The Vampire's Apprentice

"You're alright, Norville. You had a seizure," Clancy said calmly. He looked up at Kitty. "Go and get Norville some water," he said firmly, afraid she was going to fall apart right then and there.
"Oh," Norville mumbled, not attempting to move yet. "Haven't had one in long time."
Chances were, she would have, if given the opportunity. After a moment of looking, Kitty located the fallen water bottle and opened it, though she put the cap back on before handing it over. Norville's words did not help. This was not the first, therefore it would likely not be the last. One more thing to always be bothering the back of her mind.
Clancy helped Norville sit up and drink of water. "Do you know how to contact your mother?"
Norville drank a bit of water then nodded. He told Clancy the number then asked, "Am I trouble?"
"I don't see why you would be," Clancy said calmly. "Kitty, help me get him into bed."
She promised herself she wasn't going to cry. Not now. Not yet. It was not the time for that. Kitty helped get Norville into bed, silently debating if Clancy truly needed her help or not. In the end, she determined it was for her benefit that he asked.

Truthfully, Kitty wanted nothing more than to be alone and calm down. Somewhere quiet, like the park, might have been nice. Her old bedroom. A place where no one could hear her. Yet she remained; she had promised him always. Even when the room felt unnaturally small, and she, unusually claustrophobic.
Clancy settled Norville in and picked up his phone. "Kitty, will you please go get a bucket of ice? The bucket is in the bathroom, and the ice machine is at the end of the hall." He kept his eyes on the screen, completely calm. To look at him, he dealt with seizures every day.

Norville was happy to lay with his eyes closed, hugging the extra pillow.
He was calm. Kitty went to find the bucket and took it into the hall. She could be calm. The bucket fell from her grip on accident and she picked it up again. Just stay calm.

The ice machine was very loud, which was both surprising and expected. It didn't take very long at all to fill the tiny, square, plastic bucket, and Kitty brought it back to the room. She'd be alright; just a little on-edge for a while.
"Thank you, Kitty," Clancy said as he took the bucket and put it in the bathroom sink. "I am going to call Norville's mother. Would you like to listen in?"
No... she didn't. Why would she? What would be the reason to stay? Either there wasn't a reason, or she couldn't think sensibly enough to figure it out.
Clancy watched Kitty for a minute then nodded toward Norville. "Then stay with him while I make this call." He walked toward the door then stopped near her. "And Kitty? Breath. Calm down. If you keep this up, you are going to wind yourself up into a frenzy. Everything is fine, no one is going to die, and no one is even particularly hurt." He squeezed her shoulder then stepped out.
She sought to follow him, but instead made herself a place at the end of Norville's bed. There was a silent struggle between her concern and her sensibility; neither side seemed to be winning, as much as she tried not to think so hard about things. To be fair, breathing did help, if made her lightheaded after a bit. It was still an almost-normal thing to be doing.
They weren't exactly cubes, but Kitty hardly thought it mattered. She snagged some of the ice from the bucket and brought it over to him.
Nodding, Kitty lay down across her bed, remaining on her side so as to keep an eye on him. She was still wearing her shoes, not having removed them prior, but it seemed minuscule to consider.
There was a brief pause before she answered.

"Yes. And no." Kitty said. "I know you're alright, but the worries won't go away. They won't stop."
She shook her head and rolled over to look out the window. "Rational things... in an irrational manner. I'll be fine." Kitty sighed quietly. "Just let it alone."