Paige looked at the man Tsuki pointed at. She covered her mouth as a giggled escaped. “When you’re that rich, why care what people think? The Gonzálezs don’t.” Paige shrugged, a smile on her face. Then she spotted an elderly woman walking a small dog, coming towards the man.

“What are the chances that, that lady,” Paige pointed toward the elderly lady. “Is walking this particular way today, to be swept up by our secret millionaire? She doesn’t know he’s a millionaire, but she shares his love of polka dots.” Paige guessed by the blue and white polka dress she was wearing that complimented her dark skin.
"I think the chances are very high, indeed," Tsuki said gravely. "I think she adopted a dog just to create an environment where she has an excuse to talk to him and compare dogs, and in doing so, she has fallen as in love with the dog as she has the man. However, today is the first day she's gathered up the courage to speak with him!"

She watched intently as the gentleman's dog slowed and sniffed curiously at the lady's dog, his tail wagging tentatively.
Paige nodded as the woman's smile brightened as the man laughed.

"Well, She needs courage, because that poor woman was a widow that lost her husband in the army. They were high school sweethearts. When he died in combat she came back to Rose Hills, her hometown, to become a teacher. She has not flirted with another man since." Paige sighed. Then she switched gazes to the man. She noticed the man leaning to his left as he stood. "And the man is such a brave soul because he was in the army. Almost died from an injury to his right leg too. But he survived and became a millionaire by building a canine support center for military vets till he retired to Rose Hills for the dogs and living his rich life in peace." Paige saw a red tint to the man's cheeks that was not there before as the old woman bent down to pet his dog. "He definitely did not expect to find love."
"Aw, that is such a sad and sweet story," Tsuki sighed, resting her chin on her hand. "I hope it's even semi-true." She watched the pair for a moment before turning her gaze back to Paige. "Anyway, speaking of stories, you were going to tell me a bit about your friend?" she prompted gently.
“I did, didn’t I?” Paige sighed. She took a sip of her drink, using its warmth to settle her. A strand of her hair fell into her face as she drank. With a huff she pushed it back. “Well first, let me ask you something. Did you hear about the accident by the beach last year?”
Paige’s eyebrows furrowed. “Do you mind asking me why?” Hands wrapping around her cup, she elaborated. “I might be deflecting a bit but you don’t seem to be the type self-absorbed. Or a wild child. If anything, you seem like a gentle persevering soul,” Her eyebrows furrowed a bit more, before going into a a gentle smile. “Like my friend, Maria.”
Tsuki fussed with her croissant. "Well... My Papa has a lot of health issues right now, and before that, my mother passed, so it's not so much being self-absorbed, I guess, as just... tunnel vission. I have my problems I need to deal with, and I need to deal with them in this or that manner, and I get so focused in doing what I need to do to take care of certain responsibilities that I kind of forget to pay attention to what's going on around me unless I get hit in the face with the need or the problem or whatever." She shrugged a little.
“Oh,” Paige gasped. She looked at her muffin and began picking the wrapper off. “I lost my mother as well. Childbirth.” She offered Tsuki a smiled before continuing.

“And my dad did the best he could as a plumber and encouraged me to apply for an internship at Rose Hills Publishing when I was eighteen.” Paige paused her unwrapping. Eyes growing distant. “I got it. At the time, I didn’t know that the Maria I was interviewed by and took me out for coffee was Maria González, the matriarch of the González family.” Paige chuckled. “You could say I was in my own little world as well. I was just so excited. And Maria was so nice. When I found out, she just laughed and brought me here.” Paige paused and sipped her drink.

“It was here that I would work to stay with this company.”
Tsuki listened sympathetically. "That sounds almost like a fairy tale and a dream come true," she said gently. "I'm glad you were able to find one person lie Maria. How did she die? Is that the beach accident you referred to?
Paige nodded. “I don’t know what happened, but all I know is that we got an email about not coming in the next week. Then seeing the report of the accident, a hit and run. I just had this feeling. Then Adam called me.” Paige bit her lip.

“Adam is many things, brutish, temperamental, and hard-headed, but he will always do what he has to. Even when he doesn’t want to.” Paige sighed as her eyes watered. “Like Maria,” Paige took a deep breath. “Without your gentleness though.” She tried to joke but her smile was a grimace.
Tsuki sighed. "I can tell he's not a horrible human being, exactly, but it sure is difficult to help someone who sends you on pointless errands and does everything they can to keep you away no matter what. It's like he's determined to do everything by himself no matter the cost to himself, but then why bother hiring me in the first place? I'm certainly not his mother." She hesitated a moment. "Although... like his mother... I really wouldn't mind being friends with you, and not just so I can complain to someone about work."
“Thank you,” Paige smiled. “I appreciate that. And being friends with you is something I would like too. Just to help you get out of your little world.” Paige smirked.

