The new Humans (Role play)

Dust King - PTU Guild House

The warehouse that the Peseo Trader's Union worked out of was generally active, but things tended to move at a slow pace, moving as fast as the stubborn ox that carried their goods would allow, most days. The cracked, stained, and paint splattered concrete floor and the rusting corrugated metal walls gave the warehouse a metallic echo, usually only heard when things got particularly loud. Several makeshift 'offices' resided in post-war expansions to the warehouse that branched off from the far edge. Generally, most were empty, or filled with one or two individuals in private meeting.

On that particular day, though, the warehouse more resembled a very angry wasp hive someone had the misfortune of stepping on.

Two large, green, canvas covered trucks, restored to their former glory, dominated the floor of the cavernous warehouse. The entire vehicle was specially suited to the harsh jungle, with aggressive tires, two spares, and a powerful diesel engine, one of which was rumbling loudly in the warehouse. Commands were shouted across the warehouse in barking, angry tones, and the workers, despite the tones, prepared the two trucks with a grim fervor, with jaws and gazes lined with determined zeal.

"Will there still be enough space for the passengers?" From one corner of the room, one worker to another.

"We've got to do this. We need to do this." Heard from elsewhere.

"Look, we need those resources. I don't care who's skulls you have to crack to get them, just get it done!" Shouted from across the warehouse.

"Is the team nearly ready? We can't afford any delays. We're already a few men short of where we should be"

In one of the makeshift offices, towards the front, Dust and several other individuals were gathered around a small table. While the door was shut, a handful of people waited outside, watching the discussions taking place through a large, plexiglass window. While the majority of the sound was muffled, Dust could still be heard shouting within at another, older man. "Look, I don't care about the danger or the costs! He's my uncle, dammit, and your brother!" He slammed his fist on the table, red faced and angry.

"Dust, you'll be charging straight into the tiger's den! You're still short more men than you should have, and you don't even have proper equipment! For christ's sake!" The older man, yelled back. The rest of the men and women at the table looked back and forth between the two, uncertain. The individuals outside were looking in, transfixed by the event.

"We need to get out there, now! It'll be nearly dawn by the time we find them, even with the trucks and assuming we don't run amok. Leaving now is the only way we can possibly hope to save anyone!" Dust shouted back, exasperated. The older man dropped his head and rubbed his brow, and threw his hands up in defeat. He opened the door, and walked out with Dust.

"Look, Dust, I can't stop you. You're going to do whatever the hell you can, no matter what I say. Give it half an hour. I'll put out one last call over every radio frequency we can, asking for a last few fighting men, and up the reward from the previous offers if they're on the truck in half an hour and get back in one piece." The older man made it clear that it wasn't an option with a stiff glare.

Dust gritted his teeth and accepted it. He wasn't truly angry, he found, as he nodded his head slowly in agreement. Just tired and stressed, he and his uncle both, and they both knew it. Dust turned to see the handful of individuals looking expectantly to him. He nodded, face grim. "Grab your guns and get ready. You heard the man, thirty minutes." Dust said. They gave varying responses, from excitement to grim determination, but they all were prepared mentally for the journey ahead.

Dust leaned against one of the I-beam supports and closed his eyes, red and irritated. He rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, and pulled a bottle of pills from his pocket. Unscrewing the cap, he poured several into his hand before throwing them back into his mouth and swallowing them. He grimaced at the taste. "Uncle Mark, you better have not let those damn bandits take you down." He muttered.

Jeremy Greene - Peseo Waterfront

Jeremy sighed in disappointment at Secrée's response. "Alright then. If you're so determined. I guess I'll see you again next time you blow through Peseo, then. Farewell." He said, as he finished wrangling the radio. Setting it back on an empty counter space, he turned it back on. He was about to begin the process of tuning it once more, having messed the knob during his fiddling, but upon turning it on, he was greeted almost immediately by a emergency message.

