The Chronicled World

Hysura was tired. Her limbs ached and her head was heavy; It had been a while since she was apart of a watch, even just half a nights worth. But the party trekked on, into the darkness. The Siren though, lacked her usual grace. Some could even call her 'grumpy' or say that she looked 'tired'! But it made little difference to their mission onwards.

What did make a difference was the tiny brown kobold/rat creature before them. The Zefv's didn't know what to make of her... What appeared to be the by product of Kobolds and Rats, standing with a friendly smile and an odd culture to her clothing. She was brown, with a shaggy brown/grey hair covering her body, she was old, as revealed by the grey streaks and wrinkles around her eyes, and had a long, pink tail, more akin to a rat then a Gundrish Kobold.

Raugur spoke up in panic "It's a Knocker! from the childrens tales! A deformed ratling come to devour us whole!" the others started to draw weapons, only to be halted by Mistress Hysura.

This creature... Was not altogether evil. Hysura saw in her eyes not chaos, hate or evil. Hysura saw... Herself. Kinship with the rat-kobold. Hysura spoke, and unsure of what language to use, decided to speak in the common trade-elvish tongue: "I am Mistress Hysura, of the Sword-widows guild. We come in prosperity, for both our people. Are you from here? ...are you alone?"

Madam Kilj raised an eyebrow at the Orc's refined speech. It was still a surprise to hear the once barbarous people speak with something approaching poise. She was also someqwhat pleased at this Hysura's companion's reactions. It felt nice to be shown open fear again, rather than that general deference her people used whenever they were around a superior being.

Holding her hands behind her back, Madam Kilj strides forward, her jewels and skulls that decorated her robes glinting in the torchlight of the party. "Greetings, Hysura and company of the sword widow's guild. I am madam Kilj, leader of Candeleb and the true Kobolds. Your people know us as the Deep Dwellers, among... other names." She pauses to gesture towards the Orc that had spoken up in a panic.

"I am not from here, and if it were up to me i would never have come close to the world of the surface. Unfortunately, it isn't." The Madam continues, making her way forward until she stops just out of reach of the orcish party, her diminutive form masking a presence that seemed to tower over all others. "As to if I am alone... well, it's not in our nature." She finishes, raising her arms to either side and gesturing to the sides of the expansive tunnel.

The orcish party looked, and was greeted by a sight that no surface being had ever lived to tell about. An uncountable sea of glinting eyes stared back at the party, many of them never having seen an orc. Long, square faces chittered and chattered as bodies straight out of nightmares, skin welded to dark iron and rods piercing muscle, began to flow from what the orcs had once thought natural structures revealed to be made entirely of bodies.

From the shadows came the endless tide, swarming and surrounding the orcs whilst staying just out of reach of the torche's firelight, eyes glinting as Corruption sparsly illuminates the uncountable figures. The Kobolds surrounded the orcs from all sides, teeth gnashing and barking out in a cruel tongue.

"Do not be scared. We do not wish to hurt you. " says Madam Kilj soothingly as her people flowed around her and deep into the distance. "Quite the opposite in fact."

"We need your help."

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@Amdarh @Horicabu

The hospitality of the Basnad was a welcome event after the loss of Spurius's ship and men. The host even provided shelter and lodging for the Soldiers. However the Praetorian stayed with their Legate and the Lady Tundra, with mace and shield in hand at all times as the protection of the Lady and Legate is currently their most important duty and they are nothing if not dutiful. Afterwards Spurius was invited to a feast, which he attended of course. It would be rude if he didn't, even if he didn't eat. The time would be used to talk as there was nothing much to really do for Spurius. At the feast are still his 60 Praetorian, keeping a close eye on the Legate and Lady Tundra as well as the Basnad for signs of treachery.

"The Pale Harpies are a foreign race to us. They make their buildings and towers from white ivory and bone from what I, the Diplomat, have learned. A strange material to me, the Diplomat, and my men as we prefer strong walls of stone and steel. However to each their own. If the Pale Harpies wish to build with bone then let them. As long as they do not threaten us, we shall let them do what they will do is the mentality of the High King, the King." Replied Spurius ""I, the Grateful, must thank you, the hospitable, for your hospitality. What the Lady Tundra, the Signer, wishes to do is her, the Signer, decision and I, the Grateful, shall respect this. I, the dutiful, must ask you, the host, to allow me, the dutiful, to send a selection of my men north to report on what has happened to my ship. It should not be much trouble would it not?"
The Royal guard escorted the group to the palace. When they arrived, they were once again checked for symptoms of the plague. Due to the fact that they were meeting with the leader, extra caution had to be taken so the chance of The Supreme's getting infected, was minimized. Once they were deemed to be free of the Plague, they were escorted to the Throne room. Nexxis was waiting for them there. It was a grand throne room and very large. Pillars could be seen surrounding the whole room. In front of each pillar was a member of the Royal Guard standing at attention. Large steps leading up to the throne could be seen on the far end of the room. With more guards in front of the steps.

