Land Down Under (KJDarKnight & Treasure)

Mathias laughed at her reaction "for anyone elae. No. Not legal at all. But my job requires I have easy regular access to the surface" he explained "my family has lived here for generations"
"Really? Wow." She grinned a little. Being in charge of dangerous missions apparently had their perks! "Why don't Pepper and Peter stay with you?" she asked curiously.
"That is an excellent question" he said as he set the bags down and fetched her a glass of water "she moved out when she had Peter and..never came back.. I think she prefers it down there or..want to protect Peter from ending up taking over my job one day"
"You are a pretty bad influence," Lynna smirked. She looked up toward the entrance - or exit depending on how you looked at it - to the surface world. "Um, Mathias... what's to stop the top dwellers from finding the door and coming straight down here?" she asked cautiously. "Badru is alright, but the others... uh..." She shivered, remembering the image of the Top Dweller biting Misty.
"It's all camaglauged" he said, offering her the glass of water "the window and bunker doors were built generations ago, the glass on this side is clear but the other side looks like grass and it is built to withstand the weather. And there are doors I can activate to cover it too"
"That's pretty fancy tech!" Lynna marveled. She hesitated a little, messing with her water. She swallowed a glug before asking, "Hey, Mathias, do you really think we should return to the surface?"
The water seemed somehow sweeter? Cleaner? Than she was used to having down below.

"I said it didn't I?" He sat down on one of the two couches and motioned her to sit if she wished to. "We human's were not meant to be moles" he went on "After what we went through. You think I'm crazy?"
Lynna stayed standing. "The water tastes weird," she stated then started pacing, making an excuse to look at random stuff. "I don't know. I think it's fine to go up there, but live? I don't think we can. Look at the weirdos who do live up there. They've changed. We haven't. I think we should stay down here but maybe do like trading and stuff."
He smirked "it's well water not recycled" he told her "fresh"

"Sure we have evolved but the old systems built so long ago won't last forever. We don't have the means to make new parts and you can only repair so much before it is beyond any fixing...we're digging our own grave staying below...we could learn to love up half submerged houses. Learn from the top dwellers to build them. Learn from them how to live up top again where we are meant to be"
Lynna made a face. She could taste everything in this water! Water was not supposed to have taste. She set the glass aside gingerly. "Why can't we make new parts? What's different about living down here and making new stuff and trying to survive up top and making new stuff? What do we have to learn from the top dwellers? They are just a bunch of savages who know how to get real meat."
Mathias sighed "they aren't savages" he frowned "not all of them..." the canibals. Sure, not the rest though.

"We don't have the capacity to forge new metal. We can only melt down and re use what we have or weld it together. Those materials will run out. If we keep expanding those materials will just run out all the faster. We can't keep loving off synthetic foods either. Those materials are running out and before they do we need to learn to cultivate pur own crops again and raise animals to feed us. Trading will only get us so far..the top dwellers don't cultivate enough food to feed us and we have little they want in trade"
"I guess that makes sense," Lynna mumbled, "but I still don't see how we could survive up there." She stretched. "Looks like we're stuck between two hard places to me. I don't see how we can survive up there, but if you're right, we can't live down here, either."
"Well...all I can do is try to prepare for when we are forced to the surface. Because it will happen.." he was cut off as they heard muffled screaming beyond the glass.

Mathias was quick to his feet and grabbing a riffle. He was still recovering yet didnt seem to slow him down "come or stay it's your call" he said before going into a sort of entry room off the main room where the hatch into his home to the outside was located
"What the heck??" Lynna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, moving up, sounds great," she grumbled to herself as she ran after him. She had her bludgeoun, that could offer some help.
Mathias chuckled pushing the hatch open "better then a cave in!" He called as he climbed out into the open air.

Not far away there were two people. Didn't look like top dwellers by the size.

They were being attacked by a pack of wolves.

The woman had been taken down and the man trying to beat the wolf off of her but was getting attacked by the other wolves.

Mathias fired a shot off into the air startling the animals
"Wolves" Mathias said simply, firing off two more shots, the animals took off, leaving the hunt reluctantly.

Thankfully she had gotten her arms up to protect her face and neck but they were pretty torn up. The two looked very much alike, white blond hair and pale blue eyes, very fair skinned too which suggested they weren't often in the sun.

he was quickly at his sisters side, ignoring his own injuries to make sure she was ok

"Lynna help get them inside, those wolves won't stay back for long, not with the taste of blood in their mouths"
"Oi, you, move," Lynna snapped. She pushed the man aside and took off her shirt, whishing she'd word a shirt with sleeves, but who wore a sleeved shirt running? Dressed in just her rather fancy bra, she tore the shirt in half and hastily wrapped them around the girl's arms before lifting her to her feet. "Come on, girl, we have to move. One foot in front of the other."

She all but lifted the girl by one arm, rushing her to the the entrance. Faster, faster, a batton was not much good against a thing like a wolf! Let alone a pack.
he backed off and allowed her to help him, both startled and grateful for the help, he said nothing. Just quickly followed her lead. Mathias taking up the rear to make sure the wolves stayed back.

Thankfully they stayed back and they were able to climb back down into Mathias's home. "We thought we were gonners, thank ya both" He said breathlessly as they got in. English certainly but heavily accented but from where, was hard to say.
Lynna made certain the doors were closed before she relaxed. "Okay!" she breathed. "Well, there's my adventure for today. Here, you can sit over here, and I'll get a better look at your arms." She led the girl over to the living room and guided her toward a chair. "Mathias, do you have any first aid? We should get her to a doctor, but I'd like to clean her arms first. No telling what's in those creature's mouths."