[OOC] Ages Eternal - General OOC


I'd like to have an Anti-Mortal race in my land, based off of prehistoric Neanderthals. Soulless creatures that embody all of the Danteen Sins that Nonpa punishes. I think it would be OOC for Nonpa to make a creature like that himself, so could they be one of the creatures your god of Devotion made. They are physically the closest to the Allfather ideal, but spiritually empty, and the furthest from the ideal. They are still ugly though, and have sharp, pig like teeth, like your tusks, but not as pronounced as others, and an olive skin tone, for a greenish, human skin tone.
@Salsacookies Hm... That doesn't seem to quite fit my character, honestly. But my buddy Inky is going to join, and his domain will be hear and the unknown. He said he could do it.
Actually, don't worry about it, I'm more than happy without the Neanderthals, my character is pretty much perfect as is. I'll just put them in my Mad Fantasy RP when I get to it. They'll be even better there, actually, because they'll be Cyberpunk Cavemen :)
@Salsacookies : I think at this rate, if your gonna be exploring the unclaimed area where the Silmilili is, you might discover it. Unless Otomos wants it to be found under different circumstances. You or I, as it seems to be getting pretty large.
I kinda wanted it to become so large that it poses a potential problem. Eventually Miria would have to deal with it, and then it'd split to become its own race. Until then, though, you guys are free to do anything with it but destroy it for now.
I'll just reference it and move along. A giant slime isn't something that Nonpa would care about.
I'll just reference it and move along. A giant slime isn't something that Nonpa would care about.

A giant slime that likely has jagged rocks and splintered Tree trunks that have become something like armor, tearing thrown anything it could find in order to essentially render it dead so it can absorb it.
It's not maliciously evil. Just rolling around, eating things. Unless it's sentient, it's just some animal to him.
As long as it stays out of Fidreur's island, He won't care too much, until it becomes a problem. Let's just let Otomos do with it whatever.
Eh. Fair enough. I mean, I kinda made the assumption that being originated from Miria's drop of blood would give it some sort of sentience, but then again I'd have to work something out
That's fine, @Otomos the Crazy , If coming from part of a goddess makes it sentient we can play along with that. The 'rules' are loose on purpose! :p The only thing is Emotions we have established all come from Luira. So bear that in mind.
If it is sentient, what is it doing to draw Nonpa's ire? From what I've read, it's just rolling around, eating dead things. Nothing evil so far, probably just excessive, and it wouldn't know any better, afaik
I already said "Fair enough." I was just saying a few things about the concept.
I know what you said, I thought we were still discussing though, when Lazzamore said the if could be possible that parts from gods could become sentient mortals.
I'd show a picture that gives an idea of what Slimililis look like, but I kinda want to save it for the lore thing
Hello! I've finally been approved, and so I can post here now. Lazzamore's been wanting me to join for a while, so I'll get straight to the point.

My god is Hakku, the God of Distance, Stars, and Fear. I'll post his character sheet right away, but I'd like to wait for approval before I go on.

Plz approve mah face. I can't wait to start with you all!
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Oh wow. I just realized that both Stargazer and Inky Winky's characters are similar in appearance to Miria's forms. They're also somewhat related in the Domain department. XD