The Evrensel Conflict The Evrensel Conflict -- Chapter 1: The Only Easy Day was Yesterday

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"It seems we both have had people we trust betray us. But we have tobe able to move forwards, and remember the person they were, not what they'd become. That's what I chose to remember about Gunther, and my father, Anankos."

Corrin gently placed a hand on Ephraim's shoulder as she said this and gave him a gentle smile. She knew the pain of betrayal. Hopefully, they wouldn't have to go through that ever again.

@Raynar Saassin
Kiratta's temper managed to crawl its way through her mixture of fear, confusion and overwhelming nausea as the two strangers took for a drunkard, her dissatisfaction visible by the clear scowl reigning over her features. After all, she was an expressive woman: if her hands weren't capable of conveying her emotions, her face would serve as an open book to them. Still, she didn't have the luxury to acidly retort to them: again, she had a sniper rifle trained on her skull, and a deep-voiced, dual-weapon-wielding man ready to blast her to bloody bits at the slightest sign of aggression. Patience was key here, and sadly for her, she was already running thin on it.

Much to her annoyance, the two bickered about McCrees, Angelas, 'gamer girls', names and words which she knew nothing about. In their moment of curt distraction, Kiratta assessed the situation: the hooded man, referred to by the alias of 'Reaper', stood right before her, just within range of his weapon, if those were indeed shotguns. The blue-skinned sniper, 'Widowmaker', had perched herself behind a ruined building's wall, a spot where she could easily duck behind cover should a firefight break out. While it was hard to believe, the former certainly had some sort of... ability, to boldly stand out in the open, while the later was obviously more fragile, perhaps more dependent on range.

Once they returned their attention at her, she closed her eyes for a moment, so her nausea lessened some. "Kiratta Forin. X-Wing pilot, more specifically leader of White Squadron of the Rebel Alliance's starfleet." She took a pause, though her arms were still kept up high. "I was moving to my quarters when this green spiral sucked me in and spat me out at... whatever this place is."

To answer the sniper's question, she shrugged. "Too complicated to explain right now. And honestly, drop the act." Kiratta's eyes shone with a defeated glare, her voice displaying her irritation. "Whatever brought me here had me spitting my guts out, and the world's still spinning for me. I'm more likely to shoot myself than to even lay a scratch on any of you."

"Thank you." Ephraim stated, smiling towards Corrin warmly. "Don't worry. I won't let the past cloud me. I never do. While it has happened, I hold it to heart and make sure that I am not so trusting. You, however. You've experienced such a tragedy with your father figure, Gunther. It might not mean much, but you've gained my trust." Ephraim then held out his lance in front of him towards Corrin. "Let's fight together, as allies on the battlefield, and friends off the battlefield."

Hector walked up and planted the face of his Axe onto Ephraim's lance, leaving space for Corrin's weapon to form a triangle in the middle of them. "I feel everyone's pain. While I have yet to recall such a thing happening to me, I know others that have gone through similar fates. My axe is yours, Corrin and Ephraim. Let's work together to figure out how we can get out of this place, and maybe meet up with survivors or other entrants."

@Hahli Nuva


"Sounds like you don't hail from where we come from. Hmm. Your weapon doesn't look like anything Earth has manufactured." Reaper exclaimed, walking up to Kiratta and eyeing her up and down, keeping a tight grip on his Hellfire Shotguns. "You don't seem to have a Overwatch Symbol of any kind on your uniform, and you don't appear to be very armoured." He then walked back to his original position but still keeping her within his range. "Until further notice, you're staying with us. Or you could leave, but then we'd have to gun you down."

Widowmaker on the other hand, plopped down her mask and activated her Infra-red sights as she scoped Kiratta down head to toe for any hidden equipment.


"Hmm... I don't see anything on you that could hint at any secret recorder device. Or anything threatening for that matter." She exclaimed as she then took the opportunity from her position to scope out the area, when she dedicated several moving heat-signatures.


