not blood magic, not necromancy, not assassination - is inherently evil or wrong, and that they can be used for good (or at the very least morally neutral) deeds as easily as evil.
Aristides (Ari) Carroll
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Olympian/Demi-demi-demi-demigod (97% human, 3% god), descendent of Artemis
Nationality: Valoran, Terran

Backstory: Life for Ari was relatively normal to begin with, as far as he was aware. The oddest thing about his childhood was the prevalence of animals in it. Since he'd been born, animals had been comfortable around him and his mother when they weren't around others, but he never really thought anything of it. They lived in a relatively small Terran town, and did relatively small Terran town things. Ari went to school, got teased for having a weird olden-style name, joined the archery club and won a few regional championships. Nothing spectacular like the kind of news they heard from Westeria. Every few months there'd be a worry that something might spill out of there, but it never really came to anything.

He was in his mid teens when his mother sat him down for a Talk with a capital T. Ari was trying to figure out how to bluff about the condoms he assumed she'd found in his bag when she told him that he was descended from an ancient Avarosan god. And then the condoms didn't seem very important. Thinking about things, it made sense. Despite never really exercising that much outside of archery, he always excelled at sports and remained physically fit. His archery was largely unparalleled amongst the other people that competed to the point where he'd been tested for magical assistance. And then there was the animals, he'd thought as he idly patted the head of one of the squirrels that had clustered around them.

Yes, being descended from Artemis made sense, but it was still really really weird. For a while, anyway. Then it was awesome. He could start to test his capabilities. He discovered he could take hits that would K.O. most people without flinching. He could, if he put his mind to it, jump onto the top of a small building from street level. His mother introduced him to shapeshifting, since that really wasn't something he was going to think to try on his own. Being an animal was weird, but again, awesome.

It wasn't long before, being a teenager, he made some pretty big mistakes with his newfound power. At sixteen, he opted to transfer to a school in Westeria city to 'get closer to the action', as he put it. After all, what was the point in being a big fish in a tiny pond? It got boring, fast.

In the big city, Ari ended up running with some dubious characters. He got pulled by poor choices of friends into crime - mostly heists, cons and other relatively small time gigs. His durability, shapeshifting and firepower came in handy more than once for his crew.

And he never hurt anyone. Not badly, anyway. So it wasn't that bad? Most of their targets were big businesses, banks... they could afford it! It was illegal, sure... but every man for himself, right? Westeria was basically anarchy anyway.

Apparently, Olympus didn't see it that way. When a messenger of Artemis rudely carried him by the scruff of his neck off to have a lecture about the respectability of the Goddess and Olympus, he did kinda feel bad. The messenger informed him that it was his purpose, nay, his duty as an Olympian, to be more of a 'hero' - a good example, not a bad one. And if he failed to follow through on that? There would be Consequences. He didn't like the sound of the capital letter on that.

So he tried. He turncoated from his old gang, vigilante'd it up for a while and even ended up bringing some of their more nefarious number down - but it didn't really feel right. Sure, he beat up a few demons, but it was mostly just assholes who thought their magic or their super-gun was better than it actually was. He didn't feel like he was being a hero. When big stuff happened, there were a lot bigger heroes than him that showed up to solve it.

The Elysian Vanguard. Most people had heard stories about them, same way that most people knew about Olympus in a vague way. Now there was big heroes. They'd saved the world before, lots of times if you believed the stories. He'd never imagine he'd actually meet one of them. The guy, called Aeryn, had been a lot more ... well, human than he'd expected. Even though he'd assured Ari that he wasn't actually a human. He was funny, he told jokes. Also, he saved Ari's ass from a pit fiend, whatever one of those was. That was always gonna be points in his favour.

They talked afterwards, about stuff. As a teenager, most conversations he had were about 'stuff'. What stuff? Oh, y'know. Just stuff.

They talked about the Elysian Vanguard (they were cool), about playing hero and getting in over your head (don't do it), and his husband (damn). Eventually, Ari asked how someone joined. Apparently, it was as easy as showing up.

So he did. It's been cool, so far. Really cool. Like, freezing-cold-top-of-a-mountain-in-a-temple-with-no-central-heating cool. He's met a bunch of new people, and ended up apprenticed to Aeryn. They get along. Ari kind of has no idea what he's doing, but he thinks he's doing a good job of blagging it.


