Another Soul Eater rp (open-world) (1x1)

Crona was nearly home by now. Just a few more minutes and she would be home.. Finally, school days feel so long sometimes.. She thought to herself.


Hiroto was stuck doing missions. He already has all the souls he needed. He didn't really feel interested in becoming one of death's pawns though. He honestly just did it for the training. He grabbed one of these.. Well.. They weren't human anymore so no need to care about what they are. He wrung it's neck and heard a satisfying snap. He absorbed the soul, feeling refreshed and went home.
Shiko decides she'll take on a mission (alone) to take her mind off it. Not caring if she gets hurt, she picks one from the mission bulletin board and leaves, to return a few hours later
(I really don't know what to type next so let me just lengthen this with what i had for breakfast, food. That's my thing. Why are you still reading?)

A few hours later Shiko returns to the city from completing a couple of missions. It's the middle of the night now. She's covered in small injuries from fighting and is pretty much exhausted.
Aaand she suddenly gets attacked out of nowhere. She cries out and stumbles backwards, lacking the energy to summon a weapon to defend herself with. (They're near Soul/Maka/Crona's dorm and they're the only people nearby that may notice. Maka's asleep, dunno about Soul and Crona.)
Crona heard a shout and went to wake up Maka, "Maka! There's someone that needs help, I don't really know what to do.. I'm not good with this stuff h-h-heh.." She told Maka, practically dragging her out of bed.

(Sorry i took so long, I was making another Nexus Character!)
Hiroto heard the yell. Shiko's. "Pretty sure she can handle herself." And walked on.

(Hiroto don't got time for no screaming xD)
Maka: Huh? Who is it..? Goes and looks out the window Oh, great... knocks on Soul's bedroom door SOUL! Get up!

Shiko's now actively fighting this thing, trying her best even though she doesn't have a weapon to fight with. She's already getting pretty beat up though
Maka: Crona woke me up, apparently the new kid's getting beat up outside and I guess we have to go help her now. I have no idea what she's even doing out here this late anyway..
Maka: Dragging him outside Because we're good people and we help people when they're in trouble, Soul. Stop complaining and transform already.

When they get out there Shiko's clearly losing this fight. She's literally covered in random cuts, scrapes etc and looks as if she's just about out of energy. She gets thrown against a wall and falls to the ground.
It turns its attention towards Soul/Maka

(Skip to the end of this battle because I literally have no patience to write fight scenes lol)
Shiko's like half-conscious on the ground

Maka: Uhh is she alive?
Soul: Hopefully not. She's not our problem!
Crona: S-soul! That's m-mean..

(Im writing in Script format, so much easier xD)
(Note: Shiko and Crona are very close in wavelength, so even if Maka can't see the nice person beyond Shiko's chaotic nature, Crona probably can.)

Maka: Don't say things like that, Soul. But it's really late, the nurse will have gone home by now..
Maka: I agree with Crona. However crazy this girl may be... she's still a student here, just like us. Looks at Shiko Jeez, what was she thinking? Fighting without a partner like that.. that's just begging to get hurt.
They go inside
Maka: Okay, you can go back to bed now. You too, Crona. Just put her on the couch or something.

(Soul and Maka seem so indifferent about this whole thing. It's probably because they've only ever seen her getting into fights, and they can't read her soul wavelength lol... While her soul is chaotic in nature, she's also sad and confused, lonely even.)
(Edit: I mean she's hurt come on guys xD)
Crona: O-okay!
Crona gently put Shiko on the couch,
Crona: I-I'll stay up to make sure she doesn't h-hurt herself when s-she wakes up!
Soul: Whatever, I'm going to bed, night.

(Me has idea to get Crona and Shiko closer C: )