Interest Check The Scarlet Five

Is it okay if I create a generic OOC chat in the OOC section as well as a "planning" OOC chat where people can discuss what they want to happen in their interactions generically?
Sure! I would like people to have for example "Moonstar x Ajax thread" instead of "Planning", that also depends on how many of course but generally OOC discussion threads are made for specific people, not just one for everyone.
Yes. I understand this character. It is a little confusing but I get it. One backstory I've seen a lot here (not just yours) is: Opposition did a bad thing, therefore, I dislike them and very little of "I am Scarlet Five, they are enemy". Just a note. And another thing, we don't need any more active Double Agents, as that makes it's very hard to control the flow of information.

He is not planned to be a double agent. He's more of a deserter who just knows stuff. I'm still trying to work on his backstory and stuff further, since I did not work on it as hard as the other two (for personal reasons). Anyways, thanks for the critique.
Hello! Wanted to submit one last member of [TO]. If her being there does not make sense, lemme know. I can make corrections and/or delete her altogether.
General Information View attachment 8193
Name: Dolly P. Sinclair
Alias(es): Dottie Love
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7" (173cm)
Weight: 110lbs (49kg)
  • Singer (formerly)
  • Actress & Model
  • Fashion Designer
  • Member of The Opposition
Rank: B

Biography: Dolly Petunia Sinclair was born to Mayor Conroy Sinclair and former model, Yulia Lancaster, of Newport City. Since age four, Dolly became an actress and a model for big name brands. Yulia became her daughter's manager and was responsible for choosing her stage name, Dottie Love. Dottie Love became an established icon of Newport City. Despite the public's opinion of Dolly being the sole child of their Mayor, she proved time and time again, that she earned her spot among beloved icons of the entertainment industry. In her early adolescence, Dolly became a singer and was on level of veteran singers by time she was age fifteen. Although, with stardom came the stress of keeping up with her studies, Dolly managed to graduate school by time she was sixteen. Dolly retired as a singer by time she was twenty and decided to take up acting as a serious job. From there, she would establish her roots in the industry within three years time. By time she was twenty-four, Dolly became one of the top-paid actresses of Newport City. Dolly is currently an Actress, Model, Fashion Designer, and member of The Opposition.

  • The Opposition
Dolly was recruited by Madame Sea, although she's a non-powered individual, Dolly was chosen on the basis of her being the daughter of Mayor Sinclair and having powerful connections within Newport City's elite.

Power(s): None

Equipment & Non-Powered Abilities:
  • Dottie is well-known within the entertainment industry. She uses her connections to help The Opposition.
  • Through physical training, Dottie is found to be versatile and dexterous with knives and rifles. Although, she prefers to handle things from behind the scenes, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty and/or use her acting ability to coax information out of any individual.
  • Being one of the more rich members of [TO], Dottie is able to afford all necessities needed when going out in the field.
  • Dottie owns several condos, penthouses, and two estates within Newport City and in other cities/countries.
  • Dottie owns several expensive vehicles, but she prefers to drive motorcycles.
  • Dottie always keeps a handy-dandy Smith & Wesson Model 43 Revolver on her at all times.
  • Dottie's ability to act is very useful when needed to cause a distraction and/or a necessary for field missions.

  • The Opposition — Trusted. Dottie generally holds the members/agents of [TO] to some respect. She sees the organisation as a necessity to quell powered individuals ruining her city.
  • The Scarlet Five — Neutral. Dottie does not like nor dislike [TSF]. She, however, has said on rare occasions that [TSF] should keep their actions under the table. (Note: Dottie is not a member of [TSF] but she regards them to some respect.)
  • Police of Newport City — Trusted. Dottie trusts the police and believes in their methods to keep the city safe. They once protected her from a potential kidnapping as a child.
  • Mayor Sinclair — Neutral. Dottie is not close to her father, but she still loves him.
  • Yulia Lancaster — Trusted/Loved. Dottie has always been close to her mother. She holds her mother as one would to a 'God' and/or Idol.
  • Jack Kiss — Lover/Significant Other. Dottie has recently started a relationship with the actor, Jack Kiss, after starring in a film together.
Character Sheet:


Build: Athlete Weight: 140 Height: 5'7" Hair: Long, Pink Skin: Fair Eyes: Green​

Trinity (Nova)