  • Shapeshifting (animals, plus some mythological beasts)
    • Pegasus
    • Giant Eagle
    • Giant Boar
    • Ceryniean Hind (giant golden stag capable of running at great speeds)
    • Griffin
    • Hippogriff
    • Nemean Lion (a giant lion, the hide of which is impervious to mortal weapons)
    • Alicorn (winged unicorn)
    • Unicorn
    • Laelaps (a dog capable of catching any prey)
    • Teumessian Fox (a fox capable of escaping any hunter)
  • Godlike archery (Ari doesn't miss. His arrows don't know who you are, but they will find you. And they will hit you.)
  • Divine Arrows (Ari can form arrows of pure divine power instead of relying on limited ammo)
  • Animal Aspect (utilising animal traits in human form, such as eyesight, agility, etc.)
  • Animal Speech (speaking with animals)
  • Nature-Affinity (whilst he can't directly control plantlife and animals, animals will often come to his defense and plant-life around him will hinder his enemies, but not him)
  • Being An Olympian (Despite his fairly distant relation to Artemis, being partly Olympian means that Ari is more than a little superhuman. He's strong, fast, agile and tough. It takes a lot to kill even a diminutive demigod.)
  • Composite Bow - a modern piece of equipment, with a lot more punching power than traditional bows due to its more advanced design.
Sarael Nasazura
Age: 132 (young adulthood)
Gender: Male
Species: Sylvali/Altari Elf (mixed heritage)
Nationality: Amarathian

Backstory: Sarael was born in Tai'emroth in the midst of the void wars, to Eldrian and Elenwin Nasazura. His early life was difficult, as was that of all in the fortress city under eternal siege, but perhaps not as difficult as some. His family's noble status, though largely meaningless in a city comprised of citizens of a dozen nations, did grant them enough favour with the Altari councillor (Ellea of House Durin, at the time) to have a large home where the majority of their family (including aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents) could live in relative comfort.

When news came that the Sylvire Nasazura had returned to Tai'emroth and was reviving the Elysian Vanguard, Sarael's family practically imploded. They fell over one another to meet her during her brief stay. The audience was short-lived. She was disappointed in them - living in comparative luxury whilst the rest of the city suffered, lauding themselves as nobles even as the world crumbled around them.

Her words had an impact on many of the family. Notably, his mother - herself Sylvire's great, great, great grandniece - took it upon herself to rally the Altari people when the time came to assist the Elysian Vanguard in the final stand against the Sealed One, overruling Ellea's decision to remain in Tai'emroth and leading her people to fight in Amarathia. Sarael joined them, despite his young age. He was a capable sorcerer, and the times demanded that even the young took up arms if they could.

After the Sealed One's defeat, Sarael aided with the restoration of Amarathia, which led into Elenwin taking the throne. House Nasazura rose to prominence the likes of which it had never seen before in the wake of Sylvire's return and Elenwin's call to action. But rather than enjoy the newfound luxury of a prince, Sarael decided to carry forward his family's legacy in the Elysian Vanguard, and made the crossing over to Valore to join them.

Sarael's primary interests lie in ancient magic and ancient history, primarily that of Aelora but extending to that of Valore as a whole now that he has access to it. He believes that old magics ought always to be preserved when they can be. Although distantly related to Sylvire (his great, great, great, great, great aunt) and a prince of Amarathia, he attempts to avoid his status becoming relevant.


  • Arcane Magic - Spell List:

    (without exertion)
    • Fire Bolt - a small but powerful bolt of fire.
    • Mending - magically repairs a single break or tear/rip in an object, so long as the break/rip is no larger than 1ft wide or long.
    • Mage Hand - allows for remote manipulation of small objects/small amounts of force.
    • Prestidigitation - allows for small, simple magical effects such as cleaning things, creating small sensory effects such as gusts of wind or sparks, altering the flavouring, colour or warmth of small objects, and other such minor effects.
    • Light - causes an object to glow brightly, emitting light like a torch.

    (6-7 times per day)
    • Burning Hands - projects a cone of magical fire from the caster's hands.
    • Comprehend Languages - allows the caster to understand the literal meaning of any spoken or written language, though reading is a slow process.
    • Create/Destroy Water - conjures or destroys a large volume of water.
    • Detect Magic - allows the caster to detect magic on creatures or objects as a faint aura, where the colour denotes the type of magic.
    • Grease - creates a moderate area of incredibly slippery ground.
    • Identify - allows the caster to identify the powers of a magical item, and any curses that may be upon it, unless hidden skilfully.
    • Mage Armour - creates a magically protective aura around a target, that deflects strikes like armour.
    • Magic Missile - shoots unerring bolts of force that intelligently seek out their targets, and can almost never miss or be blocked.
    • Shield - creates a brief barrier of protective energy that can block a single strike.

