The worst genie ever

Granted! It's the dullest blade ever and cannot be sharpened. And it's only the blade, there isn't a hilt.

I wish for a cupcake that tastes good that stays long enough for only me to eat.
Granted! I'm the only nice genie though.. So.. The dragon loves you with all it's heart and would do anything for you :p

I wish for friends ;c
Granted! Those friends are nice to you upfront and gossip about you behind your back. (Also I'M NICE! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO SHOUKO!)

I wish for a normal-sized delicious cupcake that stays long enough for only me to eat.
Granted! Those good friends immediately have bad friends take them away from you and turn them into bad friends.

I wish for a cupcake that I can stick in Underfell Sans' face without him attacking me.
… Not granted. The moment you try you are obliterated into Oblivion WhErE nO OnE cAn HElP yOu And YoU aRe DOoMeD tO sUfFeR fOR aLl Eternity In ThE EtErNaL bLaCkNeSs ThaT Is ThE vOiD.

I wish for DeAtH among EvErY hUmAn BeInG.
Granted! Every human being comes back to life. (Sans doesn't have that power, no matter what the AU. All he has are the bones, gaster blasters, and power to turn a soul blue.)

I wish for Underfell Sans to CALM THE F DOWN.
i will never calm down As No oNe Is NiCe HeRe! AHAHhhaHAHhahHahaHAhaHAhHHhahHHAhahAHA

i wIsH fOR EvEry HuMAn BeIng tO dIE aNd StAy ThAt WaY.
Granted! Sans finds a new hobby. And that hobby is cutting Snapes hair.

I wish for Snape to go bald
(I feel like im targeting Snape)
I had to reload the page, and my response is gone. Thanks. Snape immediately grows his hair back.

I wish for nothing to go wrong in Sans' life at all.
Granted. Nothing happens. Ever. This drives Sans to be paranoid for eternity. What have you done?

I wish for someone to shake Brune's hand. He's been offering it for weeks.
Granted. You now have my profile pic's hair. It also tastes of bubblegum! Because of that, ants keep invading it.

I wish for a fancy crown!