"-offering a reward of one hundred and twenty silver for any fighters willing to risk life and limb rescuing a stranded caravan attacked by bandits. I repeat, the Peseo Trade Union is offering one hundred and twenty silver for any soldiers to help rescue the survivors of a waylaid caravan. Weapons are provided for anyone accepting the offer. The rescue missions begins as a few more men to finish the crew. Join soon at the Peseo Trade Union Guildhouse, and speak to Dust King, Ezekiel King, Marianne Watts..." The voice crackled through the speakers. The message faded out into static slowly, transitioning to another frequency.
Upon entering the guild house Alexis was greeted with the sight of even more people. What really caught her attention were the trucks, they looked powerful and a little intimidating. She had never seen anything like it before. Maybe this is what they would use to get to Onac. Alexis looked for any signs of Dust. She hadn't been expecting this many people to be inside of the guild house. The way Dust had put it before made it sound like only a few people. Did this mean that her father met up with this many people before he had taken sick.

She walked around until she managed to find Dust, leaning against a I beam. As she drew nearer Alexis noticed how tired he looked. Dust appeared so much older now. She stopped in front of him when she was close enough to hear. Alexis gave him a once over and tilted her hand. " look horrible." She said in a rather blunt tone. Alexis straightened her head and looked around. "Where do I take my picture?"
Dust King - PTU Guild House

"Alexis..." Dust rubbed his face. "I'm sorry about all this. A caravan escorting travelers was attacked on its way to Tutuko. They barely managed to get the message to us, and they're in bad, bad shape. We're putting together a crew to go save them, and it's all hands on deck, for everyone here. Me and my men, along with some volunteers, are leaving soon to rescue them, and everyone else is going to be too occupied to help you." His voice was a half mumble, half groan, barely audible through the cacophony in the building. He was painfully aware of it. He shook his head, trying to clear away some of the fog.

"I've been awake since yesterday morning. I was hoping to get a few hours of sleep before you came by, but there's business to attend to." He opened his eyes, and blinked rapidly to clear them. "Half an hour, and we take the trucks deep into the forest, to the foot of the mountains. I'm not sure if I'll be back. We're severely outmanned on this, but I've got to do it." He said, slowly perking up, and shaking off the fatigue. He looked at the worn orange bottle of pills, and frowned, before stuffing them back in his pocket.

"Tommorow, perhaps, or the day after, you can join, when things simmer down a bit. Although I don't think that means too much if I was the one you joined to travel with." He laughed softly.

Elizabeth walked through the underbrush of her home. She was tired and bored. Nothing ever changed for her. Day in and day out all she did was hunt rabbits. In fact, five of them were hanging limply from her belt.

She continued walking home, her mechanical lungs pumping air into her blood. Then she heard a twig snap and watched it as it fell to the ground. Looking up, Elizabeth saw a man floundering in the tree.

"Hey! What are you doing up there?" she called out. A slight bit of curiosity had fused with her annoyance.
Ian - The Forrest Near Onac

Ian opened one eye and peered down through the branches to see a young woman with red hair and intense blue eyes. A confident smile played across his lips as he shifted to a crouching position and leaped towards the ground below. His plan was to land in front of the woman dramatically and scare her, but it didn’t quite work out as he intended. As he sprung from the branch, a vine snagged his ankle. He stumbled forward and with a quick yelp he fell out of the tree headfirst and landed hard on his chest. Once he regained his breath, he stood up as if nothing happened. He bowed with a flourish.