As the envoy was led in, The Supreme stood and welcomed the group. As they entered she smiled to them. Then addressed the Royal Guard escort.

"Thank you, Captain, you may return to your post."

The saluted and then the escort exited the Throne Room. When the door shut, Nexxis clapped her hands twice with a large smile and all the guards clicked their heels at exactly the same time, then took up a different position at attention. Nexxis spoke loudly.

"Welcome to Athea, my friends. I'm Nexxis. The current Supreme. I wish I could welcome you to my country under better conditions, but alas it wasn't meant to be. So what brings you to the land of the High elves?"

Saloskan nodded to the decision of the Harpy and gave orders for his men to prepare a fast longboat fully manned and filled with provisions for the trip.

Your ship will be ready in the morning, Lady Tundra, Blessings of Tamatoa be on your journey.

The Basnan turned his athletic form to Spurius, his stare lingering on the armed Praetorians causing a palpable tension in the room.

Of course, General, send any men you wish up north. You have agreed to stay and learn of our culture, and here is a lesson that I believe holds true in any court: sixty armed men don't lead to any peaceful discussions. I beg of you, disarm your men, send them to their barracks or to enjoy the city, and keep only a minimal guard, such as five men. Either you believe us treacherous, in which case sixty men won't stop us, or you trust us to be decent hosts that have shared salt and Holy Beer, and all that is unnecessary.

His passionate speech over, Saloskan moved on to more pleasant discussions. He kept an eye on the crowd. Word of the slights given to the Sheson in the United Kingdoms had spread, and these nobles were all too ready to see new insults in the demeanour of Spurius.

The conversation soon turned to the usual topic of religion, with the Nostalgiacs Holy Day coming soon, and Saloskan explained the Great Migration and their saving by Tamatoa the Crab of Life and Death to his guest.

Truly, in all your years, have you ever witnessed the direct involvement of Gods? Aren't you awed by the calamities befalling this world? Do you not wonder what caused the Gods' wrath?

@Horicabu @ChelonianCommander


Salanaha's neck was bent and twisted as he looked around at the impressive architecture of the palace, impossibly tall, columns remaining exquisitely elegant despite their size. Elves were master craftsmen indeed. Such art should be in the service of the Gods.

As they approached the Supreme, the Basnan couldn't help but smile at the way the leader held herself. She looked dominant and composed, but also playful and alluring. Maybe people of her race found her skinny bones attractive. The envoy bowed respectfully.

Blessings of the Crab on you, Supreme of the High Elves! I am Salanaha, envoy of the Sheson Paralua, and I bring gifts of smoked fish and Holy Beer.

His underlings quickly opened a few chests, revealing the offers of friendship. A Basnan filled a horn with Beer and presented it to the Supreme without getting any closer.

The Basnans have only recently been unified under a true leader in the person of the Sheson Paralua, and we hope the misunderstandings our people have had can be put in the past.
The world is trembling under the terrible anger of the Gods. Earthquakes before, and now this Plague, Gods are angry! And what can mortals do, but tremble and accomplish Gods' will?
Supreme, the Basnans have witnessed the greatness of Tamatoa, the Great and Merciful Crab, who vanquished the Krakens and offered us safe passage here. He has sheltered us and brought us here for a reason: to spread His word and defeat His enemies, the orcs and their ilk.
I have come before you, Supreme, to knit a bond between seafarers, and to show you the way to Tamatoa's heart - and Redemption.

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"Ahh, my friend. You need not worry yourself. I hold no grudges. Not even against the harpies, though they have committed unforgivable acts against my people in the past. We don't concern ourselves with the affairs of other people much, but their are rumors that say they built their capitol out of the bones of my people. Quite a disrespectful and unforgivable thing right? I've been tempted to send someone to ascertain the truth of it, but I cannot in my right mind send someone on such a suicide mission for something as trivial as that in the end. It would of course make no difference what the response was. Ahhh...I'm rambling again. My apologies, friend.

It seems the orcs have committed some unforgivable atrocities to your own people for you to believe such. You must know, being so far to the south, we have hardly have any encounters with them. Certainly nothing to make us feel as you do."

Nexxis glided past the guards in front of her and almost skipped toward the ambassador. Taking the horn of beer, she drank it without pause. Then smacked her lips and smiled.

"Good stuff. Thank you for the gifts. I'll have appropriate gifts delivered to your vessels as well. Would it be appropriate to send some of the finest bows with a quiver of arrows, and many pieces of jewelry with pearls?"

She asked. Then she began to pace as she kept on.

"Salanaha. You can call me Lady Nexxis. All the "Supreme" talk can be quite rigid. I'm not the kind of ruler who would get caught up in such petty naming. Ohhh, let me guess. It was Commander Pahorn that intercepted you at the border. She can be quite the stickler for that stuff. Makes her a good Commander, but it can be hard to converse with her sometimes."

Nexxis said, being rather carefree. An interesting leader she was. At this time an aide entered from behind the throne and look up to see that Nexxis was not on the throne, but by the guests..... He approached and spoke softly, even though the ambassador would be able to hear.