    (5-6 times per day)
    • Enlarge/Reduce - causes a target to grow rapidly to near the size of a giant, or shrink to near the size of a mouse. If the target starts smaller or larger, then the size change is proportional - e.g. a mouse might grow to the size of a man, or shrink to the size of a fly.
    • Hold Person - paralyses a humanoid target so they are unable to move at all.
    • Levitate - levitates a target person or object vertically.
    • Mirror Image - creates a number of duplicates of the caster that move in tandem with them.
    • Scorching Ray - creates a barrage of powerful beams of fire.

    (4-5 times per day)
    • Clairvoyance - allows the caster to remotely view an area on the same plane of existence that they have been before.
    • Counterspell - allows the caster to negate the casting of another's spell before it completes.
    • Dispel Magic - allows the caster to negate a spell effect that has already been cast.
    • Fly - allows the target to fly swiftly.
    • Fireball - shoots a large blast of fire that explodes across a wide area.
    • Haste - allows the target to move at incredibly rapid speeds.
    • Sending - allows the caster to conduct a telepathic conversation with any creature that they are familiar with on the same plane of existence.

    (3-4 times per day)
    • Conjure Minor Elementals - conjures a group of small elementals to the caster's aid.
    • Dimension Door - allows the caster to instantly teleport across moderate distances.
    • Otiluke's Resilient Sphere - creates a protective bubble resilient to damage around a target.
    • Polymorph - transforms the target into an animal of the caster's choice.

    (2-3 times per day)
    • Animate Objects - animates either a large number of small objects, a moderate number of large objects, or a singular vast object to serve the caster temporarily.
    • Bigby's Hand - conjures a large hand formed entirely of magical force that can deliver crushing blows, defend the caster or lift vast weights.
    • Conjure Elemental - conjures a single powerful elemental.
    • Telekinesis - allows the caster to remotely exert a large amount of force, to lift, push or pull targets.
    • Chain Lightning - fires a powerful bolt of lightning that jumps between targets.
    • Disintegrate - fires a single small beam of powerful magical energy that wracks the target's body with destructive force, potentially turning them to dust. Alternatively, disintegrates almost any inanimate substance in an area of up to 10ft by 10ft.
    • Sunbeam - creates a continuous ray of radiant sunlight energy that sears at both the flesh and the soul as though it were divine light, and has the same effect as sunlight on creatures vulnerable to such things.
    • Wall of Force - creates a barrier of magical energy, taking the form of either a wall up to 1000sqft in size, or a sphere of up to 10ft radius. The barrier is all-but impervious to harm, but cannot be moved once it is created. The barrier extends onto the ethereal plane as well as the material.

    (1-2 times per day)
    • Prismatic Spray - fires a spray of pure magic across the spectrum of arcana, inflicting an array of magical effects depending on the colour of magic that the target is impacted by.
      • Red - the target is seared as if by immensely hot fire.
      • Orange - the targets is burned as if by incredibly strong acid.
      • Yellow - the target is electocuted as if by stunningly powerful lightning.
      • Green - the target is afflicted as if by impossibly potent poison.
      • Blue - the target is frozen as if by unbelievably cold frost.
      • Indigo - the target is paralysed for twenty seconds, and if they are no more resilient than even a relatively tough human, they are then turned to stone.
      • Violet - the target is blinded for twenty seconds, and if their mind is no more resilient than even a relatively strong-willed human, they are banished to a random alternate plane of existence.
    • Teleport - teleports the caster and up to eight creatures to any known location on the same plane of existence. If the caster is unfamiliar with the location, there is a chance they will be off the mark by up to several miles.
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Jamie Davison
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Psion)
Nationality: Isirian

Backstory: Jamie's lived a fairly normal life, with one difference. He hears a lot more than most people. He hears the surface thoughts of everyone around him. When he was young, there was no filter. Whenever people around him, it was noisy. And if he was tired, it would keep him awake, he would cry. And cry, and cry. And as his crying made his parents more and more stressed, their thoughts getting angrier, the cycle continued. Life for his parents was tough when he was little. Thankfully, they had the resources to hire nannies. Otherwise they might have been burned out beyond all measure.

As he grew, his telepathy was never blatant enough that it was diagnosed. People commented on how insightful he was for a child when he would pick up on people's thoughts and answer questions before they needed to be asked, or cheer people up when he could tell something bad was on their mind.

In his teen years, Jamie's now reached a point where he knows enough about people to actually help. He can tell when someone's hurting or otherwise in need of someone to talk to, and be there for them in whatever capacity he can. Whether that's anonymous gestures of goodwill to pick someone up after a bad day, or a lengthy conversation with a miserable stranger about what's getting to them.

