The Vampire's Apprentice

She mumbled her agreement and slipped out of bed. Strange. Wasn't her bed.... Kitty thought about it for a moment, beginning to recall last night. She looked to Norville, making sure he was OK, and then spotted Clancy's note on the nightstand. Picking it up, she plopped down onto her own bed and examined it.

Look at houses? How does one do that? Kitty thought, then shrugged it off. She could deal with that later.
Norville stretched and yawned and rubbed his hair viciously before noting something on the table next to his bed. He picked up the note and grinned. "Hey, Kitty! I got a note, too!" He smiled proudly at the note, not even reading it yet, just basking in the knowledge that he was worth the effort of writing an individual note.
She looked up and smiled lightly. "Well, isn't that just dandy. Good for you, Norville," Kitty approved. "Good for you."
He grinned at her before finally reading the note. "Oh. It just says where my... um, medical stuff is, and it's a warning to be smart about it and not light up in the room or basically be stupid." He shrugged. "Fair enough, I suppose. Also, I'm supposed to help with a house?" Norville looked to Kitty, confused.
"Yeah...." Kitty thought about it. "I've never looked at houses before, so I'm not quite sure what to do about that. I was sort of hoping you would know, having moved so often and such."
"I don't know details, but I know how to get started," Norville offered. "First... we need to find a library and get guest passes to the computers."
She visibly perked at the word "library."
"I know how to do that," Kitty said. "We just gotta find the library first." Her stomach growled in complaint, and she looked down at it. "And breakfast, I think."
Norville nodded. "I'll get dressed, then. I'm not that hungry, but we need to feed you." He looked down at Sam, who was watching them. "And feed you, too."
Sam gruffed and looked at his empty bowl.
Kitty stood and went to fill Sam's bowl. The girl couldn't help but smile a little at the sight of the dog food bag. "I expect you to eat at least something small," she told Norville, picking up the dog's dish.
Sam followed, not exactly crowding, but clearly eager to eat. He wanted food as much as his person did!
"Alright, alright, I'll eat toast and stuff," Norville agreed with a faint smirk. "You're bossy in the morning."
"Am I?" She asked, raising a brow. "Was there something else you'd rather I be?"
Kitty filled the dog's dish and set it down again.
Norville shrugged. "No idea." He grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom to change. It took him only a moment, then he was out. "Ready yet?"
Kitty was brushing out her hair, waiting for him to return so she could use the bathroom to change. Until she placed it back in order with her hands, it appeared almost as if a large, curly-haired creature had climbed atop her face and made a home. She looked out from beneath it to answer.
"I've still got to brush my teeth, and Sam needs to go out. You can go on ahead if you like."
Norville jerked back, momentarily shocked by the sight of the fuzzy creature rising up to greet him. It took him a second to come to his senses and fully realize who was speaking to him. He still couldn't help staring. He'd never seen her so frizzy before!

"I could take Sam out for you, I guess?" he suggested. "He might like that. Then we can meet you in there?"
She chuckled at his expression. It was priceless.

"Sure," Kitty agreed. "Sounds dandy. I'll be down in a bit." With a small smile, she let the hair fall back into her face, made sure it was brushed through by going over it one more time, then parted it with her fingers, tucking it behind her ears so it wouldn't hang in front of her eyes. There. Back to normal.
Norville took Sam out to a grassy area and walked him around for several minutes. He would have stayed out longer, but Sam was already aiming for the hotel where he knew Kitty was.
Kitty took a few minutes to shower, brush her teeth, and get on some daytime clothes. Admittedly, it was nice to be alone in the quiet. The only downside to being alone in the quiet were the worries of the unknown whispering at the back of her mind. The fact that Sam was with Norville made her feel slightly better, but not by much.

Without too much more hesitation, and only a brief glance back towards the closet where she knew Clancy slept, Kitty made her way down to where breakfast was.
Norvill made his way through the quiet breakfast room to the back corner and established a table there only seconds before he spotted Kitty. He gave her a little wave before securing Sam's leash to a chair. The tie was more for the other people's peace of mind than any actual need to keep Sam still. Sam was perfectly content to lay under the table and wait for snacks.
She waved back, finding him in the same place as yesterday. Kitty put several pieces of toast onto a plate for the both of them and brought it over when she sat down. There was orange juice, but how she planned to balance two cups and a plate this early in the morning was beyond her. So, for now, it was just toast.

Also as yesterday, Sam got her crust. It wasn't a habit she tried to make, feeding the dog from the table, as that would encourage begging habits she was already trying to break. This was considered to be more of a special occasion.... She hoped.

"So, what interesting adventures did you have?" Kitty asked, trying to start up a conversation. It wasn't like much had a chance to happen between the hotel room and now, but it was all she could think of to say.