"Lady Nexxis, the preparations have been completed. The results are already starting to materialize. The plague has begun to stop spreading."

Nexxis hopped with joy at the news.

"Thank goodness. I can imagine that some have lost their lives?"

The aide nodded in the affirmative. Nexxis's smile faded as she took a somber tone.

"I see. Create an area where the dead can be held until this plague issue is solved. Send a personal letter to the families, informing them of this and my sincere apologies for the disrespect upon their loved ones body. To compensate for this, the government will pay for all the funeral rights in full to lesson the burden of disrespect, but it is something that must be done to ensure the safety of the population. Thank you."

The aide nodded and quickly left then Nexxis returned her attention to the ambassador.

"I am sorry for the interruption, but I must address issues that relate to the safety of my people immediately. Now...where were we....Oh yes! Would it be alright for us to engage a bit of philosphical talk. I know you come here meaning no disrespect, and I hope you know that I mean no disrespect to you, but I think it would be best if we discussed religion with the utmost truth, even if that truth may be quite blunt to the other. Is that alright?"

@Amdarh @Horicabu

The speech that Saloskan had given was rather passionate and through it Saloskan not only allows Spurius to send messengers towards the United Kingdoms, but also asks him to tell his Praetorian to leave them be. Spurius replies with a speech of his own, praising the Praetorian with the same passion that Saloskan had given.

"I, The Guest, am indeed here to learn of your, the Host, culture, but knowledge flows into two directions. The Praetorian have taken oaths to faithfully serve their King until they fail their task and these Praetorian have been ordered to guard me, the Legate, and through me, the Legate, Lady Tundra, the Signer. They foll. They even do not speak unless ordered, and they do not attack unless harm would come to them or the people they are to protect. I, the Legate, do not believe you to have any sort of treacherous intent but if there is treachery afoot then they shall react in kind. 50 and more years of combat and training made them the most elite of the best of the best, and in their capable hands is the well being of myself, the Legate, and Lady Tundra, the Signer. You will find that no bodyguard unit more skilled and dedicated to their oaths of protection as you would sooner see a Forged Born of a lesser oath commit the dishonorable act of betrayal before the Praetorian even consider disobeying their orders. So in light of this new view, I ask that they be allowed to stay, to be allowed to continue their oaths to their High King and Legate as to turn them away would be an insult to them and myself."

After his speech the feast continued. Spurius sends 5 of his Praetorians to escort the Sailors and half of his Crossbowmen northward and eventually the conversation landed on the topic of religeon. Spurius learned of the coming Nostalgiacs Holy day and the Great Migrations and even the story of how Tamatoa the Crab saved their people. An interesting subject to say the least.

Next Saloskan asks Spurius if he had witnessed the direct involvements of the Gods and if he was awed by the calamities that has befallen the world. An odd question, but one Spurius answered.

"I, the Legate, do not know much of the calamities that befell the world. I, the Young, was only placed in this body but 80 years ago. I, the Legate, suggest you, the Host talk to the High King Decius the King for such matters. He, the King, has been around since the time of the great cataclysms. And to the questions concerning the direct intervention of gods, no. I, the Legate, have not seen such things before, but I, the Legate, have heard stories. Other Legates and Commanders tell tales of being outnumbered 10 to 1 and at the last moment, the Warrior blessed their Soldiers with the same vigor he had in his mortal life and allowed them to shatter the enemy in one last push. Or how Forged Born would be walking and suddenly a statue or pillar would fall and would leave unscathed, meaning they were protected by the Mother's graced. There are many stories like this in the United Kingdoms and when they do happen, we give praise and honor to the Ancestor Gods as they deserve."
Ythril eyed the crates that had been brought before her, containing smoked fish and beer it seemed. “Where did this come from?” she asked plainly.
“Basnad,” answered the Eldrin scout who had retrieved the shipment from its placement near the edge of The Hive’s territory in the Glade. Ythril did not find it necessary to ask the scout where he’d found the shipment as it was made aware to the entire hive as soon as he’d done so thanks to the psychic connection that intertwined their thoughts and senses.
“This gift is a welcome sight during these trying times. Perhaps it would be wise for The Hive to expand its diplomacy and garner some allies, although this must coincide with the next swarming. Allies or not they won’t be too happy if we expand across their territory and establish subhives on their lands.” She turned her attention to Katar, the Master of Diplomacy, and addressed the tall elf with an air of authority despite their apparent size difference. “Katar, you will arrange for the Speaker to travel to Basnad and form an alliance with these Marjari. Perhaps we can negotiate under the protection of Eldrinor if their leader is willing to accompany your envoy back to the Glade.”
Katar nodded his understanding and rose to leave before Ythril spoke once more. “Understand that it is imperative that we secure our borers during such a crucial time for The Hive. Do whatever it takes and don’t come back empty handed.”
He nodded once again, saying, “For The Hive,” as he exited the throne room.


