New User If I get in trouble make a callout post

There's people I know that are a little uptight, you say one little thing and they get very upset. It's funny. I mean I know who I am, personality wise and I'm very confident ig with my personality. I'm not gonna change for anyone or anything. It's a little dumb to, don't you think?
It is. That's so... Attractive. And inspiring.

The thing is, that's more than confidence to me. Too many people are confident about the wrong things, but that's knowing who you are as a person, and knowing that it's going to be less pain in the end if you look for where you belong, rather than forcing a different shape to your puzzle piece to fit in the slot that was put in front of you.

I wish I could say I was like that more often.
It's kind of hard to find yourself, you know? It's alright if you aren't like that. I kind of forced myself to be like that. If a person cannot appreciate who they're talking to, what's the point in trying to be someone less than who are you? It's a thing that grows on you, you know? If you have to fake being someone else to get approval, then you're not gonna be as happy.
I should start doing that more. I used to be a lot more like that, actually. I used to be genuine, and spontaneous. I used to be happy.

Then, the army happened. I joined the Infantry. And I was ran through the stamping machine that likes to crush oddly shaped objects into perfectly cube-like ones. I've been full of anxiety when dealing with anyone ever since. Always so focused on trying to maintain a military bearing, to the point that that ettiquette replaced my will to be myself. There hasn't been any healthy balance. As much as I love my job and I'm proud of what I've done, it's made me more unhappy as a person because of what I've been through.

Kind of heavy, I'm sorry.
It's alright. Even broken parts can still be useful, if you know what I mean? In the army they have a unique sense of brazenly ignoring problems to continue forward. Literally where 'soldiering on' comes from, you know?

You know, this is the first time I've ever been this emotionally upfront with a stranger or really anyone as of late. I'm really glad that fate turned out that we'd both come to this site, on the same night, in the same mood. Happy accidents.
I get you, fam.
Fate is funny that way. If we hadn't talk, I think I'd still be emotionally unsatisfied with conversations. This is probably the first time in two weeks I was happy to have a conversation with someone.
Then maybe we should do this more. Forum and chill, with all of the chill and none of the "chill".

Or some of the "chill". I feel like that's still on the table. Even if I did have to look up what a 'Papi Chulo' was, lol.
Hehe, alright I'll bite. What did that first sentence say, then?

Dominican though huh? I've never met anyone from there before. I like that the first person I do meet from there is someone so fun to talk to.
Wepa, means wepa like you use it like hey now! Tiguerazo means rascal I think it doesn't translate to English well. Then the rest is calm down with your 'chill'.
Whenever I tell people I'm Dominican, they go like, 'Oh where is that?' Dominicans are fun people, typically. Most of them are loud, the women have so much confidence and they have the biggest attitudes it's great, plus Dominican food is really good.
That's pretty fair. I suppose I did say chill three times in one sentence, lol.

That does sound amazing. I'm a fan of loud, lively people. An even bigger fan of confident women with attitudes. Is Dominican food sort of style of carribean? If so, I can definitely see where you're coming from on that. Caribbean jerk is one of my favorite ways in the whole world to prepare chicken. That and I'm not shy about spicy food in the slightest.
Dominican people are great, my dude. Dominican food is like Hispanic food, with a twist mostly. I wouldn't say Dominican food is spicy, I mean I guess it depends on the dish or how you prepare it. Personally, I can't handle spicy food. Bleh.
Awh, I can't lie I'm a little disappointed... But then again, why? I haven't even had it yet. It's probably still amazing, just a different flavor of amazing. Honestly, it sounds like a great place to visit to just get away from everything. Maybe I need to take a vacation there some day. Maybe some day soon.
Oh boy. It depends where you go, I heard Santiago has really good hotels, I've never been so, I wouldn't know. Where I live it's farm land so you know it's very relaxing and my little town is all my family, really. It's very peaceful,plus there's always fruit trees where you can just take the fruit like there's a lot of mangos, coconut, cherries ,etc. Some places in D.R. don't like gringos or just foreigners in general, though, so you know. Those parts you gotta be careful.
I'll have to remember that. People have a habit of picking fights with soldiers as it is, because they feel like every soldier is some kind of tough guy. Which has some truth to it, but only if you're picking a fight with an infantryman.

Your life sounds really nice though. Really relaxing. And warm, for that matter... Where I'm stationed is nearly always beneath freezing for 3/4ths of the year. That's been hard to get used to. Is Santiago the capital?
I'm down to fight anyone, tbh. No jk I'm fragile.
That was a while ago. Now I'm in New York, and in this time I realize how much I can't stand the cold. It sucks. I'm waiting for summer already. The capital is Santo Domingo. Santiago is a major city, I believe. Most tourists go there for the hotels. Or they go to Puerto Plata, that's where I live, for the beaches.
Huh. Huh. Huh.

I am also in New York. Fort Drum, actually, but in a hotel in Syracuse at the moment.

That fate though.
It has been, ridiculously so. I'm a little jealous though. Snow days happen some days on post, but it's a little rare. I did get out of work today though by agreeing to go on this trip, which was nice.

What kind of work do you do?