“And Adam,” Paige sighed and bit her lip. Then she let out another sigh, a strand of hair falling from her face. “He needs you, very much,” A shudder passed through Paige before she continued. “He just doesn’t know how to let you help.” She put the strand back. “Just keep being you.” She smiled.
"Naive, constantly feeling ready to cry, clumsy, and doing my best to get on his nerves?" Tsuki teased gently. "I'll do my best, but if I get fired, I'll be looking to you for a reference." She gave Paige a wink.

"In all seriousness, I appreciate you opening up to me and helping me out. You've given me the courage to continue. Or at least continue trying. I really need this job, and so far, even with all the troubles, it's still better than my old one."
Paige giggled with her mouth closed as Tsuki talked. It helped her keep her thoughts to herself. Even covering her mouth. Then Tsuki was thanking her. Paige took a sip of her tea, clearing her mouth. With a nod, Paige agreed.

“Even with Adam, Rose Hills Publishing is still a top notch place to work for. And,” Paige focused on Tsuki. “I knew Circe, Simon, and Agatha,” Paige huffed the last name. “Weren’t going to last. But you, with all of your adorable clumsiness and naivety,” Paige smirked but it quickly turned into a genuine smile. “Have a chance to last longer and do more than all three of them could ever dream.”
Tsuki blushed lightly. She looked down at her croissant and picked a couple more bites off it. After a moment of thoughtful silence, she asked, "Why didn't the others last? I mean, from the sounds of things, Agatha was not exactly the greatest employee, but why not the others. I'm not asking you to talk trash about them, of course," she hurried to clarify, "I'm just trying to figure things out about my new post. What did they do 'wrong' that I am doing 'right.' That's all I mean."

She didn't say anything about what she'd discovered about Agatha's last offense. That didn't need to be spread around the office. What was done was done. All that was left was fixing what they could. What she was allowed to fix, that is. Then her mind took an interesting turn. What was stopping her from editing the copies still on her computer? That might be an interesting task.
Paige swallowed her bite and hummed. With a sip of her drink, she mulled over Tsuki's question.

"I get it. Figure out what not to do. And honestly, you should know." Paige bit her lip, then let it go with a sigh. "I guess you should know why you were hired as well." Paige composed herself and wrapped her hands around her cup.

"After Maria's death, many people retired or left. Her assistant, Ian, as well. So when Adam started, he was all alone. Four months ago, Adam fainted during a meeting I had with him, about Emma taking lead for a project." Paige's hands tightened around the cup. "He was talking, very quickly and slurring a bit. He doesn't drink so I was so confused, then he just," Paige let go of her cup and gestured quickly. "I was so, it was bad." Paige took a drink. "That was when I met Senor González." Paige shuddered. "Next thing I know, Adam has an assistant, Circe."

"Circe was too ambitious, and she wanted real work. The coffee and food getting was annoying to her. A real bother she said. She was also, well,"
Paige bit her lip. "Let's just say she was a strong believer in feminism, very very strong. Adam stopped asking her for small things and gave her meaningless tasks, like yours. The day she found out, everyone knew and she was done." Paige's eyes went wide with the memory. "Then poor Simon. He was such a good boy. Overly politely and always rushing to please someone. But I guess Adam had a bad day, much like his recent ones, and did something to scare the poor boy. Next thing we know he's putting his two weeks notice in." Paige waved her hand in the air as she took another sip.

"Then there was, Agatha." Paige sneered. "She spent more time flirting and gossiping than doing work. Even bragging how she could do Adam's job better and was going to show him how." Paige rolled her eyes. "She quit because Adam told her something she didn't like. Citing her workplace as toxic." Paige grunted. "Sorry, she just aggravated me. When I invited her to lunch all she did was talk. Nothing about Adam or her work. Simon said he needed the break and was always agreeing to what Emma or I said. Circe, she just told us her life plan, and Rose Hills Publications was not involved for long anyway."
Tsuki frowned as she sipped her tea and listened. This place had a lot more issues than she expected. It was going to be... interesting working here, but as Paige talked, she felt a little more secure. Now she felt like she knew what was actually being asked of her.

"Okay. So my job is not actually going to be working as an assistant in a publishing house so much as a nanny to a workaholic with eating disorders," she said slowly. Then she gave a firm nod to herself. "That might be how it starts, but if I can get him to trust me and stop being such a defensive crab, then I can really be helpful and do other things, but right now, getting him to take care of himself is the important thing. I think I can do that!" She hesitated, a bit of her determination faultering. "As long as I don't touch his lap again..."
Paige nodded as she ate her muffin. Even letting out a snort at Tsuki’s pretty accurate description of her job. Then nodding along, smiling at the attempt of positivity and honesty. She was sipping her drink when she heard Tsuki’s last comment. She almost choked, trying not to spit out her drink.

“You did what?!?” Paige gasped eyes wide.
Tsuki blushed bright red. "It was an accident! I spilled coffee, or rather, he spilled the coffee, and while I was trying to wipe it up, I accidentally brushed it into his lap, and without thinking, I..." Her voice dropped to an embarrassed squeak. "I tried to wipe off his lap."

Her alarm on her phone suddenly pinged, making her jump and almost spill her tea in a very deja vu way. "Oh! I have about five more minutes, then I need to go." Saved by the bell!