"Incoming enemies. Loads of them. Coming from where Kiratta walked from. They'll be here in a few minutes estimate."
"Can you tell what they are, Widowmaker?"
"Various shapes and sizes... Some have very high heat while some aren't. Some tall, some short. Some small, some large."


"Time to see if you are any value to us, Kiratta. Ready your weapon, we have incoming enemies."

"So real magic, huh? Can't say I've seen anything like that. Normally we just shoot at each other. With non-magic guns."

The interceptor took a sharp turn as it came to the top of the roof, where the fire has yet to reach. Cal keyed in a few commands. "I'm using an active scanner to scan for life signs, activated technology, anything anomalous there is." He explained, as the computer actually beeped. "Hold on, I see something."

Three heat signature showed up, one considerable darker than the rest. From one direction, however, came another larger group, and the ship's scanner went crazy, pinging this signal and that.

"Looks like we found someone." Cal turned in his seat to look at her. "Wanna go take a look?"
Corrin smiled, summoning Omega Yato and placing the blade into the formation, completing the triangle. She knew it was symbolic for many reasons, but most of all the new bond she had formed. "I know we come from different worlds, but we'll need to work together to go back. I can't promise this road will be easy, but I can promise that you will have the Queen of Valla fighting by your side. I will protect both of you with my life, no matter who or what we encounter."

@Raynar Saassin
"Let me have a look..." Terra exclaimed as she walked over to where the scanner was and looked at the two groups. She then noticed that the scanner had detected numerous extra heat signatures around the larger group, spiralling out of control. "That group is in trouble! We have no time to waste, we have to go..." Terra exclaimed as she changed form to an Esper.


"We need to move. Our future friends are in trouble. If this world contains monsters from mine, then this may be a large horde. If your ship has weapons, give me and the others firing support. I'm flying down there." Terra explained as she opened one of the ship's side doors and began flying down towards the group.

@Agent Puncake

"Thank you." Ephraim stated as he released his Lance from the Triangle. "We shall fight together and watch each other's backs. As the proud King and Knight of Renais, you have my Lance."

"Many thanks." Hector stated as he released his Axe from the triangle. "We shall fight together and watch each other's backs. As the Marquess of Ostia, you have my Axe."

However Undyne was busy looking around when she spotted something flying towards them. It looked... a bit celestial? And very pink.


"Sorry to cut this reunion short but do you not see this... thing? flying towards us in the sky? I don't like the look of it but at the same time it kinda looks friendly?" Undyne stated as she spawned an energy spear and pointed towards the direction she was looking at.

@Hahli Nuva
Corrin gave the two men a brief smile and looked to the sky where the light was coming from.

"Whatever it is, we will take care of it if we work together. Let it come."

@Raynar Saassin
Ephraim, Hector and Undyne took up battle formation alongside Corrin and prepared to fight whatever it was that was approaching, when it landed in front of them. They appeared to be all white and pink and had a celestial air to it.


"We have no time for chat. Numerous monsters are converging on this area and I'm here to help you." It exclaimed before looking around. "My name is Terra Branford. I can explain who I am later once we've taken care of those monsters. Oh... We're surrounded..." Terra exclaimed as numerous monsters have now appeared, surrounding the entire group.

Front Group:


Left and Right Groups:

Flanking Group:

"All these monsters..." Terra exclaimed, knowing the looks and abilities of all of them. "I don't know who the leader of this group is, but I hope you don't mind if I give you a hand. Listen closely..."

She looked towards Corrin and smiled. "You should be able to handle the groups coming from the left and right of us. Be careful of the floating fire creatures, they have a tendency to explode. Whereas the ghost looking creatures are quite hard to hit."

She then looked to Hector and Ephraim. "The dragon creatures behind us... You two look like you're able to take them on, I trust you can do it?" "Of course. Our weapons are crafted to deal with similar creatures." "All legendary weapons where I come from including my Axe were built to fight Dragons, and these are dragons, so we should be able to handle the flanking party." The two of them nodded to each other and took a defensive position towards the flanking group of monsters, where as Terra approached the frontal group and looked back.