Trinity was raised in an upstanding upper-class Christian family and was exceptionally smart from a young age. Her father was a scientist and her mother, a lawyer. To say that she was daddy's girl was an understatement. She loved all the science for kids kits dad would bring home for her. He'd read, sing, and play with her any chance that he could, even when he was too busy. Mother was always buried in work, and although she didn't see or hear much from her, their relationship wasn't too strained, although it had its ups and downs, like any other. Grandpa (Maternal) was a cop in the force, and she'd love to hear all the wild, on the job stories he had to tell about him and his partner from days long past. Everyone thought she'd have a career in the sciences when she kept placing first in her school's science fairs, but she abandoned most of these interests when she reached her teens, becoming a cheerleader and joining track. Still keeping up with her grades to make her parents happy, as their marriage was falling apart, she lost interest in participating in family affairs and no longer kept track of their lives.

Trinity was out late at a party with some friends when they decided to go for a joyride in the country. Even if she had a bad feeling, she went with them. Needless to say, the driver lost control of the car and flipped it, landing hard against a tree on Trinity's passenger side. She has rushed to the hospital hours away via helicopter where they induced a coma. With many broken bones and a traumatic brain injury, it was believed she wouldn't make it, but her father reached into all of his connections. For a deal, he was offered life-saving treatment; new, cutting-edge, nanotechnology. It wasn't a matter of if for her family, but of when, and how much. The treatment saved Trinity's life. She soon went back to her old life as she healed, but she soon began to see changes in herself as she entered high school.

Trinity was always strong, but not that strong. She was always, fast, and smart, but not quite as much as she was becoming. Cheerleading in autumn, soccer in spring, and took as many college credit classes as she could. It was frightening but mainly exciting for the teen, who thought she could keep it a secret while striving to become the school's valedictorian, an easy success, while graduating early. Luckily for her parents she was accepted into her chosen college, allowing them the illusion that it was her choice to begin with. So long as she believed she was making the decisions for herself, they could still control her, which was better than the alternative....


Powers: Nano-Active Blood
  • Strengths:
    • Super strength: Super strength is a major plus when it comes to being a hero. Without it, Trinity would be at best an annoying thorn in the side of evildoers everywhere, but with it, she’s a bonafide force to be reckoned with! She can lift 2000 lbs/907 kg, and punch with that much force, which is the equivalent of 8896 newton.
    • Flight: Best. Super. Power. Ever. The only reason it isn’t at #1 is that practically, as a superhero, it can be lived without. Still, the ability to soar in the sky just through sheer force of will is a fantasy most people share. There’s certain independence that comes with the idea of flight. The sky is no longer the limit! Can fly on par to her super speed.
    • SuperSpeed: Who wouldn't want to be able to get where they need to go in a snap? Trinity can outpace a bullet! That’s 1800 miles per hour, or 2600 feet per second. Her speed translates to other things like reading, giving her the ability to finish off an entire set of encyclopedias in seconds.
    • Superhearing: Super hearing is definitely a must-have if one wants to be a true superhero. How else can Trinity hear the cry of innocent civilians from miles away? There's also the added bonus of being able to snoop on the bad guys as they cook up their evil plots and plans. Limit: 5 mile radius.
    • Superhealing: Because the nano-active blood is constantly regenerating and rejuvenating, Trinity can quickly recover damaged body parts.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Nanomachines may overheat with overuse, causing weakness and fatigue.
    • If Nanites are destroyed/removed, the user may lose any special abilities gained from said nanites.
    • She may be overwhelmed by supersonic blasts or too many overwhelming noises all at once.
    • If she uses her speed too much she can become drained, and her reflexes are dulled.
    • Being too strong and accidentally hurting others, breaking things, etc. or not being strong enough and being pulverized by someone far stronger.
    • Extreme, critical wounds take longer to heal and take much energy, weakening the nanomachines, and thus, the rest of her abilities.
    • Nanomachines are radioactive and may be causing Trinity damage over time, making her very sick if not repaired/resolved/removed, and soon.