“I was having a nap,” he said matter-of-factly “Ian Flint at your service.” He studied her inquisitively. “And you are?"
"The name's Elizabeth, Elizabeth Penry." She said, her lips curving into a ferocious smile revealing the slightly elongated canines behind her lips. "And what service would that be, Ian?" Elizabeth asked again as she started to walk past the man. The small, thin scales visible at the bottom of her neck and the backs of her forearms. She unslung her bow, hearing a small snap in the trees above. Squinting, Elizabeth peered into the trees, knocked an arrow, and let the deadly projectile fly. The weapon flew true and struck its prey. A small, brown squirrel-like creature fell from the trees. However, there were scales in its back and long claws on its feet. It had incredibly sharp canines laced with poison, and a longer than normal tail. "Damn, Poirrels," she muttered, knowing that where there was one there was one hundred more.
Ian - The Forrest Near Onac
At the sight of the dead Porriel, Ian drew Annabeth and Susan. Two others came flying out at him from above. With quick, deft, movements he decapitated each and they fell to the earth with a thud. A surge of adrenaline ran through his chest. He hadn’t felt so good since he had that one incident with a rival gang member in Peseo. It was fun, not pretty, but fun. He flashed Elizabeth a ferocious grin of his own.
“Well, I can start helping you with these little pests.” With a powerful thrust from his legs he leaped back into the trees; only to discover that hundreds of Porriels scattered through out the branches. They all looked at him for a moment; then started to surge towards him. Nope. There where too many for him to fight at once. He leaped back down next to Elizabeth again.
“Now would be a good time to run. I think.” And he took off down the trail.
"Yep, running would be good." Elizabeth flashed the man a toothy grin, and turned heel. She ran as though the wind itself fueled her movements, gracefully leaping off of great roots. Her lithe form masked in the shadows, her shape distorted in the light due to her scales. Surprisingly, she quickly disappeared from the man's view. Several times she had to loop back around, having gone too far ahead.

"Shit! They're still right behind you, Ian!" pausing to catch her breath, Elizabeth continued, "Keep on running!, I've got a little surprise a little farther ahead!" Immediately in front of her running feet, a huge cut opened up within the ground. Leaping, the girl made it to the other side of the wide crevice. "Ian, Jump!" She shouted as the man appeared on the other side. Reaching out, Elizabeth grabbed the man's arms, holding him as he hung there.

Right on que, a horde of Porriels came rushing over from the other side. As one, they jumped, their fangs all aimed for Ian. "Time to roast," muttered Elizabeth as she flicked a small switch that was hooked onto her belt. With a mighty whirring and loud clacking, the sides of the canyon opened up. Small Tesla coils came forward, their permanently charged outputs crackling with life. Elizabeth hauled Ian up, flopping over on the land after the strenuous ordeal. Meanwhile, the airborne Porriels got electrocuted, the smell of burning hair wafting from their dead bodies. Spent, the coils returned to their original homes within the earth. The Porriels, all dead, laid at the bottom of the thin canyon, the smell continuing to spread.

Smiling, Elizabeth cocked her head at Ian, "Well, wasn't that fun?" She stood up and looked over the crevice's edge, "Want to help me gather their bodies?" Again, she flashed a toothy grin over at Ian.
Ian came to a halt; he was breathing hard. Sharp pain seized his chest as he clutched it.
"I think," he gasped. "I will have to pass on that offer." He sat down on the ground and crossed his legs. "It's been a long walk from Peso and I'm rather tired. Let's just rest for a bit." He patted the ground in front of him. "Come, sit! Take a load off of your feet." It had been days since Ian had a proper conversation with any human (or near human) being. He figured he was due for conversation; even if it did just consist of small talk.
Elizabeth blinked at the man. He was out of breath, already? How had he even survived?

With confusion apparent, she spoke, "ok, but if you're already out of breath, then how have you survived this long?" Elizabeth sat down next to the man. She gripped her wrists around her bent legs, holding herself up.
As Ian's breathing slowed the pain in his chest subsided. "I have skills. They're nessecary when you come from a place like Peseo." The gang that he grew up in was violent, but there even more violent ones. If he learned anything from living on the streets it was that, even in this day and age, there was no monster more vicsious and cruel than a human being. It was part of the reason why he left; to escape the violence and corruption of the city. He also liked trees. He shrugged and uncrossed his legs; stretching them a little. "But enough about me, what about you? How do you survive in a place like this?" He gestured to the forest around them.
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