"If you kill your groups before I eliminate the main horde, you're more than welcome to assist me. I have a friend up in the sky who'll be providing firing support with his ship."

@Hahli Nuva @Agent Puncake
Corrin nodded, smirking at her new foes and readying Omega Yato. This was going to be a very difficult fight, but she had slaughtered armies before. It should be no different.

"Very well. We'll fight with you! To battle!"

@Raynar Saassin
The bomb creatures proceeded to launch Tier 1 Fire Spell's towards Corrin. As they were Tier 1, they weren't very strong but could still pack a punch as the Ghost's hung back to protect them from any possible flanking strike. Both of the Left and Right group's Bomb's charged towards Corrin while launching their Fire Spells.

Terra took position and concentrated, beginning to charge up one of the strongest Black Magic spells; Ultima to hopefully decimate the entirety of the main attacking force.

"Ephraim, you deal with the two Dragons on the left, I'll take care of the one's on the right then we'll converge on the larger Dragon together." "Right." Both nodded as they proceeded to strike their designated targets. The main dragon however launched a Tier 2 Fire Spell towards Corrin, completely ignoring Hector and Ephraim.

"Watch out Corrin! The main dragon launched a strike at you!"

@Hahli Nuva
@Raynar Saassin

Shen merely arched an eyebrow. "Team up?" he repeated. "I have a ship full of loyal warriors, ready to obey my every command, no matter where we are. Why would I want to work together with some nishum I don't trust in the slightest at all?" asked the Sangheili Field Master, his Repeater still focused on Raynar, though he didn't take the shot just yet. "We both know you came here to assasinate me." stated the Field Master. Obviously, he didn't trust the Spartan in the slightest...But he was willing to hear what he had to say. And a Spartan could be usefull, even though they both knew it would be a temporary alliance at best.
Raynar immediately smacked the front of his visor and spoke up. "Do you not realise that everyone in your Corvette is still there? We were the only ones to get teleported to whatever the hell this place is and the only thing we've got is ourselves and our weapons. We need to work together to survive."

"Also, while I was sent to assassinate you, now is not the time. (As much as I'd love to do it right here, right now, surviving together is a better choice.)" He reloaded his weapons but kept his shotgun out in case Shen got any ideas. "Now are you with me or not?"

@Wyvern Rider
Cal sighed. "Yeah, ok." He said to empty air, re-sealed the cockpit, and launched two missiles at the leading dragon. "LISA, take over the under-mounted sentry gun. Painting hostile targets, secure perimeter around designated friendlies. Fire at will."

The gun, a much larger version of Brutus, whirred to life and began to fire on the smaller dragons. The ship swooped and blasted the largest ground targets, strafing them with high-yield pulse rounds.


@Raynar Sassin
Every strike from the ship worked to weaken the monsters, but were not enough to kill them in one go. These monsters appeared to be more durable than the last ones. The two missiles that the ship launched only served to draw the Larger Dragon's attention as it took up to the skies and charged straight for the ship.

Meanwhile Terra's spell was about 50% charged as the group now prepared to charge towards her. She needs to act fast before she gets interrupted. Hector broke away from the flank after nodding towards Ephraim and slashed one of the rat monsters in front of Terra.

"T-Thank you..." "Whatever you're charging up there, make it fast, those monsters aren't going to wait." Hector exclaimed as he took a defensive stance in front of Terra. "I'll keep them off you. Charge that spell and decimate them." "Mmm."

@Agent Puncake @Hahli Nuva
I'm a damned pilot, what did they expect?! Kiratta's thoughts rambled on furiously as the duo continued to examine her like she was some sort of terrorist, all while her scowl only seemed to worsen. Widowmaker's comment regarding how she was barely a threat felt like a stab to the heart, but she could swallow her pride on that one. After all, without her X-Wing, the rebel was nothing more than a woman with slightly decent marksmanship with a pistol, and a keen eyesight. Oh, and what she wouldn't do to simply have a flying piece of junk right now... at least she'd be able to scout out the area, get a good look at what this city was, and perhaps find a way out of the planetside.