It was only after the Aschen occupation that his ability developed enough that his parents realised what was happening. Now, he can tune into surface thoughts with pinpoint accuracy, even getting glimpses of the motivations or 'tones' behind the thoughts.

Unbeknownst to him, because of this Jamie's parents are now working with a faction of the Isirian insurgency. His father is the CEO of a weapons' manufacturer, and has been secretly smuggling weapons to New Vira to supply the insurgents there. Jamie has been warned to stop helping people in case it draws attention to him, but he can't stand leaving people hurting.


  • Advanced surface thought telepathy

Rayn Ethellion
Age: 22
Species: Human (doesn't actually have pointy ears)
Nationality: Ilyrian/None

Synopsis: Going by the alias of 'Bloodhawk', a name he hated from the start but has since become stuck with, Rayn is the feared leader of the Crimson Watch bandits within Orlesia. After his home village and with it his family and friends were slaughtered by Orlesian profiteers, he seeks to enact revenge - one arrow at a time.


  • Marksmanship - Rayn didn't get the 'hawk' part of his name from nowhere. He's an excellent archer, considered beyond even many of the naturally skilled sylvani's levels of talent.
  • Swordsmanship - though not as skilled with his twin blades than he is with his bow, Rayn can go toe to toe with the best in his band in melee as well as at range.
  • Kyran - Rayn's bow, enchanted with strength and capable of firing arrows at speeds that can punch through plate armour. Named after a long lost friend.
  • Nierahla, Gauntlet of Massacres - a sentient gauntlet of power that Rayn discovered in the possession of a slain Inquisitor. The gauntlet is capable of producing a deadly blade of energy that can slice through almost anything with ease. It grants Rayn significantly enhanced strength, reflexes and toughness. But the gauntlet is sentient, and evil. The longer he wears it, the more it drives him towards bloodthirst and chaos. Rayn is unaware of its true nature.
Katariah Nuvellas
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Species: Half-Elf (Sylvani)
Nationality: Orlesian

Synopsis: Katariah is a former bandit chief, now a captain in the Crimson Watch bandits. Her band of outlaws was assimilated into the growing movement voluntarily, once word of the Watch's reputation and mission got out. There are few outlaws who don't have a grudge against the Orlesian ruling powers, even less so those who have claim to elven or sylvae parentage - Katariah owes the Inquisition the death of her druidess mother, a debt that she fully intends to pay back in kind.
Tamlen Velathas
Age: 72
Gender: Male
Species: Elf (Dwi'in)
Nationality: Member of Clan Isenn, from the Naefange swamp.

Synopsis: Tamlen is one of the many denizens of the Elderwood Forest that have ventured forth from their homeland to join the Crimson Watch, dissastisfied with their leaders' inaction regarding the Orlesian's aggressive harvesting of their woodland home. His heart is full with anger at the Orlesian people as a whole, regardless of each individual's guilt in the matter. His tolerance for humans outside the Watch is low, and even within it, he treats them with suspicion.
Anaiya Mirienne
Age: 153
Gender: Female
Species: Elf (Sylvani)
Nationality: Auredinean

Synopsis: Anaiya is an ex-Arbor Vanguard soldier hailing from Auredine, officially unassociated with the military and a Sergeant in the Crimson Watch. It's obviously entirely coincidental that she is one of many ex-military fighters from Auredine that have joined with the Watch. Anaiya is a fairly cheerful and boisterous woman with a penchant for playing jokes on her allies and making fools of her enemies.
Corellon Ithimril
Age: 256
Gender: Male
Species: Elf (Sylvani)
Nationality: Auredinan

Synopsis: A former highly ranked officer in the Arbor Vanguard, Corellon 'stepped down' to take a significant number of volunteers east to support the Crimson Watch in what he considers guerilla warfare as opposed to banditry. Referred to as Bloodhawk's Right Hand, where Katariah is his left, it's widely acknowledged that Corellon is the reason that the Watch has become what it is, and that Bloodhawk himself is merely a figurehead. Corellon has fairly low regard for Orlesia's citizens - of whatever race or creed. He believes that any who sit by and allow the mutilation of his homeland without protest, or allow their barbaric church and inquisition to rule over them, are fools and cowards.
Marcus Teverin
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Nationality: Orlesian

Synopsis: Little is known about the Lord Captain of the Reaper's Eye, other than his past as a Lieutenant in the Tai'emroth military during the war with the void. He is said to be both a skilled warrior and a powerful mage, and to be as ruthless as he is strong. There are only a select few who can say they have seen him without his mask.