Katar’s chosen envoy, Speaker Azariah, was subsequently dispatched to travel north to the nation of Basnad accompanied by a squad of warriors led by Qildor and a pair of guardians, a rare sight outside of a hive. Before their departure each member of the party was tested for the plague and cleared to ensure the disease did not spread any more than it already had. The guardians also served the purpose of pulling a carriage full of bronze. Together the envoy, warriors, and guardians marched north with the hopes of forging the first ever Eldrin alliance.
Salanaha observed the little theatrics of the Elven leader. He had thought at first she was posing to reassure her ennemies and lull them in a false sense of safety, but it seemed she truly was carefree and at the same time genuinely cared about her people. It could still all be an act, but such actions were... surprising from one in such a position. The Basnan took good note of the Elven distate for the Harpies, it was the kind of information that the Sheson would want to know. Salanaha was also curious about the ability of the Elves to stop the Plague. On one hand, wasn't that going against the will of Gods? But on the other hand, the Plague might be a test for the believers. Regardless, it looked like another useful information.

You honour me with your trust, Lady Nexxis. I couldn't help but overhear. Might I ask how you stopped the Plague? Was it through sacrifices?

The thin, leathery Basnan chuckled and nodded in ascent, his whole upper body undulating in the movement.

Talking about the Gods is always talking with the utmost truth. Truths that are known, truths that are rejected, truths that have to be discovered and truths that have to understood and accepted. Please, do not refrain and be blunt with me, I will take no offense.



Saloskan was uncomfortable with the presence of the Praetorians, but he didn't wish to insult his guests under his own roof and clenched his teeth. Forged Born were decidedly stubborn creatures. Reliable, maybe, but they cared about themselves above all. The Basnan listened to the tales and myths of Spurius, smiling at the misunderstandings of the Forged Born of mystical events. It seemed their mind of metal and gears stopped them from seeing the hand of Gods, and to recognise the True Gods, even when they were faced with them. He didn't even notice the earthquakes and plague as Godly calamities! It didn't look like these Forged Born could be brought to the enlightenment of Tamatoa. Maybe they could still find a common objective, but that was something for another day.

The festivities had drawn into the night, but the feast eventually finished and the party-goers moved on to other venues. General Spurius and Lady Tundra were offered richly decorated rooms to rest while the Basnans went to their own quarters.

In the morning, the guests were invited to the Great Hall of the While Cathedral where the Sheson Paralua officiated the morning prayer. Once the litany of blessings and graces for surviving the night were done, a female orc was dragged to the altar, screaming and thrashing. Four disfigured Basnan Redempters pushed the creature down, her back laying on the altar. Paralua raised his ceremonial ivory knife and plunged it in the crying orc's heart. A few gurggles later and the room was filled with silence. The voice of the Sheson boomed in the large Cathedral, offering the blood of the sacrificed to appease Tamatoa's wrath and promise Him eternal devotion.

Once the ceremony was concluded, Saloskan accompanied Lady Tundra to the readied ship and bid her a swift journey. As they watched the longboat sail away, Saloskan continued his discussion with Spurius.

What did you think of our ceremony, General? What are your feelings for the orcs?

@ChelonianCommander @Horicabu


The eldrin expedition was met an hour after crossing the border by wide-eyed Basnans. They vaguely knew that strange elves dwelled deep in the forest to the South, and that it was a poor idea to go anywhere near them. Raiding in these territories had proven impossible, the Marjari completely unfamiliar with wooden warfare and falling in ambushes. Knowledge of the southern realm was thus limited to stories to frighten young, ambitious raiders, and official reports going directly to the Primarchs. To see a bunch of them coming out of the woods... and looking so... normal! It was a sight to behold.

The Anarch leading the border Pond quickly sent word to his Primarch and offered safe passage for the Eldrin through the Panshu region, then to Angye and the capital of Tamalossa. By the time they arrived, word had spread like wildfire. Young and old Basnans could be seen hiding in tall grass or behind buildings to catch a glimpse of the Eldrin. The Sheson Paralua, though not as morbidly curious as his people, was also eager to meet his Southern neighbours. He installed a green dais lined with bushes and flowers on the square in front of the White Cathedral, where all his subject could see him. Sitting atop his throne, his large mass resting in the comfortable chair, he waited to welcome the Eldrin delegation

Qildor winced at the sight of so many nonjoiners surrounding them on all sides. If the Basnan proved unfriendly to the elves then they were as good as dead unless they could somehow return to the Glade before their untimely death. He was new to this diplomacy stuff as was every Eldrin due to their lack of diplomatic relations. Qildor found himself longing for his bow or even the bronze shortsword which hung from its scabbard on his hip. Nevertheless, he left the bow and sword undrawn and focused on the task at hand.

The Eldrin party returned the Basnan gazes with equal amounts of wonder and curiosity as they too had heard stories of their neighbors. The idea of fish people to the north had been the source of fear for The Hive and had spurred some hesitation when considering a swarming of this region. No doubt the Basnans were not expecting the Eldrin to appear as any other elven race and yet here they were.