Equipment & Non-powered abilities:
  • Empathy & Compassion
  • High School Education
  • College Degree
  • A wealthy family with many connections
  • Hand-to-hand combat: basic kickboxing, basic kung fu, still learning, and thus, still somewhat sloppy, and mainly power focused, rather than balanced.
  • Weapon's license & training: basic knowledge, still sloppy, still training.
  • Bodysuit: A protective, powered bodysuit that complements the nanomachines in her blood, as well as Trinity's public "HERO" look.
    • The Smart Helmet allows her to scan her surroundings and The Opposition to communicate with her, and transfer information.
  • Motorcycle: Her way of getting around the city.

The Scarlet Five: Bad
The Opposition: Good
The Police: Fair

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Before I start reading and such, PLEASE, if you have time: Write some side stories, write some backstories. Your own characters, NPCS, side characters, whatever you want. It helps the world get richer and more natural.
Hello! Wanted to submit one last member of [TO]. If her being there does not make sense, lemme know. I can make corrections and/or delete her altogether.
General Information View attachment 8193
Name: Dolly P. Sinclair
Alias(es): Dottie Love
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7" (173cm)
Weight: 110lbs (49kg)
  • Singer (formerly)
  • Actress & Model
  • Fashion Designer
  • Member of The Opposition
Rank: B

Biography: Dolly Petunia Sinclair was born to Mayor Conroy Sinclair and former model, Yulia Lancaster, of Newport City. Since age four, Dolly became an actress and a model for big name brands. Yulia became her daughter's manager and was responsible for choosing her stage name, Dottie Love. Dottie Love became an established icon of Newport City. Despite the public's opinion of Dolly being the sole child of their Mayor, she proved time and time again, that she earned her spot among beloved icons of the entertainment industry. In her early adolescence, Dolly became a singer and was on level of veteran singers by time she was age fifteen. Although, with stardom came the stress of keeping up with her studies, Dolly managed to graduate school by time she was sixteen. Dolly retired as a singer by time she was twenty and decided to take up acting as a serious job. From there, she would establish her roots in the industry within three years time. By time she was twenty-four, Dolly became one of the top-paid actresses of Newport City. Dolly is currently an Actress, Model, Fashion Designer, and member of The Opposition.

  • The Opposition
Dolly was recruited by Madame Sea, although she's a non-powered individual, Dolly was chosen on the basis of her being the daughter of Mayor Sinclair and having powerful connections within Newport City's elite.

Power(s): None

Equipment & Non-Powered Abilities:
  • Dottie is well-known within the entertainment industry. She uses her connections to help The Opposition.
  • Through physical training, Dottie is found to be versatile and dexterous with knives and rifles. Although, she prefers to handle things from behind the scenes, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty and/or use her acting ability to coax information out of any individual.
  • Being one of the more rich members of [TO], Dottie is able to afford all necessities needed when going out in the field.
  • Dottie owns several condos, penthouses, and two estates within Newport City and in other cities/countries.
  • Dottie owns several expensive vehicles, but she prefers to drive motorcycles.
  • Dottie always keeps a handy-dandy Smith & Wesson Model 43 Revolver on her at all times.
  • Dottie's ability to act is very useful when needed to cause a distraction and/or a necessary for field missions.

  • The Opposition — Trusted. Dottie generally holds the members/agents of [TO] to some respect. She sees the organisation as a necessity to quell powered individuals ruining her city.
  • The Scarlet Five — Neutral. Dottie does not like nor dislike [TSF]. She, however, has said on rare occasions that [TSF] should keep their actions under the table. (Note: Dottie is not a member of [TSF] but she regards them to some respect.)
  • Police of Newport City — Trusted. Dottie trusts the police and believes in their methods to keep the city safe. They once protected her from a potential kidnapping as a child.
  • Mayor Sinclair — Neutral. Dottie is not close to her father, but she still loves him.
  • Yulia Lancaster — Trusted/Loved. Dottie has always been close to her mother. She holds her mother as one would to a 'God' and/or Idol.
  • Jack Kiss — Lover/Significant Other. Dottie has recently started a relationship with the actor, Jack Kiss, after starring in a film together.
Hello! Wanted to submit one last member of [TO]. If her being there does not make sense, lemme know. I can make corrections and/or delete her altogether.
General Information View attachment 8193
Name: Dolly P. Sinclair
Alias(es): Dottie Love
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7" (173cm)
Weight: 110lbs (49kg)
  • Singer (formerly)
  • Actress & Model
  • Fashion Designer
  • Member of The Opposition
Rank: B