The worst was yet to come, however. Widowmaker alerted them of an incoming horde of enemies - of varying shapes and sizes - coming directly from where Kiratta had landed on this rock of a planet. She froze in place, hands instantly gripping her blaster pistol as she turned around, aiming down preemptively. None of them were visible yet, despite their supposedly rapid advance, though a familiar noise filled the air. The buzzing of a hundred wings, the clicks and whistles that could only belong to hideous insects. Before she even thought about it, the pilot instinctively ran back, taking cover behind a burnt car, fearfully peeking out from one of the windows with her weapon.

This can't be happening.

Her fears were confirmed, nonetheless. The building from which she crawled through had the remainders of its structure toppled over by what looked like dozens of Geonosian warriors! They wasted no time and opened fire, the green blasts from their sonic weaponry soaring through the air. Shaking, Kiratta took aim, taking out two of the closest soldiers before ducking back, a shot nearly striking her on the shoulder.

"Geonosian warriors?!" She cried out in disbelief, crawling alongside the car for a new position, now firing from behind its rear. "Don't even let their blasters graze you! It'll dissolve your innards in a second!"

Widowmaker took the opportunity to grapple towards the top of a small building and used the railings as cover as she popped up and sniped several of the warriors before popping down to reload. When she inspected the pilot she remembered she had a com-link in one of her ears as she patched both herself and Reaper into Kiratta's frequency.


"Like these odd creatures are a match for us. I'll stay up here and provide sniper support. We need to survive this onslaught. I've taken the liberty of attaching us to your com-link's frequency." She exclaimed as she rested on a railing and continued firing. Every shot she fired was extremely precise, nailing any Geonosian Soldier clean in their heads. Reaper ducked down next to the pilot when he noticed the mass majority of the Geonosian Forces were grouped up in one position.


"Time to show you just exactly why they call me the Reaper. Death walks among you, and it's time to Blossom." He exclaimed in a deep voice as he began to activate his Shadowstep Power to sneak right into the middle of the Geonosians.


"Hmph." He exclaimed as he began to engulf the entire group in a cloud of smoke as he activated his Ultimate Skill; Death Blossom, right in the middle of the group, quickly annihilating most if not all of them:


"DIE. DIE. DIE!" He whispered loudly as he rapidly sprayed the entire group in a blaze of Hellfire Shotgun Blasts.

The bomb creatures proceeded to launch Tier 1 Fire Spell's towards Corrin. As they were Tier 1, they weren't very strong but could still pack a punch as the Ghost's hung back to protect them from any possible flanking strike. Both of the Left and Right group's Bomb's charged towards Corrin while launching their Fire Spells.

Terra took position and concentrated, beginning to charge up one of the strongest Black Magic spells; Ultima to hopefully decimate the entirety of the main attacking force.

"Ephraim, you deal with the two Dragons on the left, I'll take care of the one's on the right then we'll converge on the larger Dragon together." "Right." Both nodded as they proceeded to strike their designated targets. The main dragon however launched a Tier 2 Fire Spell towards Corrin, completely ignoring Hector and Ephraim.

"Watch out Corrin! The main dragon launched a strike at you!"

@Hahli Nuva

Corrin batted away the smaller fireballs with Omega Yato before facing her threat head on. Before the fire spell could reach her, she had cupped both of her hands together and fired a massive orb of water in retaliation hoping to stop the spell.


@Raynar Saassin
The interceptor pulled up high, utilizing its boosters to give it a massive, if temporary, boost of speed, its hulls shining silver as the energy shield absorbed the fires from the intense friction with the atmosphere. Cal pulle dback, hard, and the ship did an abrupt 180, coming back down at the dragon, all guns blazing. A barrage of smaller missiles bombarded the dragon as LISA also swivelled the sentry gun around to fire on the new threat.