The warrior caste were shorter than high elves despite their high elven roots to allow them to traverse the sylvan terrain of the Glade. They were clad in simple garments woven from plants and furs to provide perfect woodland camouflage while not sacrificing mobility. The guardian caste was sure to capture the wonder of all who were present and observing the appearance of these newcomers. The two guardians were massive hulking monstrosities magically bred from birth into a hybrid of elf and tree armored in a thick layer of bark. These two behemoths trailed behind the party and allowed their chilling gaze to sweep over the spectators. The envoy led the procession with the warriors trailing in a loose formation with the sole objective of protecting the Speaker.

As they approached the flowered dais the warriors, along with the two guardians, held their position while Azariah continued alone to meet what appeared to be the Basnad leader. With a lack of diplomatic experience customs were an oddity to the Eldrin so Azariah hesitated before bowing her head in what she assumed would appear as a gesture of respect. When she spoke her voice was clear and melodic with a pleasant, albeit neutral, tone. For a people that held the appearance of a primitive nation her words had the sound of a cultured and intelligent mind.
“Greetings Exalted One. You may call this one Azariah, Speaker of the Hive. This one comes to you as an envoy of the Eldrin. Hive Queen Ythril gives you thanks for your generous offering.” Her voice trailed off smoothly.
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"The Atheans never perform sacrifices. We have not found a cure. We just took quick action and stopped the spread of the plague. It seems that those who have been weakened, such as the elders, and the children, are the ones who have fallen prey to the plague. The majority of the able body citizens, while sick, do not seem to be dying. So our main priority was stopping the outbreak, and then treating those Infected from there."

She said, as her finger tapped her chin.

"I heard you mention this plague and an Earth quake, as being the anger of the gods. I heard mention of Tamatoa, the Great Crab.

Ahh, and I know what you might be thinking. If this plague was brought by the gods, who are we to try and stop it?? Well, if this plague was the will of the gods, then isn't us finding a way to stop it the will of the gods all the same? Otherwise, they wouldn't allow such a thing.

Let me digress. I hold no faith in any religion or gods. The Atheans do not have a government sponsored religion, nor will we as long as I am the Supreme. However, just because I do not believe in any god, does not mean that I don't think they exist.

You and your people believe that Tamatoa is a god, right? Every other country that has a religion also believes the same thing, right? So what makes your god any more righteous than their god? Just things to think about.

Aaaannnnddddd, then what if all of these gods are real? If they are all in a different land of immensely powerful being, that we call gods, with some we do not know as living beings. They are constantly Waring with each other. Having disagreements. So Tamatoa, tells you to fight the orcs, because if you lessen the believers of Tamatoa's rival, it may make it easier for Tamatoa to defeat said rival. Just things to think about.

Which gods are real? Which gods are fake? Are all gods real? Are all gods fake? I do not commit myself to a god, nor will I. Nor will my country. I live with the belief that all gods could be real. All gods could be fake. Any god could be real, and the rest fake. It doesn't concern me. In the end, if such a thing happens as I'm made to atone for my lack of belief, then I'll accept it readily as that has been my choice."

Drifting into the depths of the conversation, she maintained her carefree smile.


She spoke, and was friendly! The party was relieved, still tense, but no longer panicked. Hysura stepped up to shake her hand. The young Siren was quite pretty, but her small hand was respectably callused. She was the only non-orc of the group.

"We are pleased to meet you. We hail from the Land of Gundertog, descendants of the Great Agitog, Hero among the Orcs for his courage and unrelenting resolve. We Gundrish strive everyday to portray him well.

But we have need of you as well. Our collection of Peat and Iron is impressive: My own coffers contain more then I need! As a token of our kinship, I'd like to provide to you the goods we carry with us now!" Hysura's alluring smile and practiced words were clearly that of a merchant, attempting a deal. Behind her words, an experienced diplomat might notice a touch of desperation...

"But so... Help, you need? I'm pretty sure we can arrange that." She smiled confidently, almost knowingly... "Our terms are simple, We are proud warriors and competent merchants. We can help you, but we need something in exchange. We will scratch your back, and you scratch ours... Help for help."
The Sheson Paralua smiled and nodded as the Eldrin envoy bowed to him. He rose to his feet to greet the Eldrin, and with him all the Basnans who were sitting in attendance. The Sheson tapped his palmed hand on his prominent belly and smiled, turning left and right to show himself to the crowd. His voice was booming for all to hear

Welcome, Azariah, Speaker of the Hive! I, Sheson Paralua, offer you the Blessings of Tamatoa to ward off all evil from you.

After a wary look to the awe-inspiring treemen, he stepped closer to Azariah and put a hand on his shoulder in an overtly friendly gesture. His fish smell gathered around him like a cloak.

I am glad to hear Hive Queen Ythril appreciated our gifts, and am pleased to see you come all the way to our capital. It is a rare pleasure to meet your kind, and I look forward to learning more about you and your Hive Queen. But that can come later. You have traveled a long journey. Would you like a bath or some refreshments?