Biography: Dolly Petunia Sinclair was born to Mayor Conroy Sinclair and former model, Yulia Lancaster, of Newport City. Since age four, Dolly became an actress and a model for big name brands. Yulia became her daughter's manager and was responsible for choosing her stage name, Dottie Love. Dottie Love became an established icon of Newport City. Despite the public's opinion of Dolly being the sole child of their Mayor, she proved time and time again, that she earned her spot among beloved icons of the entertainment industry. In her early adolescence, Dolly became a singer and was on level of veteran singers by time she was age fifteen. Although, with stardom came the stress of keeping up with her studies, Dolly managed to graduate school by time she was sixteen. Dolly retired as a singer by time she was twenty and decided to take up acting as a serious job. From there, she would establish her roots in the industry within three years time. By time she was twenty-four, Dolly became one of the top-paid actresses of Newport City. Dolly is currently an Actress, Model, Fashion Designer, and member of The Opposition.

  • The Opposition
Dolly was recruited by Madame Sea, although she's a non-powered individual, Dolly was chosen on the basis of her being the daughter of Mayor Sinclair and having powerful connections within Newport City's elite.

Power(s): None

Equipment & Non-Powered Abilities:
  • Dottie is well-known within the entertainment industry. She uses her connections to help The Opposition.
  • Through physical training, Dottie is found to be versatile and dexterous with knives and rifles. Although, she prefers to handle things from behind the scenes, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty and/or use her acting ability to coax information out of any individual.
  • Being one of the more rich members of [TO], Dottie is able to afford all necessities needed when going out in the field.
  • Dottie owns several condos, penthouses, and two estates within Newport City and in other cities/countries.
  • Dottie owns several expensive vehicles, but she prefers to drive motorcycles.
  • Dottie always keeps a handy-dandy Smith & Wesson Model 43 Revolver on her at all times.
  • Dottie's ability to act is very useful when needed to cause a distraction and/or a necessary for field missions.

  • The Opposition — Trusted. Dottie generally holds the members/agents of [TO] to some respect. She sees the organisation as a necessity to quell powered individuals ruining her city.
  • The Scarlet Five — Neutral. Dottie does not like nor dislike [TSF]. She, however, has said on rare occasions that [TSF] should keep their actions under the table. (Note: Dottie is not a member of [TSF] but she regards them to some respect.)
  • Police of Newport City — Trusted. Dottie trusts the police and believes in their methods to keep the city safe. They once protected her from a potential kidnapping as a child.
  • Mayor Sinclair — Neutral. Dottie is not close to her father, but she still loves him.
  • Yulia Lancaster — Trusted/Loved. Dottie has always been close to her mother. She holds her mother as one would to a 'God' and/or Idol.
  • Jack Kiss — Lover/Significant Other. Dottie has recently started a relationship with the actor, Jack Kiss, after starring in a film together.
I really like this! It helps build the world in other "non crime" areas. Great!
  • Like
Reactions: Dan
Character Sheet:


Build: Athlete Weight: 140 Height: 5'7" Hair: Long, Pink Skin: Fair Eyes: Green​

Trinity (Nova)

Trinity was raised in an upstanding upper-class Christian family and was exceptionally smart from a young age. Her father was a scientist and her mother, a lawyer. To say that she was daddy's girl was an understatement. She loved all the science for kids kits dad would bring home for her. He'd read, sing, and play with her any chance that he could, even when he was too busy. Mother was always buried in work, and although she didn't see or hear much from her, their relationship wasn't too strained, although it had its ups and downs, like any other. Grandpa (Maternal) was a cop in the force, and she'd love to hear all the wild, on the job stories he had to tell about him and his partner from days long past. Everyone thought she'd have a career in the sciences when she kept placing first in her school's science fairs, but she abandoned most of these interests when she reached her teens, becoming a cheerleader and joining track. Still keeping up with her grades to make her parents happy, as their marriage was falling apart, she lost interest in participating in family affairs and no longer kept track of their lives.

Trinity was out late at a party with some friends when they decided to go for a joyride in the country. Even if she had a bad feeling, she went with them. Needless to say, the driver lost control of the car and flipped it, landing hard against a tree on Trinity's passenger side. She has rushed to the hospital hours away via helicopter where they induced a coma. With many broken bones and a traumatic brain injury, it was believed she wouldn't make it, but her father reached into all of his connections. For a deal, he was offered life-saving treatment; new, cutting-edge, nanotechnology. It wasn't a matter of if for her family, but of when, and how much. The treatment saved Trinity's life. She soon went back to her old life as she healed, but she soon began to see changes in herself as she entered high school.