@Raynar Saassin
Kiratta nearly jumped in surprise as Widowmaker's voice was suddenly blasted on her ear-mounted com-link, pressing herself back against the car as a means to lessen her scare. Nodding to herself, she took a deep breath to steady her shaking hands, taking this little moment of peace to assess the situation. She had just been kidnapped by some unknown force, thrown into a ruined city, forced to cooperate with the oddest people she ever saw in her whole life, and now she was facing a Geonosian horde which simply materialized out of nowhere. As mad as it all was, it still needed a solution if she wanted to pull through this in one piece.

And that solution was to fight.

She took the opportunity given by Widowmaker to move out of her cover, rushing to throw herself behind a fallen billboard. Just as she crouched to avoid the incoming storm of bullets triggered by Reaper, a Geonosian, staff in hands, leaped out of the ruins and charged at her. She lifted an arm to protect herself, though the blow was already dealt: the head of the staff was slammed against her forehead, robbing her of balance as she fell back. Her head throbbed in pain as she aimed her sword in desperation, pelting the attacker with a small burst of blaster fire. The Geonosian fell, screeching, steam rising from the spots where the shots landed.

Picking herself back from the ground, Kiratta saw her sight blurring for a moment, and a warm stream making its way down her face. She brought a hand to where the pain came from, and her fingers were stained with blood. Wonderful. The pilot wiped away the crimson substance on her arm, blinking to clear her vision. Another group of melee-equipped warriors advanced behind her, though she was prepared. With her eye on the sights, the warriors were downed, though she admitted to missing a shot or two despite the close distance.

"Hey, you two!" She called out, activating her com-link. "Can you check if there's anymore of them coming? You did say there were enemies of various sizes approaching!"

Her words were suddenly drowned out by the sound of crashing rubble, and the already battered building she came from was once again ravaged, though this time, by a larger force. Glass, concrete and steel flew all around as a beastly roar echoed through the air, followed by a disturbingly oppressive silence. And then, it leaped atop the ruins, brandishing its claws for the three to see.


Kiratta was, once again, silenced in terror.

"A fucking Rancor?!"

Corrin's water attack successfully neutralised the Dragon's fireball and the reflected Fire Spells bounced back towards the Bombs, killing a mass majority of them. However now the Ghost's began to charge in as they proceeded to go for up-close attacks. If they were a different type of Ghost, they'd try possession but these do not know that ability. The Bombs that survived darted away from Corrin.

Ephraim saw an opening to jump the dragons that were left behind and successfully neutralised them, running over to Corrin to stand against her back to face the other attacking party. "Corrin, we're surrounded by these bomb creatures Terra described, and Hector's busy keeping that large horde off her while she charges some kind of attack. You got a plan?"

@Hahli Nuva

The Dragon proceeded to wrap it's large wings in front of itself to act as a Shield, blocking all the strikes but still hurting it for a half of the ship's strength. After the attacks ended, it was wide open for the Sentry Gun and it was rapidly losing momentum. It began to retaliate by flapping it's wings to create gusts of wind to strike the ship.

The Bombs that had retreated from Corrin came to reinforce the dragon, and now began assaulting the ship with Tier 1 Fire Spells in sync with the Dragon's attack. Cal had to act fast as his ship became quite quickly under siege by the combined force of the Bombs and the Dragon.

@Agent Puncake


"I did and..." Widowmaker paused for a moment as she spotted the large creature she saw on her infra-red sight: A Rancor. "What the hell is that thing? Hmph." She exclaimed with a humph as she immediately began firing at it's head, hoping to paralyse it with countless strikes to it's cranium area.

"That is one large creature that followed you Kiratta. And you know what this thing is. Questions for later, right now we've got to take this beast down." Came from Reaper as he tossed his Shotguns onto the floor, then pulled out a new pair out of nowhere and slowly approached the Rancor, opening fire.


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