War of the Beasts OOC Thread and Info Repository

CAN anyone gimme a quick tl;dr? Phone’s freaking out and I wanna start writing a post for all I’ve missed
Ok, Basically the Hawkwood Company has been at this siege for 6 months cause these idiots owe a shit load of cash. Jon has been having the Cavys and Ronaldo digging a tunnel to originally set off wildfire stones and knock the wall down. Ronaldo dug too deep and surprise surprise, they landed on a well. Ronaldo is planning to drain the well and dig up from there to cause mayhem. Jon has given that the go ahead on the understanding they unlock the front door first and minimize casualties. The original plan is still a go but Renaldos is given the nod while everyone is mobilizing for an assault
These Walls are about 10 meters high and a few meters thick. They are made of normal stone but they can be repaired via Restoraton stones. They've manage to almost breach the wall but everytime something stops Hawkwood's forces forcing them to withdraw and allows Chisena's Mages time to repair the walls.
Also as for the elite troops, they are a militia of men and women fighting to protect their home. Whatever veterans they have are either few, far between, or dead after the last 6 months. As for hawkwood's losses, see post 1 of the RP lol

The City itself is a three ring tiered city with the main keep/treasury at the very top of the hill fort. Our job is to capture the city and its harbor.
After reading over the OOC info, I think i'll say the Ogre max lifespan is at 250 (The longest one has managed to live before being killed), as they are far more physically fit and capable than regular Orks.
All players, namely you, Will, Blabbinggirl, Ragenaut, Me, and Saarai. Saarai has posted, just need the rest of ya and well get this party going.
Alright, all that's left is Will and Rage and well begin the battle proper!!!