Olympian's Blood 1x1

Maroe's head snapped toward the door and she stuffed the whip into her belt before casting Theo a look. He was gazing at her expectantly. "I guess it's ladies first," she said before tightening her grip on her sword. Walking over to the door slowly, she turned the handle with a deep breath. "One...two...three." On three she swung open her door and brought her sword tip up to whatever was waiting on the otherside.
As it turned out, she brought the tip of her sword to the chin of a young man. He looked similar to Theo, albeit a bit cleaner. He had a warm hoodie, and faded jeans, and a sheathed sword at his side, presumably bronze. He had green eyes and black, disheveled hair, and was just a bit older than Maroe. His eyes startled like a scared animal, as he froze when the sword nearly touched his neck...
Standing behind him were two other teens. One was a young man with grey stormy eyes, and hair in golden curls framing his scowling face. He had a crossbow at his side, and was ready to draw, swallowing sharply as he saw the sword. Then, to his left was a young girl, the same age as the other two. She had long black hair, wearing skinny jeans and a denim jacket. Her face was pale and her lips were a dark red shade, her pursed lips gleaming with hostility, as she drew an old bronze knife.

The dark haired man stood rooted in place, frozen as the intimidating sword was near his neck.
"Stand down. We're not here for a fight. We just have a few questions." He said, in a commanding voice, however his voice cracking didn't seem all too intimidating.

Meanwhile, Theo flattened his back to the wall, holding his breath, staying quiet as not to be seen or heard.
Maroe stared hard at the 3 of them, never having seen any of them in her life. Their weapons seemed to indicate they were also halfbloods. What prickled her even more was the request. "My house, my rules. I ask the questions first," she said, keeping her sword tip exactly where it was, "Who are you?"
"I'm Simon. I'm a demigod like my friends Chloe and Ben over there. We're looking for a criminal. A demigod who has offended the gods." Simon muttered, keeping himself absolutely still. Chloe had an iron grip on her dagger, ready to drive it into Maroe's neck. Meanwhile, Ben, has a bolt loaded into his crossbow. He wasn't very good with it, but Maroe didn't need to know that. They all had their eyes trained on Maroe, waiting for her response.

Theo was inside, quivering, not only from the cold, and his soaked clothes, but from fear that he would be caught... He hoped Maroe knew how vital it was that he wasn't caught, due to his silent and motionless actions...
More of them? She'd met more demi-gods in the last 24 hours and than her entire life. Were they all insane?

Her eye flicked to the three of them. "Considering I've never met another demi-god until now, I think it would be clear that I have no clue what you're talking about. "
"Well... if you haven't seen any-" Simon began, ready to wrap up the whole discussion, before Chloe prodded.

"Do you live alone?" She asked, stepping forward... Ben and Simon looked uncomfortable, and Theo looked like he was about to lose it, but the way the girl was looking at Maroe could tell her that she thought Maroe was lying...
"No, I live with my grandmother and she's out grocery shopping," Maroe stated firmly, "And she's got a shorter temper than I do with a much better whip hand. "

All of which was true, save the shopping part and she stared down the three with an unwavering expression of stoicsm. Her blade did not move, especially because the short girl looked particularly ready for a fight.
"Maybe she saw something when she was out. Perhaps I'd be best to wait...?" She suggested, raising an eyebrow, nudging Simon with her elbow. Simon did somewhat of a nod, although he didn't want to be sliced to minced meat...

The girl looked at Maroe with a stare nearly as piercing as hers, and her face looked like she was about to skewer Maroe alive, although she couldn't do anything, until she knew Simon would be safe...
"No, she'll be angry that I was dumb enough to let 3 strangers in the apartment," Maroe replied, "Now, I'm going to lower my sword and as long as you leave, it won't come back up."
The girl flicked a look at Ben, and he shook his head in the negative. Everything was tinted blue from the moonlight, and all the demigods looked exhausted...

"Let's pull out. We will leave after the sword is lowered..." Simon said calmly, raising his hands behind his head, to show he wasn't going to try anything funny, although the female looked about ready to gut her like a fish.
Her eyes scanned over each of them. She met the gaze of the taller boy, nearly level with his eyes, then glanced at the blond haired one before giving a particularly hard stare down at the younger girl. "Fine." Maroe lowered her sword, but kept the vines she had been regrowing carefully on either side of the door ready to lash out. They couldn't see them creeping up the walls, but they would feel them should anyone cross the threshold.
The boy backed away, before he felt at a safe distance, before turning, and walking off into a dark alley, his two friends pursued... and that was the end of that... for now...

Theo couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief... She'd saved his skin once more. First the lamia. Then the spartoi, and now his demigod enemies who want to hand him over to the gods. However, the spartoi incident felt off to him, like someone was watching them, helping them... After all of his years of being a fugitive of monsters, demigods, and gods alike, she'd been fighting better than him. He bit his lip in frustration, although his expression would harden if he felt her gaze...
She slammed the door shut behind the three strangers, then used the last dregs of her energy to seal the door shut with her ivy. Stomping over to where Theo was slunk against the wall, Maroe flicked the tip of her sword up to hims neck with another hard look in her green eyes. "Start talking."
He could hardly look into her eyes, the task seemed so daunting. It was almost as if she could read his mind with those eyes...
"L-look..." He started, his gaze below her eyes. "The gods want me... but I don't know why, I swear!" He explained. The gods were after him, yes, but he couldn't think of a reason why... Maybe he's too powerful? Maybe the Big Three shouldn't have children? He didn't know...
"My eyes are up here," she growled, pressing the point of her sword closer to his chin, "And you have no idea? Those three certainly seemed to know. Who were they."
He raised his hands as a sign of submission as he felt the cold touch of steel touch his neck, making his hair stand up on his neck.

"They're just demigods!! Demigods who are willing to work for the gods, whatever the cost......" He took a long pause. "Even at the cost of my life. I don't ask questions, I just sort of run, and they try to track me down. I'm hoping there is one day when I'm forgotten by the gods and demigods alike..." He muttered, feeling like he would break from her boring, piercing eyes.
Maroe lowered her sword at seeing how scared Theo was. It seemed he really didn't know and the demi-gods at the door were trouble working for the gods. Leaning against the wall across from him, she swiped at the dried blood on her forehead before stumbling to the bathroom. "Did you ever think maybe instead of running you should stop and ask?"
"Ask a group of teenagers running at you waving medieval age weapons?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That'd be a suicide mission... wait... Maroe! What if we captured a demigod? Make him answer questions! They'd use dark alleys so maybe they'd be less likely to notice someone missing..."
Maroe made it to sink and cut on the hot water. Some of the pipes groaned but eventually the faucet burbled to life. As she grabbed a towel and dabbed at the blood, Theo started talking. "We?" She repeated with a raised brow, "You're talking about going out there and being the teenagers that run around with medieval weapons, now."
"I..." He pursed his lips, trying to come up with a solution...

"I mean, do you have a better idea?" He retaliated, raising an eyebrow. "Preferably a plan that lets me keep the same amount of blood in my body as it has now" He mentioned sarcastically, ruling out any suicide missions. The demigods were hot on his trail, and at this point, he was relying on a stranger to watch his back, which didn't give him much confidence, given that she could kick him out any moment. Additionally, he hadn't really impressed her yet. She strangely seemed very able to care for herself without being on the run...