Now that the show was over, the large Basnan gently nudged the Eldrin towards the entrance to the White Cathedral to get away from the crowd.



Salanaha played with his left tendril, wrapping it around his finger and tugging it as he listened to the Elf with a smile.

Yes, you have read me correctly, Lady Nexxis. The will of the Gods are always more complicated than we can imagine, and us mortals can only do our best with what we have to serve them as best we can.

The old Basnan always enjoyed a theological discussion. Unlike most Basnans, and despite his firmly held beliefs, he didn't feel insulted that others believed otherwise. Besides, if you didn't listen to others, how could you help them to see the true path to redemption? And thus the Shesonate envoy continued smiling as the Supreme presented her point of view and challenged his faith, and he answered joyfully.

Again, you are right in all your wisdom. There are many Gods, and all nations claim to be right. I cannot say which gods are fake. Maybe none. But there are greater and smaller gods, gods that care, and gods that want our doom. Let's look around, and see the marvels of this world. The crops that grow for us, the changing seasons, the wind that sings in the leaves in a stormy autumn evening. Surely, they are signs of the gods. And the earthrage, the earthquakes, the plague. Who has brought them, who has created them? It is beyond the power of any people, it is the realm of the gods. For that, I am convinced that Gods exist.

The Basnan took a little dramatic pause before continuing

I would agree with you that all that wouldn't have to matter if the gods remained out of the affairs of us mortals. But they don't, do they? A good harvest, a plague, those are interventions of the gods. If they have such an impact on all of us, at all times - on all of your people - can we really ignore them and act as if they didn't exist? From our prayers, our devotion, our sacrifices depend the fate of our people, of our land! And yet, as you ask, how to know which Gods to turn to, which one is the most righteous one? It is simple, really: the one that has protected you, that has answered your calls in your hour of need, the one that has saved us. Tamatoa.

Salanaha was quite satisfied with himself and licked his dried lips

Where were the dwarven gods when they fell? Where were the elven gods during the Earthrage? Maybe they got angry, or they were defeated. But they were not there to help their people. But when the Basnans were in danger, when the orcs surrounded us and threatened to destroy us, the Great Crab defeated the Krakens and opened the way for our salvation, leading us to a fertile and welcoming land where we could prosper. And prosper we did under His blessing, always growing. I ask you, then, how could this not be a righteous God, one worth dying for? And know this: Tamatoa doesn't protect only the Basnans, but he shelters all believers. And indeed, as you said, he needs all our help, all our faith and all our sacrifice to defeat those Gods that want to see this world burn and crack, and us mortal fail and perish.

His face covered in a film of sweat, Salanaha finally stopped his harangue, eyes slightly feverish from excitement.

Madam Kilj smiled gently at the young Siren, her soft hands contrasting the callouses of the merchant. "We know who the orcs are, young siren. We know a great many things." She answers, enjoying her ability to play the mysterious being and answer cryptically. It never got old.

At the Siren's words, Madam Kilj simply snapped a finger and two figures appeared from the caravan, scurrying along close to the ground as they closed in on Kilj. One of the Kobolds held a stained lump of Iron that seemed to visibly repulse nearby miners, whereas the other a clump of brown peat. Almost instantly, Madam Kilj focused upon the organic substance, sniffing and analysing it before turning towards the Siren.

"We have no need for your Iron. Living deep within gives us access to far richer veins than any that could be found here. This peat though... my people are not farmers, and cannot grow crops to save their lives. We would be willing to set up trade in exchange for simple food and agriculture, if that is what you wish." She says knowingly, a glint in the veteran leader's eyes.

After a second or two, she looks away, her face masked by shadow from the flickering torchlight. "We can proive you with whatever aid you wish, should you help us. A madman has evicted us from our homes with a monster that we cannot defeat as we are." She pauses as she shifts her face once again into the light. "In exchange, we can help you. Increase your mineral deposits, technology, augment your military and share... information on the happenings of the world. Even now, in this time of crisis, our spies are everywhere. For example, are you aware of the Basnan effort to rally the other nations to destroy your people? Currently, I'm not sure if they've succeeded, but I plan to find out soon enough once the land dwelling race leaders return home. They seem to have gone on a little jaunt out into the waters of those Crab worshippers."

Hysura's expression turned to one of surprise at that last note. "Excuse me? ...Are you saying the Basnan's wish to attack?" she asked in a hushed tone. "The Morttin must know! You will have your trade. My employees dig and refine that peat daily, and it grew in mud made from the ashes of Mount Two-Moons - er, a nearby volcano. I assure you it is a fine product; perhaps the best in the world." She boasted, trying as well as she could muster to add any extra value she could to the peat. "We would gladly trade it in fertilizer form - It will make growing crops tremendously easier - and a portion of our pig-yards yield for more information on the Basnans, and some of this metal you spoke of."