Trinity was always strong, but not that strong. She was always, fast, and smart, but not quite as much as she was becoming. Cheerleading in autumn, soccer in spring, and took as many college credit classes as she could. It was frightening but mainly exciting for the teen, who thought she could keep it a secret while striving to become the school's valedictorian, an easy success, while graduating early. Luckily for her parents she was accepted into her chosen college, allowing them the illusion that it was her choice to begin with. So long as she believed she was making the decisions for herself, they could still control her, which was better than the alternative....


Powers: Nano-Active Blood
  • Strengths:
    • Super strength: Super strength is a major plus when it comes to being a hero. Without it, Trinity would be at best an annoying thorn in the side of evildoers everywhere, but with it, she’s a bonafide force to be reckoned with!
    • Flight: Best. Super. Power. Ever. The only reason it isn’t at #1 is that practically, as a superhero, it can be lived without. Still, the ability to soar in the sky just through sheer force of will is a fantasy most people share. There’s certain independence that comes with the idea of flight. The sky is no longer the limit!
    • SuperSpeed: Who wouldn't want to be able to get where they need to go in a millisecond? Trinity can outpace a bullet! Her speed translates to other things like reading, giving her the ability to finish off an entire set of encyclopedias in seconds.
    • Superhearing: Super hearing is definitely a must-have if one wants to be a true superhero. How else can Trinity hear the cry of innocent civilians from miles away? There's also the added bonus of being able to snoop on the bad guys as they cook up their evil plots and plans.
    • Superhealing: Because the nano-active blood is constantly regenerating and rejuvenating, Trinity can quickly recover damaged body parts.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Nanomachines may overheat with overuse, causing weakness and fatigue.
    • If Nanites are destroyed/removed, the user may lose any special abilities gained from said nanites.
    • She may be overwhelmed by supersonic blasts or too many overwhelming noises all at once.
    • If she uses her speed too much she can become drained, and her reflexes are dulled.
    • Being too strong and accidentally hurting others, breaking things, etc. or not being strong enough and being pulverized by someone far stronger.
    • Extreme, critical wounds take longer to heal and take much energy, weakening the nanomachines, and thus, the rest of her abilities.
    • Nanomachines are radioactive and may be causing Trinity damage over time, making her very sick if not repaired/resolved/removed, and soon.

Equipment & Non-powered abilities:
  • Empathy & Compassion
  • High School Education
  • College Degree
  • A wealthy family with many connections
  • Hand-to-hand combat: basic kickboxing, basic kung fu, still learning, and thus, still somewhat sloppy, and mainly power focused, rather than balanced.
  • Weapon's license & training: basic knowledge, still sloppy, still training.
  • Bodysuit: A protective, powered bodysuit that complements the nanomachines in her blood, as well as Trinity's public "HERO" look.
    • The Smart Helmet allows her to scan her surroundings and The Opposition to communicate with her, and transfer information.
  • Motorcycle: Her way of getting around the city.

The Scarlet Five: Bad
The Opposition: Good
The Police: Fair


To start off, I really like this character. It's well written, builds the world around it, and compels me to read more about Trinity. This character will surely be one of the strongest in the Opposition, that's obvious. How high would you put her? is she a simple solider on the field? or more of a commanding officer?

Now, onto my questions for her abilities. I do appreciate that your character is strong because that's needed in the Opposition, but I have some questions and possible limits to contribute with:

  • Super strength:
The super-strength questions are pretty straightforward.

How much can she lift? Is the strength in her muscles trainable? Can it increase or is it static?

Does superstrength also allow her to say, push herself off a building to somewhat fly?

If she can lift upwards of tons I suggest we should add a limit on how much she can fight using superstrength as many of our characters could be killed instantly by one punch, which is not fun :)

We could also limit her power use by morality, seeing as she maybe never could kill someone. This makes the roleplay (to me) much more interesting than just nerfing her power.
  • Flight:
How fast? Can she combine it with SuperSpeed?

Flight is a very powerful ability, I'll allow it yes since there are powers in this thread that definitely are more powerful than that.

