Conley Brothers

"Not entirely" she answered "mostly he made me forget Claudius ans the last few weeks are pretty much a blur" she twisted the ring on her finger "i don't know exactly what to do yet but...Felix needs to be stopped..before he tries to sell Claudius...stop him or escape..whatever comes first..."
Vlad rubbed his jaw. "I have no idea how to stop Felix. He is far too powerful. At best I can redirect him at times and I have managed to convince him I am not a viable threat, but I do not know that I can make my power extend much beyond that." He hesitated. "However... there may be a trick to stopping the memory adjustments."
Vlad slipped off the bed and reached down to pull open one of the big drawers under the bed. Instead of taking something out of the drawer, he reached up under the bed and fiddled with something for a moment. A small catch released, allowing him to pull out another thin, tiny wooden box that had been hidden within the bed frame. He whispered a word to it then opened it.

Tiny trinkets and artifacts that did not appear to be of much value filled the small box, yet a strong sense of magic escaped the now open box like a good smell that had been trapped inside and was now released. It was not powerful like Felix's brand of magic, but it was warm and steady. Vlad ran a finger through the items, sorting through them until he found the one he wanted and selected a small pendant. The stone hanging from the pendant did not gleam or shine or look even that attractive. It was a small piece of grey stone about the size of a half-dollar smoothed into a more or less flat and round shape then held to the hemp necklace by a net of thin fibers.

"Here," Vlad said, holding it out to Camilla. "The spell may affect your temporarily, allowing Felix to believe it worked, but the stone will absorb whatever it is he tries to throw at you. It has its limits, of course, but I doubt he will be using anything powerful enough to break it on you. Wear it at all times except for when you are trying to do your own magic. Oh, and let it sit in running water now and again. Streams and other natural water is best, but even the pump will do."
Camilla carefully took the pendant in her hands then looked up at him and smiled softly "Thank you Vlad...This alone helps put my mind at ease" she told him "But... will you help me.... figure out how to stop Felix? I don't want to leave all my friends if I don't have to"
"I will try," Vlad promised. "But now I must ask you... are you willing to do what it takes to bring him down? He is your brother, and while his actions are unforgivable he was acting from a place of love for you."
"I must... Allowing him to continue does nobody any good... And it is not just me that it hurts" she frowned, she hated the whole idea but it had to be done. She carefully put the necklace on and made sure it was hidden under her shirt
Vlad touched her shoulder briefly. "You are right, and you should feel sad, but it is something that should be done. We cannot do it alone, but I think we will find help among our friends."
she nodded a little "we can't wait too long... I don't know what he is planning to do with Claudius but I can't let anything bad happen to him"
"My brother... I am afraid of him.. what he might do... and afraid for him....I don't think he is all bad I just... I worry it is too late to bring back what is good" she sighed "And afraid of how Leon will react.... I think he will take my side but what if he doesn't? They are the only family I have"
"All completely reasonable fears, but not fears any of us can allow to control us," Vlad said gently. "The fact is there is no way to see what will happen in the future. We will do our best to save Felix, and perhaps it will work, or perhaps it will not. There is no way to know until we try. As for Leon, I feel he does not know which way to turn. And finally... You have family all around you." He touched her shoulder again briefly and smiled. "We are your family. Forever. We will look after you."
She nodded and took a deep breath again and looked up at him, putting a hand over his "thanks Vlad...I don't know what I'd do without you"
"Stagger on alone, but eventually you would figure things out, I am sure," Vlad said with a smile. He moved away and put away his drawers, making certain the hidden one was secure. "Perhaps you should go now. If anyone saw you coming in, they might get suspicious, and word will reach Felix."
She nodded a little "nothing to be suspicious about. Sometimes I think you don't even like women" she flushed as soon as she said. Not something she would normally say. Felix's memory charms had done a bit more... first the indulgent drinking now making comments out of character
Vlad raised a brow at her in surprise. "Not the type of comment I would have expected from you," he remarked mildly, not really offended, just surprised. "Even so, Felix is... paranoid, to say the least. It would be best to play it safe."
"I'm sorry..I don't know why I said that" she did listen though and stepped outside again, hoping she wasn't going to get him into trouble
Vlad sighed and shook his head, wondering if memories were the only thing Felix tinkered with. Or perhaps memories were what created things like self-control? He did not know for certain.

Outside, Kazimir waved excitedly. "Would you like some food, pretty lady?" he offered.