"As for your main request: Please, give me... Two weeks." the sword-widow next to Hysura raised an odd eyebrow at this time-table, even though they all knew Kruumlok was a mere three days away from here "Two weeks to muster forces - mine and my countrymen - to aid you in slaying this 'madman' and his ...Dragon? Animal? ...You will have to give me many more details, and I will return in our agreed time. If you do, consider it dead!" She smile darkly, thrusting her hand out again for another handshake, this time to seal the verbal contracts: Metal and Information for Peat and Swine, and Friendship for one dead monster.

"Of course." The old diplomat smiles as she shakes the Siren's hand, gesuring with another to have her people retreat and meld back into the darkness as if they were never there. However, once the handshake had run its course, the old Kobold's grip tightens as she lightly pulls the Siren towards her. "You are the first and only race to learn of our existence. You will not tell anyoe about us. We will reveal ourselves if we want to, but we work from the shadows otherwise. There is no debating this. Break this deal and the Basnans will be the least of your problems. I" She says into rhe siren's ears, growling voice echoing through the cave as she talks to the group as a whole. It was always good to show you had some steel.

Letting go of the Siren, the wizened Kobold addresses the group once again. "Do not look for us, we will find you. Trade will be conducted at the base of Mount Two-Moons every seven days at midnight. Now, hurry along to your leader young one." She finishes before melding back into the shadows. A sound as if a waterfall of rats clicking on stone echoed for but a minute, and the Orcs were alone.

Nexxis smiled even larger. She skipped and hopped, and even did a little twirl. To have such a conversation with foreigners, it was truly exciting and brought happiness to her in this tough time for her, and the Atheans.

"Ahh, my friend. Wonderful points. I do believe in the existence of Tamatoa, however not exclusively. I believe that all gods are real, as you have just said. I find it hard for all of this, to be a certain random happening."

Upon saying this, she held her hands up and slowly turned around, as if to mean the wonderful building they were standing in, and all of Athea for that matter.

"But I do not in believe in one over the other. That is why when approached, I simply say I do not believe. For those without the composure of having such discussions, it is impossible to explain this view. Though it is more aptly said, that I do not worship any one god. I worship none, but acknowledge the existence of all. Using our mortal terms of conflict, one could say I am a neutral in the matter of the gods. As is this country. I however, do not look down on those that worship a specific god. In fact, I respect it."

She approached Salanaha and spoke once more.

"You inferred it one the beginning, but I take it that you wish to spread this knowledge of Tamatoa to Athea. I do not mind if you do, however I will provide some boundaries. The country itself, in relation to its official stance, will always be neutral. I will allow a small number of emissaries from your people in at a time. They will be registered as missionaries and given a set amount of time in the country. Once that time is up, they are expected to return to your land. However, they can immediately return, or a new emissary can be sent in their place. You can acquire land, even build religious buildings in Athea, but it must be done in accordance with our laws and regulations. Most importantly, you cannot force anyone to believe. The will of my people is free, and will always be that. By that free will, they can chose to believe you, or to not believe you. You cannot try to force it down their throats, so to speak. This will also be in regards to Athean citizens who have converted. "

Nexxis lightly clapped her hands, and an aide appeared with a pen and paper and begin writing.

"I do not place the country of Athea above Tamatoa, but all laws and regulations of Athea are to be followed. Even if they directly conflict with the teachings of Tamatoa. I cannot make exceptions just for you. I would have to make exceptions for every religion in that case and reform many things. I do not with to do that. That isn't even broaching the matter of disagreements between religions. What if I change a law for you so it isn't in conflict with your teachings, but then becomes in conflict with another religious teaching? Ahhh, I'm not even daring to go there, so a hard line will be drawn. Finally, any monetary gains you receive, will not leave this country. They can only be used in this country.

We have had an issue in the past, where emissaries have come and spread their religious teachings, then took money from the citizens of Athea. They loaded up that money and sent it to their homeland, and it was then used to fund a war their home country was fighting. Their enemy came to us and said, "How dare you help this filth in this conflict." So, we now no longer allow things like that to happen.

Also, you are not allowed to take citizens of Athea with you from this country. If they are to travel to your land it is of their own free will. They must do it themselves, not by you or on your vessels. We have also have had such a thing happen, where a religion has come to our country, and our citizens left on their vessel for a pilgrimage. Yet it was later heard, that they were turned into slaves. "

The aide was writing everything down with a quick speed. It was somewhat impressive.

"Finally, your emissaries will be constantly monitored. If any of these are suspected to be broken, then an investigation will ensue. If found guilty, the perpetrators will be punished under Athean law, in Athea. At that point, all current emissaries will be expelled from Athea, never to return as long as I'm in power. Tamatoa's teachings will no longer be allowed at that point. Your people will not be allowed into this country for religious reasons.

Some of these may seem harsh, but let me enlighten you on why Athea takes stances of this nature. Their are creatures out there that wish to see elves on their deathbed. Creatures like the harpies who take our people as slaves, then use their bones to make their buildings. Look down on us like inferior beings. Their are creatures who wish to capture us and chain us up in a basement, and only with to breed us, then kill us when our use over. You saw the sexual makeup of Athea. The amount of females grossly outnumbers the males. If we opened the borders, men would flock to this country for the idea of capturing as many gorgeous elves as possible. Such a time happened, and many problems arose. So I closed the borders. No disrespect to you, Salanaha, but I must be ever vigilant.