How high can she fly? Can she also levitate or does she have to move forward? Can she resist atmospheric changes/pressure?

I'd suggest either that it takes a lot of energy to sustain or that turns, stopping and etc are very hard.

  • SuperSpeed:
You say faster than a bullet? How fast exactly? Does your reaction speed match your otherwise speed?

Can you sustain running over longer distances or Is it mainly for close quarters dodging?
  • Superhearing:
This one is almost fine, except you need to say exactly ish how large an area we're talking about here.

  • Superhealing:
I can agree with this one with the change that let's say it has 100% healing at the start of a fight, more healing being used results in slower healing and if a fight goes on too long, none. Let me know what you think. Healing is a very powerful ability.
  • Like
Reactions: N0X
I have finally updated Leon's CS, primarily on his story and stuff. Feel free to check it out. Once he is fully approved, I will begin copy-pasting the sheets into the official character compendium.
I have finally updated Leon's CS, primarily on his story and stuff. Feel free to check it out. Once he is fully approved, I will begin copy-pasting the sheets into the official character compendium.
If I understand it correctly, he was foremly part of TO then switched over when they ordered him to kill Bluebird? otherwise approved.
Exactly, assuming that he was even part of TO (given the updates proving that no record of him in the group was proven to exist, opening the possibility that he made it all up to mess around with the other parties).
@TMITM, It's okay to make new characters but please post them here before posting them in the Scarletverse OOC thread. That way I can have a look at it!
File [Encrypted]
Subject name: Unknown
Alias: Blindfold
{Note: He has shared that he had a name, but has not shared what it is - we did not have time to gain enough trust before the [REDACTED] incident.}

All his family has been corrupted by a mysterious entity known as TMITM for reasons unknown to us at this time. After living on the street for a while, we picked him up and included him in our ranks partially for research and weapon development of his unique abilities. However, the subject, after the [REDACTED] incident, in which case the subject was used as chaos control for a local gang, developed signs of more severe PTSD, and blamed the Opposition, under which he was employed at that time, for the numerous criminal and civilian casualties. After the subject's departure, the subject joined the ranks of the Scarlet Five. He is now considered an enemy and must be recaptured as soon as possible for further research.
{Note: The subject is to be recaptured or killed at ALL COSTS. Under no circumstances is he to remain in The Scarlet Five.}

Affiliation: The Scarlet Five - previously of The Opposition.
He has expressed, on multiple and numerous occasions since the [REDACTED] incident, that he is set fully against the Opposition and government for what we have done in our research to further the safety of our city.

His first power is Symbiotic Constructs, in which he can manipulate the ink-like substance that leaks from his eyes to make makeshift weapons, assist him in fighting or doing superhuman feats, launching projectiles, and healing. All of these things create strain and if the strain exceeds a certain amount, he will have an attack akin to a seizure; where all of his powers go out of control. It is very dangerous to be close to him in this situation.
We have conducted a long, arduous, and largely unfruitful study of the mysterious substance that is the source for his supernatural and, as of yet, inexplicable power set. It seems that the substance emits an interference that makes all things go on the fritz - a sort of bad luck radius. Depending on the mood of the subject, It's power can range from barely noticeable to completely crippling in some cases.
The substance can range from extremely flexible to iron-hard qualities and can range between the two at incredible speeds. It is made out of cells, making it organic, but it cannot be confirmed if it has a mind of its own or possesses the qualities of a living being. It can be likened to a symbiote or parasite, living off of the subject and taking a share of his food.
His second power is of particular interest to us; contrary to popular belief, humans see, and think, in four dimensions. Length, Height, Width, and Time. The subject sees only in three - seeing everything in time at once. For the subject, it is very disorientating even at the best of times, so he prefers to stay in one moment, based on the things he hears.
The third is some telekinesis, which usually manifests itself during his attacks as a wide blast of force.

Equipment & Non-powered abilities:

The subject knows many forms of martial arts, including karate, Kung Fu, and Shinkendo. He has also expressed an interest in modern Ninjutsu, but we have declined.


He does not have a very good opinion of the Opposition.
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I’m unsure if Trinity is mature enough to be a commanding officer, although she certainly has the power and influence! I’d say just a soldier for now, and maybe she is given the position later on. @Teeloffel