The Vampire's Apprentice

Norvile sat up and straightened. "I'm going to get a drink," he said quietly. He stood and touched her shoulder. "Thank you." He started walking toward the mini fridge, hoping to find a bottle of water.
She nodded silently, standing herself and going over to her own bed. Kitty sat on the edge of it, then fell back onto the soft covers, letting out a sigh. Oddly, she hadn't thought much about Clancy until that moment, staring out the window. The concerned part of her wondered if he'd returned last night, as she had no real way of knowing. Come to think of it, there hadn't been a note.

Sighing again, more quietly, Kitty scolded herself. He was fine. She shouldn't be worrying so much about things.
Sam looked up and whined, shifting in his place. He got up, sniffed at Norville's leg as the boy was opening the fridge, then growled. Norville looked at the dog in surprise as Sam walked away, glancing back uneasily. Then Norville shrugged and went back to getting his water. Sam went to Kitty and pawed at the bed, whining.
Kitty sat up on an elbow at Sam's growl. There wasn't anything dangerous that she could see.... "Do you need to go outside?" She asked the dog.
Sam laid down instead of going to the door, but he kept staring at Kitty.

"I think your dog is broken," Norville said as he started walking back across the room. His steps hesitated. His eyes went glassy, and he swayed in place, the bottle of water dropping from his hands. For a breath, he stood. Then his knees buckled, and he dropped.
Kitty stared back at Sam. That was, until Norville paused. His name, first a question, became an exclamation.
She was off her bed in an instant, down on her knees beside him. Was he alive? Still breathing? What happened? What was wrong?
Norville's eyes were rolled back in his head, his muscles rigged. His body spasmed, his muscles jerking uncontrollably. His head lolled, his breathing coming harshly. His arms and legs thrashed in quick, short bursts across the floor.
Whatever was happening, she wasn't going to be able to help. What's worse, she didn't know what was happening. The only rational thing she could think of to do was pick up the phone and dial the emergency number.
Clancy put his hand over hers right as she punched the last number. "How long has he been like this?" he asked, pushing the phone away before going to kneel at Norville's head. He put his hands on either side of Norville's head and gently held him steady so he wouldn't hurt himself.
Her hands were shaking. She set the phone aside and gripped her arms tightly. He was calm. She could be calm. Just stay calm.
"Maybe a minute? N-not very long." Kitty bit her lip.
She shook her head.
And bit her lip harder.
Whatever this was, she did not like it. It was scary and caused her concern.
"Is he gonna die?" Kitty asked hoarsely.
"No, I seriously doubt it. Most deaths caused by seizures happen because they hit their heads when they fall, but if he is still seizing in-" he checked the clock, "-three more minutes, we will then call the hospital. But look... the jerking is already calming down."
That almost made her feel better. Kitty sank back to the floor, having stood a minute prior. What was there to do but wait? She didn't exactly feel like talking.
Clancy held Norville patiently, not trying to restrain him anymore than necessary to keep him from hurting himself. Then, as quickly as it had begun, the seizure ended. Norville lay still, his breathing slowly returning to normal as he came around.
"S'appen ing?" he slurred groggily.
Kitty answered him, but so quietly, she could barely hear herself say it. She didn't repeat, figuring if she tried, tears of worry and relief would escape before she could stop them. At the least, he was alive. He was alive and not dead.