Land Down Under (KJDarKnight & Treasure)

Charlie jumped and nearly tripped but managed to catch his balance "Gray?" He blinked then smiled "I was starting to think I'd never find you guys"
Gray smiled then gave Charlie a questioning look. He gestured vaguely, trying to ask, "what are you doing here?" Not that he wasn't happy to see Charlie, but why?
"Oh right" he shifted the bag around and placed it in front of him "I heard what happened...everyone did" he frowned, glancing up briefly as he crouched down and opened the top of the bag "barely got out with this much but...I thought you'd need supplies ya know.."
Gray's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the bag. This was amazing! How... He shook his head. How could come later. He gestured to Charlie, urging him to follow him back to the cave. He didn't hear anyone else and Charlie had come without a light. If this was a trap, it was either a really bad or really good one, and Gray didn't know why they'd want to attack them after chasing them off, anyway.
He shouldered the bag and gave a nod, he would follow Gray.

He was relieved, poor Charlie was sure he would be spending the night alone out here in the cold scary woods.

As they neared the cave he spotted Badru, he grinned again and waved, fond of Badru.
Badru relaxed and gave Charlie a nod of greeting. "Charlie, welcome," he greeted in his low voice. "You have come through danger to reach us."

Gray stepped around Badru and went to Justira, smiling. "A friend," he signed.
"Well yeah of guys are friends" he smiled "thought you'd all need food and things" he explained again

Justira was anxiously waiting, visibly relaxing when Gray appeared and explained "who?" She signed back
"You will stay with us?" Badru questioned, not yet reaching out to take the sack. He looked at Charlie worriedly. He liked Charlie more than most of the people of Desolation, and while he would have welcomed his presence, he didn't think it was the best for Charlie. They were going to be struggling for some time, and Desolation needed Charlie.

"Charlie, the one Badru taught cooking," Gray said, not sure how else to describe Charlie. "He brought aid. Food, I believe."
"Well if you will let me" Charlie answered "I don't think they would welcome me back soon as they find the food missing" he reasoned "was a bit lucky to get out unnoticed.." he wasn't the most stealthy of people

Justira nodded "good kid" she signed "that was brave of him to risk helping us"
Badru considered and stepped aside, holding open the blankets. "Thank you. Help is good," he said. "They sleep. Walk soft."

Lynna groaned and rolled over. "Muffins are pretty," she mumbled before falling back to sleep.

Gray glanced at Lynna briefly, but he'd gotten used to her mutterings by now. "I wish Mathias was here. He went to check on something, but he should know of our addition."
Charlie smiled and stepped inside, being as quiet as possible. He noticed right away Faelar and Mathias both missing. He knew someone had gotten shot but not who

"Where did he go?" She asked, brows furrowed
Gray didn't want to tell her, but he didn't want to lie, either. "I am not certain. I believe to try to retrieve the things we hid in the secret room, but he promised to return."
Justira nodded a little, sounded like something he would do. He was always trying to take care of everyone "I'm sure he will be ok. He is strong and can handle himself"
Gray turned and helped Charles with his bag.

"You are certain you wish coming?" Badru asked quietly. "Much danger. May be able returning."
"If they find out what I did they'll just throw me out anyway" Charlie pointed out, very well aware of what he was doing when he had stolen the food foe them "besides. I think I'd stand a better chance with you anyway"
Badru inclined his head. "If Mathias agree, you stay. No reason Mathias not agree."

Gray nodded in agreement, quickly telling Justira what was going on.
Justira nodded again to Gray, realizing in that moment she would have to rely even more on him now that Faelar was not there to be her voice. Some of the others were pretty good at sign too but nobody as fluent as her brother and Gray. This thought brought on an entire new wave of pain which she tried to shove down and focus.

"Maybe if Charlie stays it will make Misty more happy too. I'm glad he came"

It had bern discovered that Charlie and Misty had both been orphaned and knew each other but had lost touch after Charlie was adopted
Badru pointed to an empty spot behind Jonah. "You sleep here, yes? Stay warm. I take watch now. You rest."

Gray touched Justira's arm gently when he saw her expression fall. He could guess what she was thinking about.
Charlie nodded, sounded like a good enough plan to him!

He mobed carefully as not to wake anyone before he settled down to sleep.

Justira looked up at him again and tried to smile even just a little but it was week "we should get some rest" she signed
Gray sat down next to Justira and glanced wistfully toward the doorway as Badru walked out. "I said some things to Mathias. I do not know why. It was not like me at all. Now I worry about him but do not know if I should apologize."


Badru stood before the curtain with arms crossed, mostly hidden by the fallen tree, watching the night was cold eyes. He would not be taken by surprise, and he would not fall easily should anyone dare to try to hurt anyone within the cave. They were his to protect.