The last thing I would like to add is this: We will not enter into negotiations, or allow anyone into Athea, if they have current dealings with the harpies. If we sign anything, and it becomes known that you have anything in league with the harpies, everything will be null and void. Your people will immediately be expelled, never to return for any reason, until it can be proven that you have nothing to do with the Harpies."

Her smile faded and this last point became very serious.

"We hold no prejudice, but they wish to see us dead, or in bondage. They will go to almost any lengths to do it. They see us as inferior beings. I will not allow even a sliver of a chance for that to happen. This last point is the only thing that cannot be compromised on."

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"Our views are simple" Voron said as he cleared up his throat. "We believe first and foremost in our leader, the great Alok, as it was through his wisdom that we as a nation were able to overcome Earthrage, and rebuild after the great migration of our people. However times have changed and the world hasn't become any more forgiving since then, and while we were able to manage on our own as we have for the last 300 years, we no longer can sit back and let these alliances continue for any longer. I believe that the Pale Harpies are a serious threat, as it's no surprise the amount of territorial tension our nations have, and that they actively hunt and kill Elves of all races. The reason we haven't taken action is because we never needed to, as we always had a mutual understanding of where we were as nations, and that a war would never benefit either party. However their latest actions have been proof enough that there planning something, and something on a scale that this continent has never seen before, and I believe we can't do it alone, we need allies, we need the Basnad Sheshonate behind us." Voron looks up at the mighty king, and apologizes "forgive me if I spoke out of turn, I understand how informal this is, and understand if you wouldn't want to advance on any diplomatic relations, but , maybe we could speak more on the subject, over tea perhaps?" Voron said, awaiting the kings response.

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The ritual was...interesting, to say the very least. Spurius was shocked at the the fact that the Basnad practiced such vile rituals such as live sacrifice. Luckily for him, his unmoving face kept his disgust hidden at the ritual. It was an ordeal to sit through but he hid it well as he kept his anger at this disgraceful action from boiling over. After the ceremony Spurius made sure that the Lady Tundra was safely on and out towards the Kingdom of the Pale Harpies. As the boat sailed, Saloskan decides to continue their conversion. Saloskan asks him of the ceremony and their feeling for the Orcs.

"The ceremony was rather interesting to witness. Was the Orc a prisoner? From the Northern lands of Gundertog? If so I, the Guest, am surprised that you do not treat such opponents with some respect. You, the Host, must admit, even with their constant attacks, they are nothing if not skilled warriors."
Lady Tundra waited silently as the longboat rocked back and forth. However, as time went on, she began to look around, before finally standing. She went to an idle Basnan, and spoke. "Tell me of this 'Great Crab.'" She said, surprisingly forceful. "Your ritual...excited me. I have not been outside the borders of the Pale Ones before, and of all I have seen, the Shesonate interests me the most."
Yijhet strode slowly down a ceremoniously long hallway. There was no sound, but instead, a thrumming tension. She entered a rather small room, and sat down on a velvet cushion. Across from her, another Pale Harpy sat on one of their own. A heavy black streak lanced down from his grotesquely masked face, akin to branching veins. They throbbed as his head lifted to meet Yijhet's gaze.

"You seek the meaning of these quakes and this drought." He said, his stature extremely thin. The Harpy was ancient, yet his very presence emanated with arcane might. Yijhet nodded. Even she was lowly in stature to this creature. Behind him loomed a dome of coal-black brick, whose center jutted out a tiered spire of darkened metal. Leaking from its base was a thick, black substance that pooled and ran in channels laid into the floor. "The black blood speaks little. We follow its example; we are reverently silent. But, your coming has heralded a epiphany to these old bones." He paused. "The Spirit beneath babbles and gibbers in many tongues lost to time. But through it all, its voices have told me of these events. Is your hearted stilled and ready to listen?"

"Yes, high priest." Yijhet said, head still bowed.

"Very well." The old Harpy said. "It curses the land, curses us. The Spirit feels great hatred towards the very ground we sit upon. It demands we purify this wretched continent. Corruption runs rampant just below the surface. Orcs and elves desecrate the earth. We, too, scourge this place. We were never meant to set food upon these stones. But..." he paused. "...retribution is not our concern. We are pure, bathed and cleansed in the Black Blood. The Spirit decrees those who follow in our footsteps are also pure. So, it is not our folly that these calamities afflict us; it is the land itself fighting against the Spirit. We are the Spirit's new Mountain, the body that follows the will of its command. We shall tame this continent. But what this means to us; that remains a mystery."

Yijhet was still for several minutes. Then she nodded, rose, and left the room, contemplating the meaning of the high priest's words. "To tame is to break and humble. The Spirit wishes us to tame the land, and so bring purity." Yijhet said. "But the priest said those who follow us are also pure." She stopped and thought, before calling a diplomat and sending a watercraft to the Shesonate.
