Conley Brothers

Spectra was still trapped inside but she had found them! She was on thr floor desperately trying to force a long thin box open but touching it burned her skin. Iron. If she could just get to them she could get out of here!

Felix followed behind more slowly


"He knows his job. He will do it" Marcel said simply without concern. They each had their own tent and belongings to take care of
Keith slowed when he reached the wagon and frowned. Something was different. They had not left it locked. He reached out and touched the door with a single finger. After a moment, the lock clicked open. He growled softly and opened the door.


Bevrix grumbled about favoritism but moved quickly and surely as he broke down the tent in no time flat and stuffed what few belongings he had into an old seabag. Then he straightened and snapped his fingers. The invisible barrier that had encircled all but one small part of the camp shimmered slightly then came down. He'd left a doorway for Felix and his companion to come through, not wanting to bother with letting them in.

Asher waited until everyone else seemed busy and preoccupied before going to his tiny tent and quietly folding it up. Everything fit in a pair of small bags. Order and neatness.
Spectra turned, still clutching the box that burned. Nowhere to hide. So instead she rushed forward to hit whiever it was with thr box. Made of iron it wouldn't feel good


V shoved everything into one bag and shouldered it. Ahe had few belongings. Marcel assisted Orryn with his tent but otherwise let everyone else do their own
Keith squealed in pain as the heavy iron box slammed into his shoulder. He had been prepared for a lot of things, but not for attack by box! He grabbed the box and yanked it forward out of the wagon, hoping to pull whoever was on the other side out the door. He bared his teeth as he recognized who held the box.
Spectra tumbled out along with the box. Unwilling to let go but also because her poor hand had fused to thr box. She cried out as she landed on her bad shoulder.

Felix stared for a second then dashed forward "keep that box away from her Keith!"
Keith put a foot firmly on Spectra's good shoulder and yanked, heedless of any pain or injury he might cause. If this didn't work, he was going to cut off her hand!
Spectra screamed as he ripped the box away from her, peeling the flesh off her hand "no please!" Felix glared, a sort of magic barriar came up around them so nobody would see or hear what was happening. Thankfully nothing else ripped off.

Felix walked over and held his hand out for the box. "I am disappointed in you Spectra"
Keith very gently put the box into Felix' hand then whipped the back of his hand hard across her face. "How dare you!"
Felix didn't stop him from hitting her this time, she stumbled back a couple paces, flinching.

"You're head of security Keith. Besides death. She is much too valuable.....what seems a good punishment for her crimes?
Keith frowned, studying her through narrow eyes as he considered. Valuable and no death. She was already earning less damaged as she was. His brain hurt. He wasn't used to making the decisions! But he needed to, so he thought seriously.

"She cannot be trusted," he stated. "She should be caged or chained! That will not damage her further."
He smiled approvingly and nodded "very good" he looked back at Spectra "I believe we have a spare cage. The one our little monster came in" he said. She may earn him some money yet.

"Keith. There is a wooden box in my cabinet. Fetch it for me...our little bug needs to earn her keep again"
Keith chirped and scampered into the wagon. He returned with the box qnd frowned at Spectra disapprovingly. "You made a mess in there!" He held out the box to Felix, eyes bright.
Spectra didn't bother to try and run. She knew better. Felix opened the box and produced a nasty looking spiked cuff. The spikes weren't big and were dull but faced inwards.

He stepped forward and clapped the cuff around Spectras neck, it seemed to change size to fit around perfectly and a chain formed in Felix's hand as he stepped away.

Spectra again cried as she dropped to her knees, her form shifting into something deformed and nearly unrecognizable. A proper freak for the show.

"Now you will bring in some money while you heal. I'll be sure someone comes around to feed you"
Keith smiled in pleasure as he watched the thing called Spectra. "That is a good trick, sir," he said happily. "I will get the cage!" He trotted off to secure the old cage and open it up to receive its new occupant. It should only take a moment.
Felix crouched down to Spectras level "next time you disappointed me Spectra you will know true pain. Your death will not be quick" he warned "you will never be free" he added before he stood and waited for Keith to come back
Keith returned pulling the tiny cage behind him. Claudius had barely had room to turn around in this cage and could not stand straight in it. Spectra was a little shorter than he, but not by much. It would be tight, to say the least. Keith opened the cage door and stepped aside. "It is clean, sir, and I put a blanket on the floor so she will not die of cold."
Felix gave an approving smile "good" he pulled the chain and Spectra stood, resigned to the punishment.

Felix handed the chain off to Keith "assign one of the hands to feed her and make sure she gets a good spot in the freak show. Wouldn't want anyone to miss the chance to see her"
"Yes, sir!" Keith chirped. He half pulled, half pushed Spectra into the cage and locked the chain to the bars, leaving the door open so she could walk in or out like a monkey at a zoo. "Hmm, a good spot and a feeder," he murmured. He grabbed the poles to the cage and shoved it along to the third-best spot in the line-up, just two down from where Spectra normally resided. Now to find someone to feed her. He made certain everything was locked tight then trotted off to find a hand. Maybe he should make Vlad's brother do some work.
Spectra didn't put up a fight, curling up on the floor and wrapped up blanket around herself to hide. She would die here. There was no escape now. Her powers all but spent and whence they were gone. What would be the point
It took several minutes for Keith to find Kazimir. Keith was coming to hate Kazimir even more than he had originally. Kazimir was the first person in many years to have actually managed to hurt Keith magically with his disorienting forgetful glitter. The glitter made it so much worse. Keith was still finding it in his hair! To top it off, Kazimir was oddly difficult to track.

Keith finally found Kazimir playing with the strongman and joking around. He told Kaz he now had a job even though he was not officially contracted to the circus and dragged him back to Spectra's cage. "No touching," Keith warned fiercely. "Don't touch, only feed and clean. Understood?"

Kazimir gave him a bright smile. "Yes!"

Keith eyed him suspiciously then wandered off to patrol. His shoulder still ached where Spectra had smashed it with the box, making him cranky.

Kazimir looked into the cage and studied the strange, warped creature within. "Ah, poor thing," he said sympathetically. "This is no place for creature or beast. If Adanya see this, she be very upset. All should be upset, yes?" He expected no answer, just wanted to give the creature a chance to learn his voice.